Bay Area Gala on October 15 with Jeff Chang and Life After Hate

August 18, 2022
Bay Area Gala on October 15 with Jeff Chang and Life After Hate

Please join us on October 15 at 1pm PST (4pm EST) for the annual online gala organized by ALBA’s Bay Area Committee. This online event will feature a keynote by Jeff Chang; a presentation on Asian veterans of the International Brigades by experts Nancy and Len Tsou; Patrick Riccards of Life After Hate, the...
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ALBA’s Getting Ready for a Very Busy Fall!

August 18, 2022
ALBA’s Getting Ready for a <em>Very</em> Busy Fall!

Mark your calendars. ALBA is proud and excited to present a full slate of events for the next three months, with the Bay Area Gala, a Susman Lecture, a workshop, and other gatherings--both online and in-person.
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Young Actors Read George and Ruth Watt’s Letters

May 20, 2022
Young Actors Read George and Ruth Watt’s Letters

On April 9, Vero Maynez and Nathan Payne, two Berkeley-trained actors, movingly interpreted excerpts from the Spanish Civil War correspondence between Lincoln volunteer George Watt and his wife Ruth. Stage-directed by ALBA’s Peter Glazer and presented by María Hernández-Ojeda, the event brought the online audience to tears. The performance was based on a script...
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Books in Brief: Before Che

May 20, 2022
<em>Books in Brief:</em> Before Che

Peter Rutkoff, Before Che: M-26-7. Gambier, OH: XOXOX Press, 2019. 284pp.
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Books in Brief: Jim Higgins’ War

May 20, 2022
<em>Books in Brief:</em> Jim Higgins’ War

Jim Higgins (with Janette Higgins), Fighting for Democracy: The True Story of Jim Higgins (1907-1982). Victoria, B.C.: Friesen Press, 2020. 196pp.
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Book Review: Red Tarancón

May 20, 2022
<em>Book Review:</em> Red Tarancón

Red Tarancón: Spaniards and Internationals in a Tarancón at War. Cuenca: Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica, 2022.
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Book Review: Isa Reyes’ Escape

May 20, 2022
<em>Book Review:</em> Isa Reyes’ Escape

Dorian L. (Dusty) Nicol. “Miss Spain in Exile”: Isa Reyes’ Escape from the Spanish Civil War. Eastbourne and Chicago: Sussex Academic Press, 2021. 240pp.
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Catalan Government Seeks to Exhume, Identify, and Repatriate IB Remains

May 20, 2022
Catalan Government Seeks to Exhume, Identify, and Repatriate IB Remains

The Catalan government officially inaugurated its plans to exhume, identify, and repatriate the remains of International Brigade volunteers who died in Catalonia.
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Almudena Carracedo, Filmmaker: “We Try to Create a Channel for Empathy.”

May 20, 2022
Almudena Carracedo, Filmmaker: “We Try to Create a Channel for Empathy.”

At ALBA’s 2022 online gala, I spoke with the Spanish filmmaker Almudena Carracedo, who together with Robert Bahar created The Silence of Others (2018), an award-winning documentary about memory, truth, and justice. Here is the entire conversation.
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Chick Chakin’s Last Chance

May 20, 2022
Chick Chakin’s Last Chance

Like many participants in the 1936 Popular Olympics in Barcelona, Alfred Chakin was a talented athlete. He was also a committed antifascist.
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Radio Music in Civil-War Madrid

May 20, 2022
Radio Music in Civil-War Madrid

The Spanish Civil War is often viewed as the first in which radio was used as a political and military weapon and an important instrument of propaganda. The radio provided a welcome means of entertainment and distraction amid the devastation and hardship. But what role did radio music play in the conflict and what...
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Spain and the War in Ukraine: Debates

May 20, 2022
By and

The Russian invasion of Ukraine—which ALBA forcefully condemned—has unleashed a fascinating debate about historical parallels with the Spanish Civil War. A sampling.
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Two Poems

May 20, 2022
Two Poems

"His Knee" and "The Spectrum"
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Peter Carroll: Tributes

May 20, 2022
Peter Carroll: Tributes

Tributes by Daniel Czitrom, Gladys and Neal Rosenstein, Helen Graham, Paul Preston, James D. Fernández, Ellyn Polshek, and Anthony Geist.
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Peter N. Carroll: “I’m an Anarchist.”

May 20, 2022
Peter N. Carroll: “I’m an Anarchist.”

Peter N. Carroll—renowned historian, poet, and (co-)editor of this magazine for more than twenty years—has been involved with ALBA for four decades. Time for a tribute.
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Letter from ALBA: The Relevance of a Legacy

May 19, 2022
Letter from ALBA: The Relevance of a Legacy

Dear friends, As this issue goes to press, ALBA is wrapping up a busy, program-filled spring. A highlight, no doubt, was our online gala on April 30, which included the ALBA/Puffin Award for Life After Hate, along with stirring music and thought-provoking conversations about the relevance today of the legacy embodied by the International...
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5-Week Institute for Teachers in March and April Successful

May 19, 2022
5-Week Institute for Teachers in March and April Successful

In March and April, ALBA offered a five-week online workshop to close to 30 teachers from the United States and elsewhere, working with the Collaborative for Educational Services of Massachusetts.
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Massachusetts Passes Genocide Education Law

May 19, 2022
Massachusetts Passes Genocide Education Law

A new educational law in Massachusetts encourages teachers to teach about genocide—including cases in US history—the in the context of human rights. The connection with ALBA’s teaching institutes is clear.
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ALBA Welcomes Two New Board Members and New Staff

May 19, 2022
ALBA Welcomes Two New Board Members and New Staff

ALBA is thrilled to announce two new additions to its Board of Governors: Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha of Flint, Michigan, and Prof. Cristina Pérez Jiménez of New York City. Meanwhile, the ALBA office welcomes Cole Stallone as Communications Associate.
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Upcoming: Film Screening & Workshop on War Poetry

May 19, 2022
Upcoming: Film Screening & Workshop on War Poetry

On June 8, as a kick-off to Pride Month, ALBA will offer an online screening of Bones of Contention. Coming up on June 23: a workshop on Poetry and the Spanish Civil War, with Anthony Geist.
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Life After Hate Receives ALBA/Puffin Human Rights Award at Moving Annual Gala

May 19, 2022
Life After Hate Receives ALBA/Puffin Human Rights Award at Moving Annual Gala

At a moving, content-filled annual gala on April 30 (video), Life After Hate received this year’s ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism (press release).
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Letter to the Editors: Praise for Workshop on Hemingway

February 12, 2022
<em>Letter to the Editors:</em> Praise for Workshop on Hemingway

To the Editors: I am writing to congratulate ALBA for the terrific workshop on Hemingway and the Lincoln Brigade, in the Perry Rosenstein Cultural Series. The many names of Lincolns rang many bells for me and reminded me of the time I worked with Marion Wachtel to write our book on Robert Merriman, American Commander in...
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Letter to the Editors: About Manus O’Riordan

February 12, 2022
<em>Letter to the Editors:</em> About Manus O’Riordan

To the Editors: While there have been many recent tributes to my late partner Manus O’Riordan in the Irish media, including President D. Michael Higgins’ own website, and from the many organizations in which he was involved, such as the IBMT and his union, SIPTU, The Volunteer’s article on Manus held very special significance...
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Book Review: Franco’s Legacies

February 11, 2022
<em>Book Review:</em> Franco’s Legacies

Exhuming Franco: Spain’s Second Transition, by Sebastiaan Faber. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 2021.
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Almudena Grandes (1960-2021)

February 11, 2022
Almudena Grandes (1960-2021)

Spanish author Almudena Grandes, who died in November, aged 61, was famed for her novels portraying ordinary Spaniards’ experience of civil war and dictatorship. Against attempts to veil the past in silence, she insisted that unearthing historical memory was fundamental to building a democratic Spain.
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Catalan Government Names Program After Alvah Bessie

February 11, 2022
Catalan Government Names Program After Alvah Bessie

The regional government of Catalonia has instituted a new program as part of its ongoing efforts to locate and exhume mass graves from the Spanish Civil War and use DNA technology to identify the remains. The new program, which will be named after Lincoln Brigade veteran Alvah Bessie, will focus specifically on exhuming and...
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The Road to Nightmare Alley: William Lindsay Gresham in the Spanish Civil War

February 11, 2022
The Road to Nightmare Alley: William Lindsay Gresham in the Spanish Civil War

Director Guillermo del Toro’s new film Nightmare Alley is bringing renewed attention to the author of the classic novel by the same name: William L. Gresham, who served in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War. Yet Gresham’s service in Spain is typically mentioned only because his first and most successful novel was...
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Rescuing the Archive: A Spanish Friend of the International Brigades Remembers

February 11, 2022
Rescuing the Archive: A Spanish Friend of the International Brigades Remembers

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Spanish Association of Friends of the International Brigades (AABI) worked to collect the oral histories of brigadistas and to inventory the IB’s archival legacy, which was not only geographically dispersed but often under threat. The Spanish archivist Julia Cela spent eight unforgettable years of her life...
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Poetry Feature: A Wound in the Heart

February 11, 2022
<em>Poetry Feature:</em> A Wound in the Heart

Mayday, the earth warms, greens, a trumpet on the car radio bleeds, Miles Davis, Sketches of Spain, the drama of rebirth, a staccato horn chases the bull in an arena, cycles of disorder.
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Salaria Kea in the Archive

February 11, 2022
Salaria Kea in the Archive

Salaria Kea, the only African American woman to serve in Spain, sailed from New York City with the second American Medical Unit on March 27, 1937, and returned to the United States in May 1938. To understand what her experience was like, we must rely on documents scattered through various archives. But archives are...
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Faces of ALBA: The Junas Family

February 11, 2022
Faces of ALBA: The Junas Family

Like most veterans of the Lincoln Brigade, the experience of fighting in Spain shaped the rest of the lives of Stanley Junas and his family.
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Florida Chamber Group Tells Abraham Lincoln Brigade Story Through Music

February 11, 2022
Florida Chamber Group Tells Abraham Lincoln Brigade Story Through Music

In December 2021 and January 2022, the South Florida Chamber Ensemble (SFCE) performed Extranjeros, a program about the Spanish Civil War and the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Written by Myrna Meeroff and produced in partnership with ALBA, the program featured music and texts from Manuel de Falla, María Rodrigo, Joaquín Rodrigo, Federico García Lorca, Joaquín...
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New ALBA Collections Available Online As Tamiment Tackles Difficult Digitization

February 11, 2022
New ALBA Collections Available Online As Tamiment Tackles Difficult Digitization

The ever-expanding ALBA collection, which has been housed at NYU’s Tamiment-Wagner Library since its transfer from Brandeis University in 2000, is now increasingly available online. The slow but steady efforts to digitize materials—archival-quality preservation and transfer is a time-intensive, painstaking process—have focused primarily on graphic and audiovisual objects: not only photographs, posters, and postcards...
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Living Memorials: Reenacting Spanish Civil War in 2021

February 11, 2022
Living Memorials: Reenacting Spanish Civil War in 2021

A growing number of dedicated living historians are choosing to portray the Spanish Civil War at public history events. Although they are as diverse as the Brigadistas they portray, they are united in their passion for history and desire to inspire people to learn more about the conflict.
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Letter from ALBA: Recovery and Inspiration

February 11, 2022
Letter from ALBA: Recovery and Inspiration

Dear Friends, When Bryan Stevenson received the ALBA/Puffin Award in 2014, he spoke about the message he likes to deliver to white audiences: “I often say: ‘Many of you were raised in households where your parents and your teachers—the people you loved and trusted—taught you that you’re better than everybody else because you are...
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