¡No Pasarán! The Popular Front Strikes Back

August 28, 2024
<em>¡No Pasarán!</em> The Popular Front Strikes Back

This issue's cover (see the print edition here) celebrates the worldwide antifascist movement. In a year where countries across the globe—including the United States—are facing a surge of far-right parties, France saw a revival of the Popular Front, a broad antifascist coalition that managed to hold the Rassemblement National at bay.
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ALBA Celebrates Pride Month and Inaugurates New Monthly Spanish Civil War Film Series

August 28, 2024
ALBA Celebrates Pride Month and Inaugurates New Monthly Spanish Civil War Film Series

ALBA’s Monthly Film Discussion Series Kicks Off On July 16, ALBA hosted the first session of its new online film discussion series, sponsored by the Peter N. Carroll Anti-Fascist Education Fund, and geared toward both teachers and the general public. The series features in-depth...
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Posted in News, Education

News from Spain: Citizenship for IB Descendants; the Jarama March; Spanish Citizenship

August 28, 2024
News from Spain: Citizenship for IB Descendants; the Jarama March; Spanish Citizenship

Catalonia’s Alvah Bessie Program Reports Progress An article in The Guardian on May 29 reported that the Alvah Bessie Program, through which the government of Catalonia seeks to locate, exhume, identify, and repatriate the remains of International Brigade Volunteers who died during the Spanish...
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Iago Macknik-Conde Wins NHD Competition

August 28, 2024
Iago Macknik-Conde Wins NHD Competition

Brooklyn high school student Iago Macknik-Conde, who last year was named a History Day finalist with a project on the Lincoln Brigade, won the most recent National History Day...
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Special Edition of Joe Dallet Letters for ALBA Donors

August 28, 2024
Special Edition of Joe Dallet Letters for ALBA Donors

As a gift to those who donate $125 or more to ALBA, we offer a facsimile reproduction of the 1938 pamphlet Letters from Spain by Joe Dallet to his...
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Letter from ALBA: ¡No Pasarán!

August 28, 2024
Letter from ALBA: <em>¡No Pasarán!</em>

Dear Friends: I was honored to be elected as chair of ALBA’s Board of Governors in May of this year. ALBA has had a series of dedicated chairs who...
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Posted in Letters

Nehru and the Spanish Civil War

August 28, 2024
Nehru and the Spanish Civil War

Why did Jawaharlal Nehru, future prime minister of India, visit civil-war Spain in 1938? As it turned out, the triangular relationship between Britain, Spain, and India had deep cultural and geopolitical implications.
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Posted in Features

Her Most Heart-Felt Cause: Martha Gellhorn and Spain

August 29, 2024
Her Most Heart-Felt Cause: Martha Gellhorn and Spain

The time she spent in civil-war Spain loomed large in the life of Martha Gellhorn, the St. Louis-born war journalist. “The truth is that Martha could not stop thinking, feeling, and writing about her Spanish experiences.” “Objectivity bullshit.” That’s what Martha Gellhorn (1908-1998)­ called...
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Posted in Features, Essays

Returning Home: Three Sephardim in the Spanish Civil War

August 29, 2024
By and
Returning Home: Three Sephardim in the Spanish Civil War

Among the thousands of Jewish volunteers who joined the International Brigades were many descendants of the Sephardim. What was it like for them to “return” to Spain? Three case studies: Lini de Vries, César Covo, and Samuel Nahman, aka Manny Harriman.
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Posted in Features

Dancing for Democracy: Janet Riesenfeld’s Spanish Memoir

August 29, 2024
Dancing for Democracy: Janet Riesenfeld’s Spanish Memoir

How the 22-year-old Jewish American dancer Janet Riesenfeld performed flamenco to help raise money for the Second Republic under fascist attack.
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Posted in Features

Generalissimo Francisco Franco is Still Dead—Fifty Years Later

August 29, 2024
Generalissimo Francisco Franco is Still Dead—Fifty Years Later

As SNL is preparing for its 50th anniversary, Tyler Goldberger speaks with Chevy Chase about his legendary gag on Franco’s death.
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Posted in Interviews

Vicent Andrés Estellés: Memory as Resistance

August 29, 2024
Vicent Andrés Estellés: Memory as Resistance

This month marks the centenary celebrations for the Valencian poet Vicent Andrés Estellés (1924-1993), born 100 years ago on September 4, 1924. While he is widely considered the greatest...
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Posted in Essays

Documentary, Camouflaged: How Did The Spanish Earth Reach A Wide US Audience?

August 29, 2024
Documentary, Camouflaged: How Did <em>The Spanish Earth</em> Reach A Wide US Audience?

In the 1930s, documentaries were shut out of mainstream commercial movie houses. Joris Ivens’s legendary film about the Spanish war reached thousands of viewers nonetheless.
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Posted in Essays

Book Review: A Russian in the Blue Division

August 29, 2024
<em>Book Review:</em> A Russian in the Blue Division

An Anti-Communist on the Eastern Front: The Memoirs of a Russian Officer in the Spanish Blue Division, 1941-1942, by Vladimir Kovalevskii, edited by Xosé Manoel Núñez Seixas and Oleg...
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Posted in Reviews

Books Briefly Noted: Spain’s Many Postwars

August 29, 2024
<em>Books Briefly Noted:</em> Spain’s Many Postwars

Carlos Rodríguez del Risco, Yo he estado en Mauthausen, edición crítica. Edited by Sara J. Brenneis. Carmen Moreno-Nuño, Haciendo Memoria.
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Posted in Reviews

Michael Bailey (1946-2024)

August 29, 2024
Michael Bailey (1946-2024)

Michael Bailey, son of Lincoln vet Bill Bailey, passed from natural causes June 22 in Seattle. He was 77. A red-diaper kid in a family threatened by right-wing anti-Communists,...
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Posted in Memory's Roster

In Memoriam Frank G. Tinker Jr. (1909-1939)

August 29, 2024
In Memoriam Frank G. Tinker Jr. (1909-1939)

In the summer of 1939, well into writing the For Whom the Bell Tolls, Hemingway heard that Frank Tinker, a volunteer American pursuit (fighter) pilot for the Republic had...
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Posted in Memory's Roster

Letter to the Editors

August 29, 2024
Letter to the Editors

I am very grateful to all the members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade for their selfless participation in the Spanish Civil War. I am the proud grandson of a...
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Posted in Letters

Foreign Volunteer Arrested – Translation by Peter Verbergh

August 2, 2024
Foreign Volunteer Arrested – Translation by Peter Verbergh

LA RÉPUBLIQUE -QUOTIDINEN DE COMBAT RADICAL ET SOCIALISTE, February 5, 1938 Foreign Volunteer Arrested On March 27 last, 29 North Americans were arrested on board the boat Sans-Pareil while...
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Posted in Blog

ALBA Board Member Steve Birnbaum Visited Hans Joachim’s Grave

May 28, 2024
ALBA Board Member Steve Birnbaum Visited Hans Joachim’s Grave

ALBA Board Member Steve Birnbaum made the trek on Memorial Day to the Home of Eternity Cemetary in Oakland, California to pay tribute to ALB veteran Hans Joachim.  Joachim...
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Graves Visited by a Michigan Volunteer

May 24, 2024
Graves Visited by a Michigan Volunteer

Please find attached photos of my visits to the graves of Lester Rowlson and Tersil Obriot last weekend.  I left a brigade flag and a fresh white rose at...
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