Perry Rosenstein Cultural Series: Spain & the Holocaust

Liberated prisoners in the Mauthausen concentration camp give rousing welcome to the 11th Armored Division. Photo Cpl Donald R. Ornitz, US Armed Forces. Public Domain.
On October 20 at 3 PM EDT / 12 PM PDT, the Perry Rosenstein Cultural Series will resume with a roundtable presentation on Spain, World War II, and the Holocaust, with ALBA board members Gina Herrmann and Robert Coale, who will be accompanied by Sara Brenneis and Joshua Goode. For updates, check the online event calendar.
This past June 30, ALBA’s Anthony B. Geist conducted a successful online workshop on Poetry and the Spanish Civil War. Close to two dozen participants delved into the work of César Vallejo, Rafael Alberti, John Cornford, and many others.