Stuyvesant Students Build Lincoln Brigade Website

August 27, 2020
Stuyvesant Students Build Lincoln Brigade Website

This spring, students at Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan built a website,, featuring Lincoln Brigade volunteers from New York City. Their history teacher, David Hanna, reports.
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Letter from ALBA: Our Work Matters More Than Ever

August 27, 2020
Letter from ALBA: Our Work Matters More Than Ever

As the chaos of this pandemic summer seems to foreshadow an even more eventful fall—please be sure you’re registered to vote!—we’re poised to continue our work with more determination than ever. Teaching history, inspiring activism, and upholding human rights: It’s hard to think of a time in recent memory when ALBA’s motto applied more...
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August 30: Documentary Screening & Discussion of The Internationale

August 27, 2020
August 30: Documentary Screening & Discussion of <em>The Internationale</em>

Join us on August 30 at 5pm EDT/2pm PDT for an online screening and discussion of Peter Miller’s documentary The Internationale. The film chronicles the history of the song—which was written by Eugene Pottier in 1871 at the fall of the Paris Commune—from before to the end of the Cold War. It includes performances...
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Isabel Allende and Walter Hood Headline ALBA’s Monument Celebration on September 12

August 27, 2020
Isabel Allende and Walter Hood Headline ALBA’s Monument Celebration on September 12

Following its successful online spring gala, ALBA invites you to join a live-streamed celebration of the Lincoln Brigade Monument in San Francisco, which has been recently restored. Speakers include Isabel Allende, Bill Fletcher, Walter Hood, Susan Schwartzenberg, Rafael Jesús González, and Harvey Smith. With several musical performances. ALBA Online Monument Celebration September 12, 5pm...
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Make Anti-Fascism Part of Your Legacy!

June 2, 2020
Make Anti-Fascism Part of Your Legacy!

What you leave to friends and loved ones—and the causes you champion—are ways of expressing your hopes and dreams for the future and perpetuate your part in the story of the Lincoln Brigade.  As you make your plans, please consider including ALBA in your will or living trust, or naming us as a beneficiary...
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Book Review: James Stout, The Popular Front and the Barcelona 1936 Popular Olympics

June 2, 2020
<em>Book Review:</em> James Stout, <em>The Popular Front and the Barcelona 1936 Popular Olympics</em>

The Popular Front and the Barcelona 1936 Popular Olympics: Playing as if the World Were Watching, by James Stout. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2020.
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Book Review: Leonora Carrington, Down Below

June 2, 2020
<em>Book Review:</em> Leonora Carrington, <em>Down Below</em>

Down Below, by Leonora Carrington.  Translated by Victor Llona, with an introduction by Marina Warner. New York: NYRB, 2017.
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Famed 9th Company of the Leclerc Division Loses Its Last Spanish Veteran

June 2, 2020
Famed 9th Company of the Leclerc Division Loses Its Last Spanish Veteran

Recognition of the presence of Spanish Loyalists in the French Army over the last 15 years has unfortunately led to the propagation of numerous myths.
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A Mac-Pap Amongst the Lincolns

June 2, 2020
A Mac-Pap Amongst the Lincolns

On returning to Canada from the Spanish Civil War, Jim Higgins was branded a communist, hounded by the RCMP, and welcomed by his Lincoln Battalion comrades when he sought refuge in New York. In his soon-to-be-published book, he writes, “It rained like hell but I was very happy.”
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Faces of ALBA: Jack Mayerhofer

June 2, 2020
Faces of ALBA: Jack Mayerhofer

Jack Mayerhofer is the newest member of the ALBA Board of Governors and its freshest face.  A leading figure in the protection human rights and the development of education programs to prevent mass atrocities across the globe, Jack holds a B.S. in French and Applied Linguistics from Penn State University and an M.S. in...
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Poetry Feature: On the Dry Sea of Sonora

June 2, 2020
<em>Poetry Feature:</em> On the Dry Sea of Sonora

Lollie Butler is a Fellow in Literature, granted by the Arizona Commission for the Arts.
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Dead Labor: What Lincoln Vet Len Olson Taught His Daughter

June 2, 2020
Dead Labor: What Lincoln Vet Len Olson Taught His Daughter

What Lincoln vet Len Olson taught his daughter Hannah. “Think of all the work that was done to this thing by someone’s hands.”
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ALBA Receives Unique Donation

June 2, 2020
ALBA Receives Unique Donation

Two months ago, our New York office received a unique gift from David Geltman of Boston. Geltman is the grandson of Israel Perlman, who was a New York City bookseller. In February 1939, the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (VALB) organized a fundraiser auction for anti-Nazi writers and the VALB Rehabilitation Fund. Sponsors...
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ALBA Launches Redesigned Website

June 2, 2020
ALBA Launches Redesigned Website

ALBA’s website at has been redesigned from the ground up. The searchable online database of volunteers who left for Spain from the United States will be updated over the summer, along with a broad range of content for teachers and the general public. Check back in regularly! The online edition of The Volunteer...
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ALBA Offers Online Teacher Workshop

June 2, 2020
ALBA Offers Online Teacher Workshop

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, ALBA’s in-person institutes are being postponed until further notice. Instead, we will be offering a fully online workshop from June 30 through July 28 with our partners at the Collaborative for Educational Services in Northampton, MA. Titled “America and World Fascism: From the Spanish Civil War to Nuremberg and...
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Letter from ALBA: We’re All in This Together

June 2, 2020
Letter from ALBA: We’re All in This Together

“Why should one care about events taking place far away?” This is one of the “essential questions” that drive our work with teachers around the country. Together with the question “When do you stand up for what you believe in?” it captures the spirit of the internationalist commitment that drove the almost 40,000 volunteers...
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“Humanitarian Aid Cannot Be Criminalized”

June 2, 2020
“Humanitarian Aid Cannot Be Criminalized”

We speak with one of the No More Deaths volunteers who faced trial for helping save migrants’ lives. In August 2017, Madeline Huse and three other volunteers of the Tucson-based organization No More Deaths entered the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona to deposit jugs of water and cans of beans near various...
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ALBA’s Live Online Celebration Draws Thousands Worldwide

June 2, 2020
ALBA’s Live Online Celebration Draws Thousands Worldwide

Defying the devastating Covid-19 crisis, this past May 17 ALBA’s annual reunion and ALBA/Puffin Award ceremony—celebrated fully online (Facebook | YouTube)—brought together viewers from around the world. Hosted by ALBA’s María Hernández-Ojeda and Sebastiaan Faber, the celebration featured speeches by Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, Neal Rosenstein, ALBA’s executive director Mark Wallem, and ALBA governors...
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Hubs of Antifascism: The Spanish Anarchist Press in the United States

May 18, 2020
Hubs of Antifascism: The Spanish Anarchist Press in the United States

Among the thousands of Spanish workers who arrived in the United States around the turn of the twentieth century were many with radical traditions rooted in their homeland, which at the time boasted one of the world’s most vibrant anarchist movements. They created scores of cultural and mutual aid societies in cities and rural...
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From Toulouse to Trotsky’s Assassin: The Story Behind an Iconic Photograph

May 17, 2020
From Toulouse to Trotsky’s Assassin: The Story Behind an Iconic Photograph

Marina Ginestà became world-famous late in life when a stunning photograph taken at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War surfaced in a Spanish archive. With the help of Marina’s son, the journalist Yvonne Scholten uncovers new details of Ginestà’s adventurous life.
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Poetry Feature: Abe & Jack, Milt, Moe, Dave…

May 2, 2020
<em>Poetry Feature:</em> Abe & Jack, Milt, Moe, Dave…

Abe & Jack, Milt, Moe, Dave…   They were not my family. They distrusted strangers. I could only approach them slowly, these Americans who had volunteered to fight fascists in the Spanish Civil War.   They lost, bad guys won—they bore failure like primal sin or first love that comes and goes, never leaves....
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Book Review: Guns, Culture and Moors by Ali Al Tuma

May 2, 2020
Book Review: <em>Guns, Culture and Moors</em> by Ali Al Tuma

Guns, Culture and Moors: Racial Perceptions, Cultural Impact and the Moroccan Participation in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). By Ali Al Tuma (New York & London: Routledge, 2018).
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Book Review: The Age of Disenchantments by Aaron Shulman

May 2, 2020
Book Review: <em>The Age of Disenchantments</em> by Aaron Shulman

The Age of Disenchantments: The Epic Story of Spain’s Most Notorious Literary Family and the Long Shadow of the Spanish Civil War, by Aaron Shulman. Ecco/HarperCollins Publishers.
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Book Review: A Good American Family by David Maraniss

May 2, 2020
Book Review: <em>A Good American Family</em> by David Maraniss

A Good American Family: The Red Scare and My Father, by David Maraniss. New York, Simon and Schuster, 2019.
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Honoring Spanish Civil War Vets on Memorial Day

May 2, 2020
By and
Honoring Spanish Civil War Vets on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the day traditionally set aside to remember Americans who served in the military.  And yet Americans who went to Spain to fight fascism are rarely if ever included in the remembrances on this day. We would like to change this. Over the last two years, Canadian volunteers led by Pamela Vivian,...
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From New York Chinatown to Spain: Wen-Rao Chen

May 2, 2020
By and
From New York Chinatown to Spain: Wen-Rao Chen

Twenty-five years ago, Len and Nancy Tsou made a ten-day trip to Spain tracing some of the battlefields where Chinese brigadistas had fought in the Spanish Civil War. Among other sites, they followed the trail of a Lincoln vet, Wen-Rao Chen of the XVth International Brigade, who lost his life in the battle of...
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Loyalist Voices Crying Out across the Ocean: the EAQ Radio Broadcast during the Spanish Civil War

May 2, 2020
Loyalist Voices Crying Out across the Ocean: the EAQ Radio Broadcast during the Spanish Civil War

In the spring of 1937, a group of English-speaking journalists and filmmakers launched a shortwave radio broadcast from Madrid to tell the world what was happening in Spain firsthand. It found an eager audience all across the United States and Canada.
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Ramon Sender Barayón: A Pioneer in Music & Memory: An interview with Filmmaker Luis Olano

May 2, 2020
Ramon Sender Barayón: A Pioneer in Music & Memory: An interview with Filmmaker Luis Olano

Ramon Sender Barayón is a pioneer of US counterculture and the son of Amparo Barayón, who was killed by fascists in the Spanish Civil War, and the novelist Ramón J. Sender. A new documentary by Luis Olano sheds light on his remarkable life.
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History and Intimacy: Reading the Lincolns’ Letters in a College Classroom Today

May 2, 2020
History and Intimacy: Reading the Lincolns’ Letters in a College Classroom Today

ALBA’s teaching resources are used in college and high-school classrooms throughout the United States. A testimonial from the University of Chicago.
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“We cannot close our eyes to injustice.” Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha Gives the 2020 Susman Lecture

May 2, 2020
“We cannot close our eyes to injustice.” Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha Gives the 2020 Susman Lecture

Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, the pediatrician who gained national prominence by exposing the Flint, Michigan water crisis in 2015, presented ALBA’s annual Susman Lecture to a packed auditorium on the Wayne State campus in Detroit, Michigan on January 27.
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The San Francisco Monument Repaired: Taps for the Abraham Lincoln Brigade

May 2, 2020
The San Francisco Monument Repaired: Taps for the Abraham Lincoln Brigade

A decade after its inauguration on the San Francisco Embarcadero, the only government-supported monument to the Lincoln Brigade in the USA has been restored. The following article first appeared in Counterpunch on August 16, 2008, soon after the original dedication ceremonies.
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Letter from ALBA: Adapting to the Crisis

May 2, 2020
Letter from ALBA: Adapting to the Crisis

Dear Friends, We at ALBA would like to express solidarity with all those affected by the COVID crisis. When the brave men and women of the Lincoln Brigade departed on their odyssey for Spain, they were practicing the solidarity that has always been at the heart of our organization. If we wish to endure...
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Live Online Gala on May 17 with ALBA/Puffin Award for “No More Deaths”

May 2, 2020
Live Online Gala on May 17 with ALBA/Puffin Award for “No More Deaths”

The 2020 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism goes to No More Deaths in support of its humanitarian efforts to alleviate the suffering and end the fatalities of those crossing the southern border of the United States. The award will be presented at ALBA's Live Online Gala on May 17 at 5 pm EDT.
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Leave ALBA in Your Will

December 15, 2019
Leave ALBA in Your Will

What you leave to friends and loved ones—and the causes you champion—are ways of expressing your hopes and dreams for the future. As you make your plans, please consider joining the Jarama Society by including ALBA in your will or living trust, or naming us as a beneficiary of your estate. ALBA accepts legacy...
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Herbert Freeman (1924-2019)

December 15, 2019
Herbert Freeman (1924-2019)

Herbie (Herbert W.) Freeman, 95, died November 1, 2019 in Tucson, AZ, surrounded by family. Herbie was born in Brooklyn, on October 28, 1924, to Samuel and Vishe (Feigenblatt) Freeman. His older brother, Jack, was killed while fighting in Spain with the International Brigades for the Spanish Republic when Herbie was only 14. Herbie...
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