Book Review: Eyewitness account recovered

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> Eyewitness account recovered

The Life and Death of the Spanish Republic, by Henry Buckley. (London, New York: I.B. Tauris, 2013). Introduction by Paul Preston.
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Book Review: Rukeyser’s “Lost” Memoir Rediscovered

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> Rukeyser’s “Lost” Memoir Rediscovered

Savage Coast by Muriel Ruykeyser.  The Feminist Press, 2013.
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Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia revisited

September 15, 2013
Orwell’s <em>Homage to Catalonia</em> revisited

‘Homage to Catalonia’ Praised for literary merit but criticised for narrow focus at Len Crome Memorial Lecture
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Faces of ALBA: Josie Yurek and Andrew Plotch

September 15, 2013
Faces of ALBA: Josie Yurek and Andrew Plotch

Get to know two members of the ALBA community.
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US cinema and the Popular Front: Spain as common cause

September 14, 2013
US cinema and the Popular Front: Spain as common cause

On July 25, 1937, the New York Times’ John T. McManus interviewed Joris Ivens, a young Dutch movie director who had just arrived in the United States. What sparked the interview was the premiere of The Spanish Earth, a documentary about the Spanish Civil War financed by a handful of American intellectuals that included...
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HUMAN RIGHTS COLUMN: Imagining immigration reform

September 14, 2013
<em>HUMAN RIGHTS COLUMN:</em> Imagining immigration reform

As Congress returns from its summer vacation, for the first time in a generation it will confront the meaningful prospect of enacting immigration reform legislation. That reform is even a possibility is due in large part to the courage, militancy, and strategic vision of undocumented immigrant youth across the country, whose risk-taking campaign...
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The Singing Dutchman of the Lincoln Brigade

September 14, 2013
The Singing Dutchman of the Lincoln Brigade

The wandering Dutchman Bart van der Schelling painted with Willem de Kooning, sang with Woody Gunthrie and Pete Seeger, fought fascists in the Lincoln Battalion, and is credited with the lyrics to "Viva la Quince Brigada"--yet much of his life remains shrouded in mystery. Yvonne Scholten investigates.
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Bay Area reunion in October

September 14, 2013
Bay Area reunion in October

Bay Area ALBA Reunion, October 6 This Land is Our Land: Internationalism, Citizenship, Resistance; a commemorative celebration marking the 77th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War Join us!
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Teaching a new generation

September 14, 2013
Teaching a new generation

The new Common Core Standards provide ALBA with an opportunity to help more high school teachers introduce the Spanish Civil War into their classes. Students will study history not by rote or memorization, but by confronting directly original primary documents.
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ALBA needs your commitment

September 14, 2013
By and
ALBA needs your commitment

Milton Wolff, last commander of the Abraham Lincoln battalion, marveled that it took him more years to write his memoir of the Spanish Civil War (Another Hill) than it took him to fight in it. For a “little war” (both in duration and scope) that war has had immense consequences and attracted immeasurable interest.
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ALBA joins Truth Commission platform

September 14, 2013
ALBA joins Truth Commission platform

On July 3, ALBA became the first organization from the United States to join the Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad sobre los Crímenes del Franquismo (Platform for the Truth Commission about the Crimes of Francoism). This initiative is the first step toward creating a United Nations Truth Commission in pursuit of justice...
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Spaniards want truth on Franco’s crimes

September 14, 2013
Spaniards want truth on Franco’s crimes

A broad coalition of organizations, including both ALBA and Baltasar Garzón's new foundation, is calling for a commission to establish, once and for all, the truth about the crimes of Francoism. Will they be successful? And if they are, what can a truth commission actually accomplish?
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Hands off the Madrid Monument!

September 14, 2013
Hands off the Madrid Monument!

A Madrid court order to remove the recently installed monument honoring the foreign volunteers who supported the Republic during the Spanish Civil War has sparked worldwide outrage. Spain’s Friends of the International Brigades (AABI) report.
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ALBA se une a la Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad

July 8, 2013
ALBA se une a la Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad

alba_logo(Versión en inglés.) Nueva York, 3 de  julio de 2013 - Los Archivos de la Brigada Abraham Lincoln (ALBA) se convierten en la primera organización de Estados Unidos en unirse a la Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad sobre los Crímenes del...
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Looking for my grandfather, Arturo Martín

June 20, 2013
Looking for my grandfather, Arturo Martín

As a child growing up in Madrid, I frequently used to ask my mom, María Luisa Jerez Marín, about her parents, whom I had never met. My grandmother, Modesta Marín, died of cancer at the early age of 42. And my grandfather, Arturo Martín, I was told ‘died in the war’, like so many...
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Review: War Comes to Andalusia

June 20, 2013
Review: War Comes to Andalusia

Skeletons in the Closet, Skeletons in the Ground: Repression, Victimization and Humiliation in a Small Andalusian Town. By Richard Barker. (London: Sussex Academic Press, 2012).
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Review: The British in Spain

June 20, 2013
Review: The British in Spain

Unlikely Warriors: The British in the Spanish Civil War and the Struggle against Fascism. By Richard Baxell. (London, Aurum, 2012).
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Remembering Marcus Billings

June 20, 2013
Remembering Marcus Billings

Marcus Judson Billings was born on June 10, 1914 in Redlands, California to O. S. Billings, a printer and the former Francis Devore, a housewife. He grew up in Redlands and graduated from Redlands High School.
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George Sossenko (1918-2013)

June 20, 2013
George Sossenko (1918-2013)

George Sossenko, who joined the fight in Spain at the young age of 16 and remained active in the fight for social justice until the end of his life, died March 14 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was 94.
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Poetry and moral imagination: Luis García Montero

June 20, 2013
Poetry and moral imagination: Luis García Montero

Luis García Montero is one of Spain’s most prominent public intellectuals. A successful poet and frequent political columnist for the progressive online paper Público, he is also a leading figure in the United Left coalition (Izquierda Unida) and has been among the most vocal supporters of Judge Baltasar Garzón. Last year, he helped found...
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Réquiem por la última imagen

June 20, 2013
Réquiem por la última imagen

“This is the most photogenic war anyone ever has seen.”* Estas palabras transcritas por Claud Cockburn carecían, en plena guerra civil, de perspectiva, mas no de perspicacia. Cierta magia hubo en esta contienda que la convirtió en epifanía de un nuevo tipo de conflicto bélico: violento y despiadado para una población civil que fotógrafos,...
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British allies: Keeping history alive

June 20, 2013
British allies: Keeping history alive

There were mixed feelings at the end of last year among those of us dedicated to preserving the memory of the 2,500 International Brigade volunteers from Britain and Ireland. On the one hand we celebrated the fact that the International Brigade Memorial Trust now has over 900 paying members. This is a record figure,...
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Franco, Nazi Collaborator

Franco, Nazi Collaborator

Francisco Franco, who ruled Spain until 1975, was obsessed with the notion of a powerful international conspiracy—led by Jews, Masons, Communists, and other “reds”— against the “new” Spain that emerged from his victory in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39. He referred to this plot in the very last speech he gave on October...
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Tourism in Franco’s Spain

June 20, 2013
Tourism in Franco’s Spain

Among many other Spanish Civil War commemorations this year, it may be interesting to note that July 2013 marks the 75th anniversary of one of the conflict’s most bizarre episodes. In December 2005, Professor Sandie Holguín of the University of Oklahoma published a piece of research in the American Historical Review, was based on...
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Missing Migrants Seeking truth on the border

June 20, 2013
<em>Missing Migrants</em> Seeking truth on the border

Several hundred undocumented migrants die each year of heatstroke or at the hands of organized crime as they attempt to cross the deserts of Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. Law enforcement officials struggle to identify the bodies, while families in Mexico and Central America wait anxiously, not knowing what happened to their relatives.
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ALBA Institute New Jersey teachers on track

June 20, 2013
<em>ALBA Institute</em> New Jersey teachers on track

Hurricane Sandy swamped the schools of Bergen County, New Jersey last November, forcing postponement of ALBA’s teaching institute, but the spring term brought an exciting revival as 22 Spanish language and social studies high school educators attended a lively one-day session at the Bergen County Academies, organized by administrator Tim Casperson, in Hackensack.
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HR COLUMN Obama’s illegal, unwise drones

June 20, 2013
<em>HR COLUMN</em> Obama’s illegal, unwise drones

President Barack Obama has escalated the Bush administration’s use of targeted killing with drones and other methods. Drones, which avoid U.S. casualties, are more palatable to the American people than ground invasions such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Of the 366 U.S. drone attacks that have killed more 3581 people in Pakistan...
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Stone and Ratner speak of courage and activism

June 20, 2013
Stone and Ratner speak of courage and activism

Michael Ratner, President Emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights, and filmmaker Oliver Stone spoke at ALBA’s event in New York, highlighting the connection between the courage of the Lincoln Brigade’s internationalist activism and the courage of the activists of United We Dream. See videos of their speeches. Kate Doyle, senior analyst at the National...
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ALBA roundtable on immigration reform: What can be done

June 15, 2013
ALBA roundtable on immigration reform: What can be done

Courage and fear, hope and despair: those were the recurring emotions expressed by five panelists who spoke about immigration reform at a round-table discussion organized by ALBA in New York on May 5. Speaking from the trenches, they confirmed that much has been achieved. And although the road ahead is long and complicated, every...
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The Greatest Generation, then and now

June 15, 2013
The Greatest Generation, then and now

Filmmaker Oliver Stone offered a moving encomium to the volunteers of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in his keynote speech at the 77th annual reunion held at Pace University in New York on May 5, where United We Dream received the annual ALBA / Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism (video | pictures).
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The man who can’t say no: Preston is working harder than ever

June 7, 2013
<em>The man who can’t say no</em>: Preston is working harder than ever

Paul Preston is impossible to avoid. Author of twelve books, editor of several more, and director of an important series on the subject, he towers mile-high in the landscape of Spanish Civil War scholarship. And yet in person he can be quite elusive. A previously arranged meeting for an interview in London first had...
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James Walker Benét (1914-2012)

March 19, 2013
James Walker Benét (1914-2012)

Jim Benét, lifelong journalist and veteran of the American Regiment de Tren (Transport) in the International Brigades, died in December near his home in northern California of a blood infection. He was 98. Born in New York to a literary family on both sides—his father was William Rose Benét, a poet; his uncle, Stephen...
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David Lomon, last British IBer (1918-2012)

March 18, 2013
David Lomon, last British IBer (1918-2012)

David Lomon, who died on 21 December 2012, aged 94, was the last known survivor in Britain of the more than 2,500 volunteers from the British Isles who joined the International Brigades.
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Letter to the editor

March 18, 2013

Dear ALBA, On behalf of the Broggi family (Dr. Moisés Broggi was my wife’s grandfather), I want to thank you for the thoughtful obituary published in The Volunteer. … As you know, the IB experience was a turning point in his medical career and his political awareness. He recalled that experience often, with clarity...
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Sylvia H. Thompson (1924-2012)

March 18, 2013
Sylvia H. Thompson (1924-2012)

Sylvia H. Thompson, who spent her life fighting for the poor and oppressed and championing the legacy of the veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, died of cancer in December in New York City. A stalwart supporter of both VALB and ALBA, she volunteered countless hours, year after year, organizing VALB’s annual reunions in...
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