HUMAN RIGHTS COLUMN: On universal jurisdiction

September 9, 2014
<i>HUMAN RIGHTS COLUMN:</i> On universal jurisdiction

The doctrine of Universal Jurisdiction allows tribunals from any State to prosecute heinous crimes that are an affront to all humanity. It is our most important weapon in the battle against the great criminals of history. Yet the United States is dragging its feet.
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Fighting the new fascism: Juan Carlos Monedero on PODEMOS, Spain’s new political force

September 9, 2014
Fighting the new fascism: Juan Carlos Monedero on PODEMOS, Spain’s new political force

In Spain this past May, the usually dull and boring elections to the European Union’s Parliament produced a sudden shock to the political system. A new two-month-old party led by a 35-year-old, pony-tailed political scientist, appeared out of nowhere—but clearly from the Left—to sweep up a surprising 8 percent of the votes. The result...
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History Day Winners: 8th-graders on the Lincolns

September 9, 2014
History Day Winners: 8th-graders on the Lincolns

Three 8th-grade students placed fifth at the National History Day Finals for their work on the history of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
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Letter from ALBA: United Nations defends Spanish victims

September 9, 2014
Letter from ALBA: United Nations defends Spanish victims

When things seem bleakest, hope often sparks.
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ALBA reaches out to teachers in four states, from Florida to Illinois

September 9, 2014
ALBA reaches out to teachers in four states, from Florida to Illinois

Kicking off a busy fall, ALBA worked with teachers in Tampa.
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Songs of the Spanish Civil War: The new edition

September 9, 2014
Songs of the Spanish Civil War: The new edition

In October, the Smithsonian is releasing a stunning new edition of its legendary two Folkways albums, Songs of the Spanish Civil War. First published in the early 1960s, these LPs compiled songs recorded on 78s by Pete Seeger, Tom Glazer, Ernst Busch, Bart van der Schelling and others during and shortly after the war....
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Solidarity Forever! Join us on Oct. 5 in Berkeley

September 9, 2014
<em>Solidarity Forever!</em> Join us on Oct. 5 in Berkeley

Join us for ALBA’s Bay Area Reunion! Sunday, October 5, 2014 2:00 PM (doors open at 1:00 PM) Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse 2020 Addison Street Berkeley, California
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Book Review Norman Bethune in Spain

June 12, 2014
<em>Book Review</em> Norman Bethune in Spain

Norman Bethune in Spain: Commitment, Crisis and Conspiracy. By David Letherbridge. (Brighton: Sussex Academic Press: Cañada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies, 2013.)
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Book Review Franco’s female political elite

June 12, 2014
<em>Book Review</em> Franco’s female political elite

Señoritas in Blue. The Making of a Female Political Elite in Franco’s Spain. The National Leadership of the Sección Femenina de la Falange (1936-1977). By Inbal Ofer. (Brighton; Portland, Oregon: Sussex Academic Press, 2009.)
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Book Review: Culture and Dictatorship

June 12, 2014
<em>Book Review:</em> Culture and Dictatorship

Franco’s Crypt: Spanish Culture and Memory since 1936. By Jeremy Treglown. (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013.)
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Book Review Spain’s violence: An English woman’s view

June 12, 2014
<em>Book Review</em> Spain’s violence: An  English woman’s view

Málaga Burning: An American Woman's Eyewitness Account of the Spanish Civil War By Gamel Woolsey. Introduction by Zalin Grant. 204 pages. $22. (Reston, VA: Pythia Press, 1998.)
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Betty Medsger: Exposing domestic surveillance, anno 1971

June 12, 2014
Betty Medsger: Exposing domestic surveillance, anno 1971

Betty Medsger delivered the annual Susman Lecture, based on her recent book The Burglary: he Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's Secret FBI. Medsger's book features the never-before-told full story of the history-changing break-in at the FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, in 1971. (Video, 49')
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Faces of ALBA: Don Myers, production manager

June 12, 2014
Faces of ALBA: Don Myers, production manager

Don Myers has long been the production manager for ALBA’s spring event. What do you do as a production manager? I oversee the technical and presentational aspects of the event and coordinate with both in-house and outside contractors to make sure that everyone is communicating with each other and aware of their responsibilities on...
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John Hovan (1916-2014): Citizen of Spain and the world

June 12, 2014
John Hovan (1916-2014): Citizen of Spain and the world

John Hovan, one of the first veterans of the Lincoln Brigade to take advantage of the Spanish law granting citizenship to foreign volunteers of the International Brigades, died in Providence, Rhode Island, on March 27. He was 97.
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Letter from ALBA: Know history to change history

June 12, 2014
By and
Letter from ALBA: Know history to change history

Bryan Stevenson’s message was a simple one: This country and the world are deeply scarred by histories of injustice that need to be acknowledged--and taught.
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Fight apathy! Young ALBA activist mobilizes peers

June 12, 2014
Fight apathy! Young ALBA activist mobilizes peers

Andrew Plotch, ALBA-Puffin Foundation Youth Activist and a high school senior in New Jersey, is the creator and leader of the nationwide Fight Apathy Campaign.
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Human Rights Column: The hard lessons of the DNA exonerations

June 12, 2014
<em>Human Rights Column:</em> The hard lessons of the DNA exonerations

The era of DNA has changed the face of criminal justice forever. DNA tests have contributed to the exoneration of hundreds of innocent individuals —and exposed a deeply flawed system. Maddy deLone, executive director of the Innocence Project, makes the case for science-based judicial reform.
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ALBA inspires Massachusetts teachers

June 12, 2014
ALBA inspires Massachusetts teachers

ALBA hosted another successful teaching institute this spring, the first one in Massachusetts.
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NY students showcase SCW-inspired poster art

June 12, 2014
NY students showcase SCW-inspired poster art

Stuyvesant High School marked the 75th anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War with presentations based on ALBA’s recent Teaching Institute.
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The Lincoln Brigade: A legacy of racial justice

June 12, 2014
The Lincoln Brigade: A legacy of racial justice

Some ninety African-Americans joined the Lincoln Brigade in Spain. They came from urban inner cities in the north and the rural south; they were sharecroppers, labor organizers, mechanics, laborers, merchant seamen, and students. They all shared a commitment to justice and equality. I must keep fightin’/Until I’m dyin’. . . Paul Robeson sang these...
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New York event: Audio, video & and photo gallery

June 12, 2014
New York event: Audio, video & and photo gallery

Video summary (17'); Stevenson’s acceptance speech (31'), Farrell and Stevenson (podcast video, 55').
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Toward truth and reconciliation: Changing the narrative of US history

June 11, 2014
Toward truth and reconciliation: Changing the narrative of US history

In a stirring and honest conversation with actor and activist Mike Farrell, ALBA/Puffin Award winner Bryan Stevenson addressed the United States’ continuing struggles with racial injustice, moving his New York audience to tears. (Podcast video, 55'.)
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Solidarity Forever: NY reunion carries the torch forward

June 11, 2014
Solidarity Forever: NY reunion carries the torch forward

At ALBA’s moving event in New York, actor Mike Farrell, singer Josh White, Jr., and Amnesty International’s Steven Hawkins help honor Pete Seeger and Bryan Stevenson while celebrating the Lincoln volunteers’ commitment to social and racial justice. Video, 17'
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Book Review:Henry Buckley: The inside story

March 22, 2014
<em>Book Review:</em>Henry Buckley: The inside story

The Life and Death of the Spanish Republic: A Witness to the Spanish Civil War. By Henry Buckley (London: Tauris, 2013).
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Remembering Margaret Powell

March 22, 2014
Remembering Margaret Powell

Lily Margaret Powell was born in March 1913, one of nine children, at Cwm Farm, Llangenny, where her father farmed a small Welsh hill farm. She attended the village school, leaving home aged 16 to train as a nurse, first in Essex, later in London at St Giles’, Camberwell, and St Olave’s, Rotherhithe –...
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“And when I get another ship…”

March 21, 2014
“And when I get another ship…”

The unsung story of the British ships and seafarers who defied fascist bombs and u-boats – along with British government indifference – to trade with Republican Spain.
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Assurances on Madrid Memorial

March 21, 2014
Assurances on Madrid Memorial

We’ve been assured by our friends in Madrid that the International Brigade memorial in the capital’s University City is not in danger. As reported in our last issue, the memorial was deemed to be under threat following a Madrid court ruling in favour of a writ brought by a lawyer with far-right connections complaining...
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Ebro memorial unveiled

March 21, 2014
Ebro memorial unveiled

A plaque to the British Battalion’s last stand in southern Catalonia in September 1938 was unveiled on 24 September 2013 by family members of those who took part in the fighting. Erected by the IBMT, it stands next to the old church of Corbera d’Ebre, which was ruined during the Battle of the Ebro...
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Visualizing the war in Spain

March 21, 2014
Visualizing the war in Spain

Her reputation as a ground-breaking war photographer long overshadowed by that of Robert Capa, Gerda Taro is the focus of a new book* that powerfully asserts the importance of her work in the Spanish Civil War, writes Jim Jump.
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Book Review : A Canadian’s revealing memoir

March 21, 2014
<em>Book Review </em>: A Canadian’s revealing memoir

Mac-Pap: Memoir of a Canadian in the Spanish Civil War. By Ronald Liversedge. Edited by David Yorke. (Vancouver: New Star Books, 2013).
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Book Review : Franco’s toxic legacy

March 21, 2014
<em>Book Review </em>: Franco’s toxic legacy

Shoot the Messenger? Spanish Democracy and the Crimes of Francoism: From the Pact of Silence to the Trial of Baltasar Garzón. By Francisco Espinosa Maestre. Translated by Richard Barker. (East Sussex: Sussex Academic Press, 2013).
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Book Review : Orwell and the Brits in Spain

March 21, 2014
<em>Book Review </em>: Orwell and the Brits in Spain

I Am Spain: The Spanish Civil War and the Men and Women Who Went to Fight Fascism. By David Boyd Haycock. (Brecon: Old Street Publishing Ltd, 2012).
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The making of the the Washington Battalion

March 21, 2014
The making of the the Washington Battalion

On April 24, 1937 Captain Mirko Markovic traveled to Madrigueras, site of one of the training bases of the International Brigades, to initiate the formation of a second American Battalion. In Madrigueras Markovic found approximately 100 American volunteers. On first impression Markovic was an odd choice to take the command.
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Del Berg turns 98: Response overwhelming

March 21, 2014
Del Berg turns 98: Response overwhelming

One of the two last reported living veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, Delmer Berg, turned 98 on December 20. We invited you to send your birthday greetings were been completely overwhelmed by the response. You can read a sampling online at where you can also see part of a recent video...
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Spanish Civil War musical screened in New York

March 21, 2014
Spanish Civil War musical screened in New York

Goodbye Barcelona. A musical written by Judith Johnson & K.S. Lewkowicz and directed by Karen Rabinowitz. 2011.
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