Naturaleza y lógica militar del bombardeo de Gernika

December 19, 2013
Naturaleza y lógica militar del bombardeo de Gernika

El bombardeo de Gernika es un evento muy complejo. En este artículo he procurado dar respuesta a uno de los aspectos más críticos sobre el bombardeo, su naturaleza. Procuraré asimismo exponer una cuestión íntimamente ligada a la historia del bombardeo y de gran relevancia tal cual es el negacionismo producto de la política propagandística...
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Special Feature: The nature and rationale of the Gernika bombing

December 19, 2013
<em>Special Feature:</em> The nature and rationale of the Gernika bombing

The bombing of Gernika, in April 1937, continues to be shrouded in mystery and lies. Xabier Irujo has spent six years researching 12,000 documents from Basque, Spanish, French, British, United States and Italian archives. A summary of his findings.
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Human Rights Column: Guatemala Expects Justice

December 19, 2013
By and
<em>Human Rights Column:</em> Guatemala Expects Justice

Last May, in a historic verdict, former Guatemala dictator Ríos Montt was found guilty of genocide. Ten days later the verdict was vacated in a controversial split decision by Guatemala's highest court. Pamela Yates and Paco de Onís filmed the entire trial.
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Escape from death row: Three Lincoln POWs on trial

December 19, 2013
By and
Escape from death row: Three Lincoln POWs on trial

In February 1940, one year after the end of the Spanish Civil War, eight members of the Lincoln-Washington Battalion still languished in Spanish prisons. Among them were Peter Kerhlicker, Rudolph Opara, and Larry Doran. Buried in the Spanish military archives are documents of their trials. An original investigation.
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SUMARÍSIMO nº 62/1938: Sentencia de Pena de muerte a tres brigadistas norteamericanos

December 19, 2013
By and
SUMARÍSIMO nº 62/1938: Sentencia de Pena de muerte a tres brigadistas norteamericanos

A principios de febrero de 1940, casi un año después de finalizada la guerra civil española, aún habían 8 brigadistas norteamericanos encarcelados en prisiones españolas. Estos voluntarios no habían sido liberados junto al resto de sus compatriotas, pues habían estado sometidos a Causas Judiciales militares por el Ejército vencedor y condenados por supuestos delitos...
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Kent State publishes Carl Geiser letters from Spain

December 19, 2013
By and
Kent State publishes Carl Geiser letters from Spain

Carl Geiser, political commissar of the Lincoln Battalion, prisoner of war held in Spain until 1939, and author of Prisoners of the Good Fight, left the letters he wrote to his family to the ALBA collection. The complete letters, edited by Peter N. Carroll and Fraser Ottanelli, have just published by Kent State University...
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Watt Prize winners write on Jewish volunteers and religion in Spain

December 19, 2013
Watt Prize winners write on Jewish volunteers and religion in Spain

Jewish volunteers from Palestine and the central role of the Virgen del Pilar in the rise of Spanish National-Catholicism are the topics of this year’s award-winning essays.
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ALBA launches new website with standard-aligned teaching resources

December 19, 2013
ALBA launches new website with standard-aligned teaching resources

ALBA is proud to announce a new website for high school teachers in Social Studies, Spanish, and English Language Arts, featuring resources and lesson plans aligned with the Common Core State Standards.
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ALBA film series impugns impunity

December 19, 2013
ALBA film series impugns impunity

ALBA’s third human rights film series, held at Pace University this past November, featured eight compelling documentaries. Richard Rowley’s Dirty Wars (2013) lays bare the dirty little secret of America’s War on Terror with the help of investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill; Tatiana Huezo’s The Tiniest Place (2012) tells the story of Cinquera, a village literally wiped off the official...
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Bay Area honors Vets and Dreamers

December 19, 2013
Bay Area honors Vets and Dreamers

“Singing was an important part of our life in Spain,” wrote Lincoln Brigade volunteer Carl Geiser. And music was a strong theme at the West Coast ALBA annual reunion held at the Freight & Salvage music hall in Berkeley, California on October 6.
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ALBA Institute inspires record number of New York teachers

December 19, 2013
ALBA Institute inspires record number of New York teachers

An unprecedented 71 New York high school teachers—who collectively teach more than 7,000 students every day—gathered at the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center on November 5 for a full-day workshop. The ALBA institute, taught by Peter Carroll, James Fernández, and Sebastiaan Faber, introduced teachers of Social Studies, Spanish, and English Language Arts...
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Book Review: In Spain with Orwell

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> In Spain with Orwell

In Spain with Orwell: George Orwell and the Independent Labour Party Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, by Christopher Hall (Tippermuir Books, Perth, 2013) £12.50
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Book Review: Poverty, war and football

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> Poverty, war and football

In and Out of the Lion’s Den: Poverty, War and Football by Julie Ryan (2013) £9.99
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Book Review: Franco’s International Brigades

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> Franco’s International Brigades

Franco’s International Brigades: Adventurers, Fascists and Christian Crusaders in the Spanish Civil War, by Christopher Othen (Hurst & Company, London, 2013) £15.99
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Book Review: Exhuming a buried past

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> Exhuming a buried past

The Spanish Civil War: Exhuming a Buried Past, edited by Anindya Raychaudhuri (University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 2013) £90
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Book Review: Norman Bethune in Spain

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> Norman Bethune in Spain

Norman Bethune in Spain: Commitment, Crisis and Conspiracy, by David Lethbridge (Sussex Academic Press, Eastbourne, 2013) £25
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Book Review: A century of antifascism

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> A century of antifascism

Physical Resistance: A Hundred Years of Anti-Fascism, by Dave Hann (Zero Books, Winchester, 2013) £18.99*
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Book Review: A short history of the Spanish Civil War

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> A short history of the Spanish Civil War

A Short History of the Spanish Civil War, by Julián Casanova (IB Tauris, London, 2012) £12.99
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Book Review: Eyewitness account recovered

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> Eyewitness account recovered

The Life and Death of the Spanish Republic, by Henry Buckley. (London, New York: I.B. Tauris, 2013). Introduction by Paul Preston.
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Book Review: Rukeyser’s “Lost” Memoir Rediscovered

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> Rukeyser’s “Lost” Memoir Rediscovered

Savage Coast by Muriel Ruykeyser.  The Feminist Press, 2013.
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Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia revisited

September 15, 2013
Orwell’s <em>Homage to Catalonia</em> revisited

‘Homage to Catalonia’ Praised for literary merit but criticised for narrow focus at Len Crome Memorial Lecture
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Faces of ALBA: Josie Yurek and Andrew Plotch

September 15, 2013
Faces of ALBA: Josie Yurek and Andrew Plotch

Get to know two members of the ALBA community.
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US cinema and the Popular Front: Spain as common cause

September 14, 2013
US cinema and the Popular Front: Spain as common cause

On July 25, 1937, the New York Times’ John T. McManus interviewed Joris Ivens, a young Dutch movie director who had just arrived in the United States. What sparked the interview was the premiere of The Spanish Earth, a documentary about the Spanish Civil War financed by a handful of American intellectuals that included...
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HUMAN RIGHTS COLUMN: Imagining immigration reform

September 14, 2013
<em>HUMAN RIGHTS COLUMN:</em> Imagining immigration reform

As Congress returns from its summer vacation, for the first time in a generation it will confront the meaningful prospect of enacting immigration reform legislation. That reform is even a possibility is due in large part to the courage, militancy, and strategic vision of undocumented immigrant youth across the country, whose risk-taking campaign...
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The Singing Dutchman of the Lincoln Brigade

September 14, 2013
The Singing Dutchman of the Lincoln Brigade

The wandering Dutchman Bart van der Schelling painted with Willem de Kooning, sang with Woody Gunthrie and Pete Seeger, fought fascists in the Lincoln Battalion, and is credited with the lyrics to "Viva la Quince Brigada"--yet much of his life remains shrouded in mystery. Yvonne Scholten investigates.
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Bay Area reunion in October

September 14, 2013
Bay Area reunion in October

Bay Area ALBA Reunion, October 6 This Land is Our Land: Internationalism, Citizenship, Resistance; a commemorative celebration marking the 77th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War Join us!
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Teaching a new generation

September 14, 2013
Teaching a new generation

The new Common Core Standards provide ALBA with an opportunity to help more high school teachers introduce the Spanish Civil War into their classes. Students will study history not by rote or memorization, but by confronting directly original primary documents.
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ALBA needs your commitment

September 14, 2013
By and
ALBA needs your commitment

Milton Wolff, last commander of the Abraham Lincoln battalion, marveled that it took him more years to write his memoir of the Spanish Civil War (Another Hill) than it took him to fight in it. For a “little war” (both in duration and scope) that war has had immense consequences and attracted immeasurable interest.
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ALBA joins Truth Commission platform

September 14, 2013
ALBA joins Truth Commission platform

On July 3, ALBA became the first organization from the United States to join the Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad sobre los Crímenes del Franquismo (Platform for the Truth Commission about the Crimes of Francoism). This initiative is the first step toward creating a United Nations Truth Commission in pursuit of justice...
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Spaniards want truth on Franco’s crimes

September 14, 2013
Spaniards want truth on Franco’s crimes

A broad coalition of organizations, including both ALBA and Baltasar Garzón's new foundation, is calling for a commission to establish, once and for all, the truth about the crimes of Francoism. Will they be successful? And if they are, what can a truth commission actually accomplish?
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Hands off the Madrid Monument!

September 14, 2013
Hands off the Madrid Monument!

A Madrid court order to remove the recently installed monument honoring the foreign volunteers who supported the Republic during the Spanish Civil War has sparked worldwide outrage. Spain’s Friends of the International Brigades (AABI) report.
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ALBA se une a la Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad

July 8, 2013
ALBA se une a la Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad

alba_logo(Versión en inglés.) Nueva York, 3 de  julio de 2013 - Los Archivos de la Brigada Abraham Lincoln (ALBA) se convierten en la primera organización de Estados Unidos en unirse a la Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad sobre los Crímenes del...
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Looking for my grandfather, Arturo Martín

June 20, 2013
Looking for my grandfather, Arturo Martín

As a child growing up in Madrid, I frequently used to ask my mom, María Luisa Jerez Marín, about her parents, whom I had never met. My grandmother, Modesta Marín, died of cancer at the early age of 42. And my grandfather, Arturo Martín, I was told ‘died in the war’, like so many...
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Review: War Comes to Andalusia

June 20, 2013
Review: War Comes to Andalusia

Skeletons in the Closet, Skeletons in the Ground: Repression, Victimization and Humiliation in a Small Andalusian Town. By Richard Barker. (London: Sussex Academic Press, 2012).
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Review: The British in Spain

June 20, 2013
Review: The British in Spain

Unlikely Warriors: The British in the Spanish Civil War and the Struggle against Fascism. By Richard Baxell. (London, Aurum, 2012).
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