Human Rights Film Festival stirs debate

December 17, 2014
Human Rights Film Festival stirs debate

ALBA granted the first Harry Randall Award to the documentary 1971, a startling portrait of the civilians who uncovered Hoover’s secret FBI.
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ALBA Institutes draw more than 80 teachers

December 17, 2014
ALBA Institutes draw more than 80 teachers

More than 80 high school teachers from New York City and New Jersey participated in back-to-back ALBA institutes during the first week of November. As in most ALBA classrooms, the majority of teachers work in Social Studies—including US History, World History, and Government—but these groups also had significant numbers of Spanish teachers. Brooklyn’s Abraham...
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Exhibit: UK artists’ response to the SCW

September 10, 2014
Exhibit: UK artists’ response to the SCW

While British literature about the Spanish Civil War has been widely celebrated, the story of how artists responded has remained largely untold. From 8 November Pallant House Gallery in Chichester will present “Conscience and Conflict: British Artists and the Spanish Civil War”, the first major exhibition to examine the involvement of British visual artists...
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Alicante plaque recalls final rescue voyage

September 10, 2014
Alicante plaque recalls final rescue voyage

A memorial to the evacuation on a British ship of some 3,000 Spanish Republicans in the final days of the Spanish Civil War was unveiled on 30 March – almost exactly 75 years since the Stanbrook set sail from Alicante on 28 March 1939.
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When writers and poets took sides

September 10, 2014
When writers and poets took sides

IBMT conference focuses on cultural impact and legacy of the war in Spain
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Book Review: Pitch Battles

September 10, 2014
<i>Book Review:</i> Pitch Battles

“Fear and Loathing in La Liga by Sid Lowe (New York: Nation Books, 2014).
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Felicia Browne: The first British casualty in Spain

September 10, 2014
Felicia Browne: The first British casualty in Spain

Artist’s short life to be remembered on special IBMT trip to Aragon Front
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IBMT’s first permanent exhibition opens

September 10, 2014
IBMT’s first permanent exhibition opens

Original British Battalion banner on display at Newhaven Fort
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Book Review: Spain & the US Home Front

September 10, 2014
<em>Book Review:</em> Spain & the US Home Front

American Relief Aid and the Spanish Civil War. By Eric R. Smith. (Columbia MO: University of Missouri Press, 2013.)

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Including ALBA in your will

September 10, 2014
Including ALBA in your will

Making gifts to ALBA in your will is an important source of funding to continue our work. A gift in your will keeps our educational programs growing in the long term. While gifts for specific purposes are always welcome, ALBA is especially grateful for unrestricted gifts that can be used where they are needed...
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Philip Tammer (1915-2014)

September 10, 2014
Philip Tammer (1915-2014)

The last known International Brigade veteran living in Britain, Philip Tammer, died in London on 28 January 2014, aged 98.
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Gerald Howson (1925-2014)

September 9, 2014
Gerald Howson (1925-2014)

Eminent Spanish Civil War historian Gerald Howson died on 7 June, aged 88
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Marina Ginestà (1919-2014)

September 9, 2014
Marina Ginestà (1919-2014)

Marina Ginestà was the 17-year-old militant socialist pictured on a Barcelona rooftop in one of the most memorable images of the Spanish Civil War.
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World-renowned scientist leaves legacy gift to ALBA

September 9, 2014
World-renowned scientist leaves legacy gift to ALBA

Dr. Nina Byers, who died on June 5, 2014, was a long-time friend of ALBA’s. As a pioneering theoretical physicist, her work contributed greatly to both the understanding of particle physics and superconductivity.
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Gert Hoffmann (1917-2014)

September 9, 2014
Gert Hoffmann (1917-2014)

One of the last veterans of the International Brigades, Gert (Gerhard) Hoffmann died in Austria on July 8, 2014.
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Hans Landauer (1921-2014)

September 9, 2014
Hans Landauer  (1921-2014)

Hans Landauer, the last surviving Austrian volunteer in the International Brigades, died at his home on July 19. In recent years, he attended many reunions of Spanish Civil War veterans in Spain.
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Faces of ALBA: Bruce Barthol

September 9, 2014
Faces of ALBA: Bruce Barthol

Bruce Barthol, long-time band leader at ALBA events, was the original bass player for the pioneering rock group Country Joe and the Fish and has performed with a long list of great musicians, from Dave Getz to Pete Seeger.
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The Burglary: The 1971 discovery of Hoover’s secret FBI

September 9, 2014
<em>The Burglary:</em> The 1971 discovery of Hoover’s secret FBI

Betty Medsger's book The Burglary tells the never-before-told account of the history-changing break-in at the FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, in 1971. A group of unlikely activists—quiet, ordinary, hardworking Americans—revealed a shocking truth that J. Edgar Hoover had created his own shadow Bureau of Investigation.
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HUMAN RIGHTS COLUMN: On universal jurisdiction

September 9, 2014
<i>HUMAN RIGHTS COLUMN:</i> On universal jurisdiction

The doctrine of Universal Jurisdiction allows tribunals from any State to prosecute heinous crimes that are an affront to all humanity. It is our most important weapon in the battle against the great criminals of history. Yet the United States is dragging its feet.
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Fighting the new fascism: Juan Carlos Monedero on PODEMOS, Spain’s new political force

September 9, 2014
Fighting the new fascism: Juan Carlos Monedero on PODEMOS, Spain’s new political force

In Spain this past May, the usually dull and boring elections to the European Union’s Parliament produced a sudden shock to the political system. A new two-month-old party led by a 35-year-old, pony-tailed political scientist, appeared out of nowhere—but clearly from the Left—to sweep up a surprising 8 percent of the votes. The result...
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History Day Winners: 8th-graders on the Lincolns

September 9, 2014
History Day Winners: 8th-graders on the Lincolns

Three 8th-grade students placed fifth at the National History Day Finals for their work on the history of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
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Letter from ALBA: United Nations defends Spanish victims

September 9, 2014
Letter from ALBA: United Nations defends Spanish victims

When things seem bleakest, hope often sparks.
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ALBA reaches out to teachers in four states, from Florida to Illinois

September 9, 2014
ALBA reaches out to teachers in four states, from Florida to Illinois

Kicking off a busy fall, ALBA worked with teachers in Tampa.
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Songs of the Spanish Civil War: The new edition

September 9, 2014
Songs of the Spanish Civil War: The new edition

In October, the Smithsonian is releasing a stunning new edition of its legendary two Folkways albums, Songs of the Spanish Civil War. First published in the early 1960s, these LPs compiled songs recorded on 78s by Pete Seeger, Tom Glazer, Ernst Busch, Bart van der Schelling and others during and shortly after the war....
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Solidarity Forever! Join us on Oct. 5 in Berkeley

September 9, 2014
<em>Solidarity Forever!</em> Join us on Oct. 5 in Berkeley

Join us for ALBA’s Bay Area Reunion! Sunday, October 5, 2014 2:00 PM (doors open at 1:00 PM) Freight & Salvage Coffeehouse 2020 Addison Street Berkeley, California
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Book Review Norman Bethune in Spain

June 12, 2014
<em>Book Review</em> Norman Bethune in Spain

Norman Bethune in Spain: Commitment, Crisis and Conspiracy. By David Letherbridge. (Brighton: Sussex Academic Press: Cañada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies, 2013.)
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Book Review Franco’s female political elite

June 12, 2014
<em>Book Review</em> Franco’s female political elite

Señoritas in Blue. The Making of a Female Political Elite in Franco’s Spain. The National Leadership of the Sección Femenina de la Falange (1936-1977). By Inbal Ofer. (Brighton; Portland, Oregon: Sussex Academic Press, 2009.)
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Book Review: Culture and Dictatorship

June 12, 2014
<em>Book Review:</em> Culture and Dictatorship

Franco’s Crypt: Spanish Culture and Memory since 1936. By Jeremy Treglown. (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013.)
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Book Review Spain’s violence: An English woman’s view

June 12, 2014
<em>Book Review</em> Spain’s violence: An  English woman’s view

Málaga Burning: An American Woman's Eyewitness Account of the Spanish Civil War By Gamel Woolsey. Introduction by Zalin Grant. 204 pages. $22. (Reston, VA: Pythia Press, 1998.)
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Betty Medsger: Exposing domestic surveillance, anno 1971

June 12, 2014
Betty Medsger: Exposing domestic surveillance, anno 1971

Betty Medsger delivered the annual Susman Lecture, based on her recent book The Burglary: he Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's Secret FBI. Medsger's book features the never-before-told full story of the history-changing break-in at the FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, in 1971. (Video, 49')
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Faces of ALBA: Don Myers, production manager

June 12, 2014
Faces of ALBA: Don Myers, production manager

Don Myers has long been the production manager for ALBA’s spring event. What do you do as a production manager? I oversee the technical and presentational aspects of the event and coordinate with both in-house and outside contractors to make sure that everyone is communicating with each other and aware of their responsibilities on...
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John Hovan (1916-2014): Citizen of Spain and the world

June 12, 2014
John Hovan (1916-2014): Citizen of Spain and the world

John Hovan, one of the first veterans of the Lincoln Brigade to take advantage of the Spanish law granting citizenship to foreign volunteers of the International Brigades, died in Providence, Rhode Island, on March 27. He was 97.
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Letter from ALBA: Know history to change history

June 12, 2014
By and
Letter from ALBA: Know history to change history

Bryan Stevenson’s message was a simple one: This country and the world are deeply scarred by histories of injustice that need to be acknowledged--and taught.
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Fight apathy! Young ALBA activist mobilizes peers

June 12, 2014
Fight apathy! Young ALBA activist mobilizes peers

Andrew Plotch, ALBA-Puffin Foundation Youth Activist and a high school senior in New Jersey, is the creator and leader of the nationwide Fight Apathy Campaign.
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Human Rights Column: The hard lessons of the DNA exonerations

June 12, 2014
<em>Human Rights Column:</em> The hard lessons of the DNA exonerations

The era of DNA has changed the face of criminal justice forever. DNA tests have contributed to the exoneration of hundreds of innocent individuals —and exposed a deeply flawed system. Maddy deLone, executive director of the Innocence Project, makes the case for science-based judicial reform.
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