
New book on the Wobblies

April 21, 2023
New book on the Wobblies

Inspirational and courageous; that was the IWW. Click here then the forward arrow to listen as author Ahmed White talks with former ALBA board member Burt Cohen about White’s new book Under the Iron Heel: The Wobblies and the Capitalist War on Radical Workers on the podcast
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Who Was Lloyd Mallan?

March 12, 2023
Who Was Lloyd Mallan?

Nobody remembers Lloyd Mallan. I came across his name while writing a book on poet- playwright Federico García Lorca’s iconic afterlife. Mallan’s piece on the poet’s assassination, published in 1939, was instrumental in spreading to the U.S. and Canada a highly embellished narrative of poetic martyrdom that helped shape the public image of Lorca....
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ALBA Authors Curricular Guide for Students and Teachers in Spain

February 17, 2023
ALBA Authors Curricular Guide for Students and Teachers in Spain

ALBA is proud to partner with the Spanish government in the publication of a 60-page curricular guide for high-school students and teachers in Spain as part of a government-sponsored series. Highlighting the experiences of U.S. volunteers in the International Brigades, the guide invites readers to use these stories as an inspiration to set...
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Una combatiente intersexual cubana en las Brigadas Internacionales

November 18, 2022
Una combatiente intersexual cubana en las Brigadas Internacionales

For an English translation of this article, see here.
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85th Anniversary – Sinking of the Ciudad de Barcelona

May 28, 2022
85th Anniversary – Sinking of the Ciudad de Barcelona

On May 30, 1937, the Republican freighter Ciudad de Barcelona was hit by a torpedo fired by a lurking Nationalist submarine.  The torpedo tore a gaping hole in the ship and it rapidly sank. A Republican seaplane drove the submarine away with a depth charge attack, then landed and began rescuing men in the...
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Photographs by Dr. Irving Busch

April 2, 2022
Photographs by Dr. Irving Busch

Dr. Irving Busch (1896-1960), a graduate of Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, volunteered to serve in Spain with the American Medical Bureau.  In Spain, he served with the Republican Medical Services. Both before and after Spain Busch was an amateur photographer and he carried his camera along with him. After his death...
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Letters From Spain: Sidney Hotchkiss Lorraine

December 24, 2021
Letters From Spain: Sidney Hotchkiss Lorraine

The picture of a young man in a jaunty hat and a big smile stared out of the 1978 issue of The Volunteer. The photo was accompanied by a request for information about Sidney Lorraine who died in Spain during the course of The Retreats.  There is no evidence of any replies. Sidney Hotchkiss...
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Veterans Day

November 10, 2021

Many American veterans went on to serve in WWII and Korea.  This list is a work in progress. Those marked with an “*” were killed during the war. Office of Strategic Services Aalto, William Oliver WWII US Army, joined December 1941 served as 1st SGT transfer to OSS April 12, 1942; Dismissed after he...
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Eddie O’Neill (1915-2021)

August 9, 2021
Eddie O’Neill (1915-2021)

Eddie O’Neill was born in the same County Tyrone neighborhood as the poet Charlie Donnelly (1914-1937), who was killed in action at Jarama while serving as a platoon leader with the James Connolly Section of the Abraham Lincoln Battalion. Inspired by the sacrifice of his fellow countryman and fellow Irish Socialist Republican, Eddie set...
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Kings and Pawns: Playing Chess in a Fascist Concentration Camp 83 Years Ago

August 1, 2021
Kings and Pawns: Playing Chess in a Fascist Concentration Camp 83 Years Ago

“A prominent competitive player in the United States gave a series of lectures and played over famous games from the past. To hear him talking—in our squalid surroundings—with such knowledge about a game once played by Napoleon on the island of St. Helena, was an uplifting and inspiring experience.” In his memoir To...
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