ALBA Statement on the Historic Surge in Worker Organizing

September 28, 2023

Today, the ALBA Board of Governors issued the following statement:

During this time of renewed labor action and organizing, ALBA reaffirms its support for the struggle for workers’ rights happening across the country. The headlines may announce victories, but they can also serve as a reminder that we must continue to be vigilant in the face of all attacks on organized labor and its hard-won gains for workers. The history of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade is solidly grounded in the principles of organizing workers, fighting for justice, and advocating for those whose voices might otherwise go unheard. We hope workers today can draw inspiration from the example of those members of organized labor who fought fascism in Spain, on the shop floors, in the shipyards, and in workplaces everywhere.

Flint Sit-Down Strike children’s picket line in 1937. Courtesy of Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha
