
Colombia considers hiring Garzón

January 25, 2011
Colombia considers hiring Garzón

The Colombian government is contemplating the hire of Baltasar Garzón as Human Rights advisor as it sets up a process for transitional justice, ABC and Público report. The Judge has been suspended from his post at the National Criminal Court pending three cases against him at the Supreme Court. Last week,...
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New York’s Spaniards and the Spanish Civil War

January 24, 2011
New York’s Spaniards and the Spanish Civil War

s many of you know, the photo exhibition which I curated, "La colonia:  A photo album of Spanish Immigrants in New York, 1898 - 1945," has been up at NYU's King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center since September.  I'm delighted to announce that the show has been held over until May. The show...
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SCW correspondent show in Manila

January 24, 2011
SCW correspondent show in Manila

Lito B. Zulueta at the Philippine Daily Inquirer visits the touring exhibit on foreign correspondents covering the Spanish Civil War, currently on display at the Instituto Cervantes in Manila:

the war was above all a propaganda war, or a war of dispatches, waged by Spanish and foreign correspondents who harbored within...
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Milton Rogovin, 1909-2011

January 24, 2011
Milton Rogovin, 1909-2011

The renowned social documentary photographer and activist Milton Rogovin died last week, aged 101. From the Buffalo News:

Mr. Rogovin turned to photography not long after being hauled before the House Un-American Activities Committee in October 1957 for leftist political activity. ... His photography would take him from West Side...
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Portland film conference features ALBA panels

January 24, 2011
Portland film conference features ALBA panels

Celebrated triennially, Cine-Lit is the premiere international conference devoted to Hispanic film and literature and linked with the Portland International Film Festival. This February, Cine--Lit VII will feature a series of lectures and film screenings focusing on the cinematic representation of the role of the Lincolns in the Spanish Civil War. Juan Salas...
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Nunca fui a Granada

January 23, 2011
Nunca fui a Granada

Last night a young Spanish poet, Isabel Cadenas, showed me her blog:  When I asked her why she chose that line from Rafael Alberti's homage to Federico García Lorca, victim of a fascist firing squad in the first month of the civil war, she replied "Because I've never been to Granada."  Alberti...
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General Miaja in Brooklyn

January 23, 2011
General Miaja in Brooklyn

In my family's photo albums is this shot of General Miaja (seated with round spectacles) --leader of the defense of Madrid-- in the living room of the Brooklyn home of my grandparents at some point during the Spanish Civil War.
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Documentary about Garzón screened at Berlin

January 21, 2011
Documentary about Garzón screened at Berlin

To the surprise of many, El País reports, the programming for the Berlin Film Festival this February includes a feature-length documentary about Baltasar Garzón by the Catalan director Isabel Coixet (The Secret Life of Words, My Life Without Me), based on a long interview that the novelist Manuel Rivas held with...
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TNR on Capa, Cartier-Bresson, and other photojournalists

January 19, 2011
TNR on Capa, Cartier-Bresson, and other photojournalists

A propos of Susie Linfield's new book on Robert Capa, James Nachtwey, and others, Jed Perl reflects in The New Republic on the importance of "great photojournalism":

Photojournalists are yesterday’s heroes. ... Few photographers are any longer seen as providing definitive information about some national or international trouble spot, at...
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New video uploads (4): “¡No pasarán!”

January 19, 2011
New video uploads (4): “¡No pasarán!”

Another clip from Facing Fascism:

"No pasarán"--"They shall not pass"--was the antifascist rallying call throughout the war. The phrase referred to the defense of Madrid from the Fascist onslaught. A Spanish cigar maker living in Tampa, Florida, composed a song with those words as the refrain; it was recorded on a...
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