Author Archive for Peter N. Carroll

Letter from ALBA: Keeping Our Ear to the Ground

August 18, 2022
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<em>Letter from ALBA:</em> Keeping Our Ear to the Ground

Dear Friends, Putting together a quarterly magazine is a surefire way to make time fly. As this issue goes to print, your editors are already thinking about the next one, approaching authors, agreeing on word counts, setting deadlines—before we know it, another three months have passed. Since we last wrote, the US Supreme Court...
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Two Poems

May 20, 2022
Two Poems

"His Knee" and "The Spectrum"
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Poetry Feature: A Wound in the Heart

February 11, 2022
<em>Poetry Feature:</em> A Wound in the Heart

Mayday, the earth warms, greens, a trumpet on the car radio bleeds, Miles Davis, Sketches of Spain, the drama of rebirth, a staccato horn chases the bull in an arena, cycles of disorder.
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Letter from ALBA: Dispatch From the Trenches

November 6, 2021
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Letter from ALBA: Dispatch From the Trenches

Given the source of our inspiration, it’s perhaps no surprise that we’ve become used to war-based metaphors when speaking about our work.
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Letter from ALBA: Artists and Other Allies

August 14, 2021
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Letter from ALBA: Artists and Other Allies

Dear Friends, “Bringing the past alive” is one way to describe ALBA’s mission. Everything we do, from our lecture series and film screenings to our publications and educational work, is meant to underscore the relevance today of the historic struggle against fascism—a struggle that, we are convinced, can still serve as an example and...
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ALBA & Sousa Mendes Foundation Present Event on Jewish Volunteers

August 14, 2021
ALBA & Sousa Mendes Foundation Present Event on Jewish Volunteers

About 30 years ago, I spent a long day driving from Long Island to Brandeis and back with two Lincoln vets—Bill Susman and George Watt—when the conversation turned to whether they had gone to Spain in 1937 as Communists or Jews. There was no question what had motivated them, it seemed, as the topic...
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Letter from ALBA: Healthcare is a Human Right

May 11, 2021
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Letter from ALBA: Healthcare is a Human Right

Dear Friends, “Health care is a human right,” Neal Rosenstein, the President of the Puffin Foundation, said at our annual gala on May 2. “And yet in a country as wealthy as the United States, health care isn’t a right, but all too often a condition of privilege.” The urgent need for health care...
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Book Review: Paul Robeson’s Story for Children

February 4, 2021
<em>Book Review:</em> Paul Robeson’s Story for Children

Grandpa Stops A War: A Paul Robeson Story, by Susan Robeson. Illustrated by Rod Brown. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2020.
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Poetry Feature Homage to the Spanish Flu: A Found Poem*

February 4, 2021
<em>Poetry Feature</em> Homage to the Spanish Flu: A Found Poem*

I resented the world for having taken my mother away from me, explains journalist James Benét, who went to war to fight against fascism in Spain, and no doubt part of my radicalism was that, he says, proud having chosen the right target, the ills of society. I feel that everyone should feel that...
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Letter from ALBA: They Did Not Pass

November 14, 2020
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Letter from ALBA: They Did Not Pass

Dear Friends, No pasaron. They did not pass. As this issue goes to print, we are emerging from one of the most intense election seasons the United States has ever lived through, following four years that have revealed the best and the worst faces of this country. On the one hand, we saw a...
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