Ronald Dellums (1936-2018)

August 23, 2018
Ronald Dellums (1936-2018)

Ronald V. Dellums, a tireless advocate for peace, justice, and equality, served his Oakland, California district for 27 years in the House of Representatives. A vigorous supporter of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, he carried on their example when he stated, at the beginning of his career in Congress, that he was committed...
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Violence against Women in the Spanish Civil War

August 23, 2018
Violence against Women in the Spanish Civil War

The following text is based on Paul Preston’s introduction to the Spanish re-edition of Ramón Sender-Barayón’s A Death in Zamora (Postmetrópolis, 2018), in which the son of Ramón J. Sender and Amparo Barayón investigates the circumstances of his mother’s death three months after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War.
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Human Rights Column: Do Refugees Have Rights?

August 23, 2018
<i>Human Rights Column:</i> Do Refugees Have Rights?

The distinction between “illegitimate” migrants fleeing poverty and “legitimate” refugees escaping political persecution originated during the Cold War to bolster the anti-communist aggression of U.S. and Western governments. Today, it’s used to justify some of the greatest atrocities of our times.
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“I’m Not a Theorist. My Vocation Is Biography”—Checking in with Sir Paul Preston

August 23, 2018
“I’m Not a Theorist. My Vocation Is Biography”—<em>Checking in with Sir Paul Preston</em>

The British historian Paul Preston, who just turned 72, has been knighted—a good moment to look back on his career and assess the latest developments in Spain, where one of his major research subjects, Franco, continues to stir up controversy. “In Spain, there’s a kind of historic notion that the British are polite, gentlemanly,...
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Del Berg vs. J. Edgar Hoover: What the Last Lincoln Vet’s FBI File Tells Us About Cold-War Surveillance

August 23, 2018
Del Berg vs. J. Edgar Hoover: <em>What the Last Lincoln Vet’s FBI File Tells Us About Cold-War Surveillance</em>

Like many returning U.S. veterans of the Spanish Civil War, Delmer Berg was targeted for surveillance by the FBI. His file, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, tells us less about Berg than about Hoover’s agency.
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ALBA’s Fall 2018 Teaching Institutes: Ohio, New York, New Jersey

August 23, 2018
ALBA’s Fall 2018 Teaching Institutes: Ohio, New York, New Jersey

This fall, ALBA's teaching team is back on the road.
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San Francisco National Monument Will Look Better Than Ever

August 23, 2018
San Francisco National Monument Will Look Better Than Ever

Arts Commission approves repair to the San Francisco national monument that will stand the test of time.
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Letter from ALBA: Setting the Record Straight

August 23, 2018
Letter from ALBA: Setting the Record Straight

We are going to press on the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Ebro, the longest, most extensive, and bloodiest battle of the Spanish Civil War. In spite of Franco’s superiority in manpower and equipment, the Republicans sought to thwart the Fascist offensive on Valencia and to gain time in the hope that...
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A Human-Rights Periscope: ALBA’s Documentary Film Festival Returns

August 23, 2018
A Human-Rights Periscope: ALBA’s Documentary Film Festival Returns

From September 21 through 23, “Impugning Impunity” presents 15 short and long documentaries from around the world. Info at
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Will Franco Finally Be Exhumed? Anthropologist Francisco Ferrándiz: “This Is As Complex As Ground Zero or Srebrenica.”

August 23, 2018
Will Franco Finally Be Exhumed? <em>Anthropologist Francisco Ferrándiz: “This Is As Complex As Ground Zero or Srebrenica.”</em>

Spain’s new Prime Minister, the Socialist Pedro Sánchez, has decided it’s time to remove Franco’s body and redefine his mausoleum, the Valley of the Fallen. Few people know more about the Valley and its possible future than the anthropologist Francisco Ferrándiz. An interview.
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Plaque Honors Robert Merriman

July 2, 2018
Plaque Honors Robert Merriman

In recent years, investigators of the research group DIDPATRI (Didactics of Heritage) at the University of Barcelona have tried to locate the remains of Robert Hale Merriman, Commander of the Lincoln-Washington Battalion and Chief of Staff of the XV International Brigade during the Spanish Civil War.
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The Story of the Lincoln Brigade (As Told by an 8-Year Old)

July 1, 2018
The Story of the Lincoln Brigade (As Told by an 8-Year Old)

Letter by eight-year-old Luca Kaufman at Kolot Chayeinu (Voices of Our Lives, Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY), written as part of a school project on Heroes of Jewish Resistance.
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FACES OF ALBA: Herman Schmidt

July 1, 2018
FACES OF ALBA: Herman Schmidt

Herman Schmidt of Charlotte Court House, Virginia, talks about how he learned about ALBA and how the lessons of the Lincoln Brigade have informed his politics. He is pictured here with his Triumph motorcycle. Herman rides, camps and hikes across Virginia and as far away as Utah.
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Book Review: , Narrating War in Peace: The Spanish Civil War in the Transition and Today

July 1, 2018
Book Review: <i>, Narrating War in Peace: The Spanish Civil War in the Transition and Today</i>

Katherine O. Stafford, Narrating War in Peace: The Spanish Civil War in the Transition and Today. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2015. 197 pp.

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Book Review: A Distant Heartbeat: A War, a Disappearance, and a Family’s Secrets

July 1, 2018
Book Review: <i>A Distant Heartbeat: A War, a Disappearance, and a Family’s Secrets</i>

Eunice Lipton, A Distant Heartbeat: A War, a Disappearance, and a Family’s Secrets. University of New Mexico Press 2016, 176pp.

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Doug Jolly: New Zealand Surgeon in Spain

July 1, 2018
By and
Doug Jolly: New Zealand Surgeon in Spain

Doug Jolly, a New Zealand-born surgeon who served with the Spanish Republican Army’s medical services during the civil war has been posthumously honored in his home town.
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Human Rights Column: A Progressive Movement in the United States: Is it Possible?

July 1, 2018
<i>Human Rights Column:</i> A Progressive Movement in the United States: Is it Possible?

Since the inauguration of Donald Trump as President, a number of action-based movements in the United States have emerged Can these largely single-issue movements coalesce into a more unified progressive and democratic movement? There are important lessons from the past that can help progressives today build a successful movement for social change.
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The United States and World Fascism: Two Sample Documents

July 1, 2018
The United States and World Fascism: Two Sample Documents

Among the dozens of primary source documents in the resource binder distributed to the teachers who participate in ALBA’s teaching institutes are a letter that President Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote to the U.S. ambassador in Madrid in March 1945, and the transcript of a conversation four years later between Milt Wolff, the last commander...
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“If There Ever Was a Time to Do a Better Job Teaching Civics, It’s Now”

July 1, 2018
“If There Ever Was a Time to Do a Better Job Teaching Civics, It’s Now”

ALBA’s teaching partner in Massachusetts will be in charge of training the state’s teachers for the new social studies standards—which include a return to civics education and an explicit mention of the Spanish Civil War
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ALBA’s on the Road Again: Record Number of Teacher Workshops

July 1, 2018
ALBA’s on the Road Again: Record Number of Teacher Workshops

Ten years after launching ALBA’s Teach-the-Teachers professional development program, the number of school districts we partner with continues to multiply. At the same time, the content of our resources has deepened and expanded as secondary school teachers and their students around the country increasingly see connections between historical questions and current events.
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Letter from ALBA: Time for Action

July 1, 2018
Letter from ALBA: Time for Action

Dear Friends and Comrades: This is no time for pessimism or inaction. The forces of reaction have reemerged out of the shadows in this country as well as elsewhere around the world. We stand in solidarity with the thousands of courageous teenagers who spoke out and organized to stop gun violence following the massacre...
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ALBA’s New York Event: Video & Photo Gallery

July 1, 2018
ALBA’s New York Event: Video & Photo Gallery

A photo gallery from the New York event.
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How to Bring Corporations to Their Knees: 2018 ALBA/Puffin Award Honors Florida Farm Workers

July 1, 2018
How to Bring Corporations to Their Knees: 2018 ALBA/Puffin Award Honors Florida Farm Workers

How do you convince a multinational corporate buyer not only to pay a bit more, but to force its suppliers to respect human rights, help fight sexual and labor abuse, and give an autonomous voice to the workers they employ? Florida’s Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) has cracked the code. The key, they found,...
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Letter to the Editor

February 27, 2018
Letter to the Editor

Editors’ Note: Due to a technical glitch, only a small part of Mr. Murtha’s letter was printed in the December 2017 issue. We apologize for the oversight and print the letter in full here.
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Book Review: Spain’s Martyred Cities: From the Battle of Madrid to Picasso’s Guernica

February 27, 2018
Book Review: <i> Spain’s Martyred Cities: From the Battle of Madrid to Picasso’s Guernica</i>

Minchom, Martin. Spain's Martyred Cities: From the Battle of Madrid to Picasso's Guernica: Including the Reconstructed Text of Louis Delaprée's The Martyrdom of Madrid. Sussex Academic Press, 2016.
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From the Face of My Memory: American Women Journalists in the Spanish Civil War

February 27, 2018
<i>From the Face of My Memory</i>: American Women Journalists in the Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Civil War, sparked the imagination and allegiance of a small group of pro-Republic American women journalists: Martha Gellhorn, Josephine Herbst, and Frances Davis. These women, displaced in war, are representative of a much larger displacement.
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“Who the hell worked out a plan like that?” New Light on the 1935 Bremen Riot

February 27, 2018
<i>“Who the hell worked out a plan like that?”</i> New Light on the 1935 <i> Bremen </i> Riot

When the Bremen, a German luxury ship proudly flying the Swastika, was ready to sail from its berth at Pier 46 in New York, two seamen who later volunteered to fight in Spain managed to fool the crew and rip down the Nazi flag. In the archives, Dan Czitrom came across a deserter’s testimony...
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ALBA Teaching Institutes: A Busy Spring Calendar

February 27, 2018
ALBA Teaching Institutes: A Busy Spring Calendar

ALBA's teaching teams are looking ahead to a busy spring: We'll be working with teachers in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and South Carolina.
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Ferdinand in his 80s: Still No One Knows Why He Smells the Flowers

February 27, 2018
Ferdinand in his 80s: Still No One Knows Why He Smells the Flowers

When it first came out, The Story of Ferdinand was not greeted as the simple story that Munro Leaf claimed to have written. With the Spanish Civil War raging, the book seemed to be an obvious allegory. But of what?
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Human Rights Column: From Spain to Delano: The Radical Roots of Farm Workers Unions

February 27, 2018
<i>Human Rights Column:</i> From Spain to Delano: The Radical Roots of Farm Workers Unions

We can’t talk about defending the human and labor rights of farm workers without talking about their history of organizing unions—and the efforts by the government to suppress them. 
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Letter from ALBA: The Case for Activist Alliances

February 27, 2018
By and
Letter from ALBA: The Case for Activist Alliances

This past January, hundreds of thousands took to the streets in the Second Women’s March. Their protest underscored that fighting misogyny, xenophobia, and exploitation requires broad alliances. As this issue of the Volunteer illustrates, the Women’s March follows a tradition of activist protest that has deep roots in our nation’s history.
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A New Home for ALBA in New York, and a Homecoming—of Sorts

February 27, 2018
A New Home for ALBA in New York, and a Homecoming—of Sorts

ALBA has moved offices from one historical location to another one. Our new home is steeped in history and ripe with promise.
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Labor Rights are Human Rights: ALBA to Honor Activist Organizers at May Event

February 27, 2018
Labor Rights are Human Rights: ALBA to Honor Activist Organizers at May Event

This year’s recipient of the ALBA/Puffin Human Rights Award is the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a worker-based labor and human rights organization founded in Florida in 1993.
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Family Bonds: American Fathers and Sons in the Spanish Civil War

February 27, 2018
By and
Family Bonds: American Fathers and Sons in the Spanish Civil War

Three pairs of fathers and sons chose war over peace when they volunteered to be among the 2,800 Americans who served with the International Brigades in Spain. They came from varied pasts and with divergent motivations. One father followed his son to Spain while each of the other fathers volunteered together with their sons....
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Letter to the Editor

November 19, 2017
Letter to the Editor

To the Volunteer: Reading “Forgotten Fighters: American Anarchist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War,” I noted that at least one prominent American who volunteered for service in the Anarchist Durruti Column remains forgotten. I mean, of course, Carl Marzani. Herein, I borrow freely from Carl’s memoir, “The Education of a Reluctant Radical,” Vol. 3,...
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