
ALBA Offers Online Teacher Workshop

June 2, 2020
ALBA Offers Online Teacher Workshop

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, ALBA’s in-person institutes are being postponed until further notice. Instead, we will be offering a fully online workshop from June 30 through July 28 with our partners at the Collaborative for Educational Services in Northampton, MA. Titled “America and World Fascism: From the Spanish Civil War to Nuremberg and...
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“Humanitarian Aid Cannot Be Criminalized”

June 2, 2020
“Humanitarian Aid Cannot Be Criminalized”

We speak with one of the No More Deaths volunteers who faced trial for helping save migrants’ lives. In August 2017, Madeline Huse and three other volunteers of the Tucson-based organization No More Deaths entered the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona to deposit jugs of water and cans of beans near various...
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ALBA’s Live Online Celebration Draws Thousands Worldwide

June 2, 2020
ALBA’s Live Online Celebration Draws Thousands Worldwide

Defying the devastating Covid-19 crisis, this past May 17 ALBA’s annual reunion and ALBA/Puffin Award ceremony—celebrated fully online (Facebook | YouTube)—brought together viewers from around the world. Hosted by ALBA’s María Hernández-Ojeda and Sebastiaan Faber, the celebration featured speeches by Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, Neal Rosenstein, ALBA’s executive director Mark Wallem, and ALBA governors...
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Honoring Spanish Civil War Vets on Memorial Day

May 2, 2020
By and
Honoring Spanish Civil War Vets on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the day traditionally set aside to remember Americans who served in the military.  And yet Americans who went to Spain to fight fascism are rarely if ever included in the remembrances on this day. We would like to change this. Over the last two years, Canadian volunteers led by Pamela Vivian,...
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“We cannot close our eyes to injustice.” Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha Gives the 2020 Susman Lecture

May 2, 2020
“We cannot close our eyes to injustice.” Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha Gives the 2020 Susman Lecture

Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, the pediatrician who gained national prominence by exposing the Flint, Michigan water crisis in 2015, presented ALBA’s annual Susman Lecture to a packed auditorium on the Wayne State campus in Detroit, Michigan on January 27.
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Letter from ALBA: Adapting to the Crisis

May 2, 2020
Letter from ALBA: Adapting to the Crisis

Dear Friends, We at ALBA would like to express solidarity with all those affected by the COVID crisis. When the brave men and women of the Lincoln Brigade departed on their odyssey for Spain, they were practicing the solidarity that has always been at the heart of our organization. If we wish to endure...
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Live Online Gala on May 17 with ALBA/Puffin Award for “No More Deaths”

May 2, 2020
Live Online Gala on May 17 with ALBA/Puffin Award for “No More Deaths”

The 2020 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism goes to No More Deaths in support of its humanitarian efforts to alleviate the suffering and end the fatalities of those crossing the southern border of the United States. The award will be presented at ALBA's Live Online Gala on May 17 at 5 pm EDT.
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Leave ALBA in Your Will

December 15, 2019
Leave ALBA in Your Will

What you leave to friends and loved ones—and the causes you champion—are ways of expressing your hopes and dreams for the future. As you make your plans, please consider joining the Jarama Society by including ALBA in your will or living trust, or naming us as a beneficiary of your estate. ALBA accepts legacy...
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Franco Exhumation Covered by NPR

December 15, 2019
Franco Exhumation Covered by NPR

One of ALBA co-chairs was interviewed on National Public Radio’s Here and Now to talk about the exhumation, on October 24, of former Spanish dictator Francisco Franco from his tomb at the Valley of the Fallen.
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Bryan Stevenson’s Memoir Inspires Major Feature Film

December 15, 2019
Bryan Stevenson’s Memoir Inspires Major Feature Film

Just Mercy, the bestselling memoir by ALBA/Puffin Award winner Bryan Stevenson, has inspired a film featuring Michael B. Jordan (who plays Stevenson), Jamie Foxx, Rob Morgan, Tim Blake Nelson, Rafe Spall, and Brie Larson. It tells the true story of Walter McMillian, an Alabama man on death row who appeals his murder conviction with...
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