
2012 ALBA Puffin Human Rights Award honors struggle for accountability in Latin America

March 9, 2012
2012 ALBA Puffin Human Rights Award honors struggle for accountability in Latin America

Two winners share the honors of this year’s ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism, splitting $100,000 to continue their fight for justice in Latin America. (Read the full press release here. En castellano; order tickets here). Both Fredy Peccerelli, Executive Director of the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation, and Kate Doyle, Senior Analyst of U.S. policy in Latin America...
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Fanny, Queen of the Machine Gun

December 4, 2011
Fanny, Queen of the Machine Gun

Fanny Schoonheyt, the tall, blond “queen of the machine gun,” was the only Dutch woman to join in the battle action during the Spanish Civil War. Her life is shrouded in mystery. Could she have been the only female foreign official in the Republican Army? What was her involvement in the events of May...
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Luis Buñuel, chameleon: Revelations from the “Red Decade”

December 4, 2011
Luis Buñuel, chameleon: Revelations from the “Red Decade”

Luis Buñuel: The Red Years, 1929-1939, due to be published next month with the University of Wisconsin Press (excerpt, order), reveals scores of unknown facts about the life and work of Luis Buñuel during a crucial decade not only in the filmmaker’s life but in the history of film and photography—as well...
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Buñuel and the outbreak of the war

December 4, 2011
By and
Buñuel and the outbreak of the war

Among the sources of information about Buñuel's activities during the first few weeks of the war: is a receipt signed dated 25 August 1936, for a loan of £490 granted by Leo Fleischman, an engineer from New York who enlisted in the Fifth Regiment and died in combat in October 1936.
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Thoughts of the Evening: Olavi Kantola

September 18, 2011
Thoughts of the Evening: Olavi Kantola

Olavi Kantola was a Finnish-American volunteer in the International Brigades. This text by Alina Flinkman appeared in the Finnish magazine "Vaku" in 1941.
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Posted in Features, Memory's Roster | 2 Comments »

Sneak Preview: Paul Preston on the Spanish Holocaust

September 18, 2011
Sneak Preview: Paul Preston on the Spanish Holocaust

Behind the lines during the Spanish Civil War, nearly two hundred thousand men and women were murdered extra-judicially or executed after flimsy legal process. They were killed as a result of the military coup of 17-18 July 1936 against the Second Republic. For the same reason, at least three hundred thousand men...
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A Hemingway film and Picasso’s Guernica

September 10, 2011
A Hemingway film and Picasso’s Guernica

Under the heading “New theories about a 20th century icon” El País reports that José Luis Alcaine has found extremely interesting parallels between the film version of Hemingway’s novel A Farewell to Arms, and Picasso’s Guernica. Alcaine, a director of photography who has worked with Pedro Almodóvar and Victor Erice, summarises his conclusions...
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Shouts of the Hostage’s Hostage: ¡Democracia Real Ya!

June 3, 2011
Shouts of the Hostage’s Hostage: ¡Democracia Real Ya!

Today I’d like to share with you my honest understanding of what has been going on in Spain over the last few weeks.  It’s not easy to make sense of what’s going on; the mainstream Spanish press, in my opinion, has been getting things quite wrong, or else ignoring the situation, except in its...
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Garzón: “Continue the fight for human rights, for human dignity, and against impunity”

May 15, 2011
Garzón: “Continue the fight for human rights, for human dignity, and against impunity”

Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, members of ALBA, representatives of the Puffin Foundation, authorities, amigas y amigos: Seventy-five years ago in my country, Spain, one of the darkest and saddest chapters in the history of humanity began. It lasted more than forty years and even today, after 34 years of democracy, it has not...
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Picasso and Delaprée: new discoveries

April 20, 2011
Picasso and Delaprée: new discoveries

I would like to add a note on Picasso's sketch on a copy of Paris-Soir of April 19th, 1937. Since my piece was published in The Volunteer I have come across some new information that links the evidence on Picasso's initial engagement with the Spanish Civil War at the end of 1936 and...
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