Author Archive for Chris Brooks

“With His Own Body He Shielded Me . . .” by John Patterson, No. 1 Company, British Battalion, 15th Brigade

November 30, 2019
“With His Own Body He Shielded Me . . .” by John Patterson, No. 1 Company, British Battalion, 15th Brigade

The Volunteer for Liberty, Vol. 2, Special 15, April 9, 1938, p. 3. Attached to the British Battalion when we went into action at Fuentes de Ebro last October were two American comrades, Sam Kaplan and another (whose name I never knew), whose great courage in volunteering to get me to safety when I...
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What did it cost to send a volunteer to Spain?

November 22, 2019
What did it cost to send a volunteer to Spain?

                    An undated report listed the costs for sending a volunteer:   Passport, birth certificate, picture, fare tot County seat etc. $15.00   Average fare (West Coast, Middle West, New York) $30.00 (from the West Coast $60.00 to come to N. Y. by bus.)  ...
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The Record of John Gates at the Front by Unattributed

November 15, 2019
The Record of John Gates at the Front by Unattributed

The Record of John Gates at the Front, as described by his by his Brigade Commander The Volunteer for Liberty, V1, No. 20, October 25, 1937. 86 Brigada Mixta – Mando The adjutant Political Commissar of the 86th Brigade, Comrade John Gates, was one of the organizers of the 20th International Battalion that left...
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The Organization of the Medical Services in the 86th Brigade by Unattributed

November 8, 2019
The Organization of the Medical Services in the 86th Brigade by Unattributed

Nuestra Voz, Organo de la 86 Brigada, No. 3, 18 de Julio 1937, p. 4-5 The comrades fighting in the front lines know better than anybody else the importance of having a well organized Medical Corps. Both the health of the soldier in everyday life and the condition of the same man, when wounded...
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“Happy Landing” by Lieutenant Pete Laly

November 1, 2019
“Happy Landing” by Lieutenant Pete Laly

Nuestra Voz, Organo de la 86 Brigada, No. 2, 13 de Julio 1937, p. 3 Lieutenant Ronald Dart served as a combat officer in the American Air Force for seven years. In sympathy with the workers of the world, he resigned his commission. When the call to arms was sounded by the anti-fascists, he...
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In Line Again by unattributed

October 25, 2019

Nuestra Voz, Organo de la 86 Brigada, No. 1, 2 de Junio 1937, p. 3 The English Company of the 20th Battalion has had its baptism. Isolated from the main body of the Battalion, waiting for relief from day to day, the company maintained its morale, held its discipline. It learned and it has...
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BALLAD OF TERUEL by Unattributed

October 18, 2019
BALLAD OF TERUEL by Unattributed

                  The Volunteer, v2, no. 2, January 13, 1938 BALLAD OF TERUEL   The General stood in Teruel Whence not a few had fled; He called his brave defenders up And unto them he said: “Soldiers, today we stand as one To crush the wicked Red....
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Contribution of Cyprus to the Cause of Spanish Democracy by Michael Economides

October 11, 2019
Contribution of Cyprus to the Cause of Spanish Democracy by Michael Economides

The Volunteer for Liberty, p. 10.v.2, no. 2, January 13, 1938. Cyprus, a small island in the Eastern Mediterranean, has a population of 340,000. Cyprus, now a British colony, has been under British imperialist domination since 1878. The foreign ruler subjects the people to a life of degradation and misery.        ...
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Lloyd Edward Johnson (1896-1938) Volunteer

October 4, 2019
Lloyd Edward Johnson (1896-1938) Volunteer

Lloyd Edward Johnson was 41-years old when he arrived in Spain in April 1937.  He was the oldest of four sons born to Norwegian immigrants Seavert and Nesina Johnson. Johnson was born and raised in St. Paul, Minnesota.  He applied for a position as an apprentice electrician with the Northern Pacific Railway Company when...
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Colonel LeBeau by Hilliard Bernstein

September 27, 2019
Colonel LeBeau by Hilliard Bernstein

Pursuit of Reason, Philadelphia: Adelante Press, 1971, p.19-20 “Wat’s dis, wat’s dis?” Colonel Jean LeBeau bounced along the line of fire like a bullet-proof ball. “Come ‘lone der, Yanks. Let’s go! Up de hill, up de hill!” The Colonel put his whole, squat body into his appeal to get the men moving. He waved...
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