search results for "children franco"

The Legacy of Spain and the Lincoln Brigade

December 8, 2015
The Legacy of Spain and the Lincoln Brigade

All my life I've known about Spain. I grew up singing Freiheit and Viva la Quince Brigada and Los Cuatro Generales, and knew the names of some of the places in Spain where the big battles were fought. I owe a lot to my parents, and to the culture they helped create. They didn't...
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Last Days in Spain – by Ben Iceland

September 29, 2015
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Last Days in Spain – by Ben Iceland

Editor’s note: At the initiative of ALBA board member Chris Brooks, who maintains the online biographical database of US volunteers in Spain, the ALBA blog will be regularly posting interesting articles from historical issues of The Volunteer, annotated by Chris.Over the next three months, Blast from the Past postings will showcase articles about the...
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Carolyn P. Boyd (1944 – 2015)

September 29, 2015
Carolyn P. Boyd (1944 – 2015)

Carolyn P. Boyd, a world renowned scholar of modern Spain, died at her home in Irvine, California on July 19, 2015, after a long bout with cancer. She was 71 years of age. Born in La Jolla, California, she was raised in Idaho and received her undergraduate education at Stanford and her doctorate at...
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Last Months in Spain – by Ben Iceland

September 24, 2015
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Last Months in Spain –  by Ben Iceland

Editor’s note: At the initiative of ALBA board member Chris Brooks, who maintains the online biographical database of US volunteers in Spain, the ALBA blog will be regularly posting interesting articles from historical issues of The Volunteer, annotated by Chris.Over the next three months, Blast from the Past postings will showcase articles about the...
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The Shelters of the Civil War

September 14, 2015
The Shelters of the Civil War

The first thing you see as you approach the Civil War Shelters Museum on Gisbert Street in Cartagena are the trees growing out of the mountainside. Their unusual network of thick, exposed roots pushing out of the ground suggests that these ancient trees might have been around since the Bronze Age, witnessing Hannibal as...
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Poetry Feature: Mass Graves

September 14, 2015
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<em>Poetry Feature:</em> Mass Graves

An unpublished poem by Víctor Jiménez Jódar, with translation by ALBA's Antony Geist.
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The Wings of the Republic: Spain’s Women Pilots

September 14, 2015
The Wings of the Republic: Spain’s Women Pilots

Mari Pepa Colomer and Dolors Vives were the first two women in the Spanish Republic to earn their pilot’s license, working as flight instructors for the Republican Army. Both led lives of legend and enjoyed an uncommon longevity—yet a decade after their deaths, most Spaniards have never heard of them.
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Leo Grachow – by Bob Steck

April 14, 2015
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Editor’s note: At the initiative of ALBA board member Chris Brooks, who maintains the online biographical database of US volunteers in Spain, the ALBA blog will be regularly posting interesting articles from historical issues of The Volunteer, annotated by Chris. This week Robert Steck remembers Leo Grachow, the passionate writer and Republican, one of the many American volunteers...
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From Guernica to Human Rights: The shifting paradigms of the Spanish Civil War

March 13, 2015
From Guernica to Human Rights: The shifting paradigms of the Spanish Civil War

Writers and soldiers alike saw Spain as the first battlefield of World War II. In the title essay of his new book, excerpted here, historian Peter N. Carroll traces the war’s legacy, from the shocking bombing of the Basque town of Guernica by German and Italian air forces to the attacks on civilians and...
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Blast from the Past: Deyo and John Jacobs

February 24, 2015
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Blast from the Past: Deyo and John Jacobs

Editor’s note: At the initiative of ALBA board member Chris Brooks, who maintains the online biographical database of US volunteers in Spain, the ALBA blog will be regularly posting interesting articles from historical issues of The Volunteer, annotated by Chris. With the following two articles, we remember the brothers Edward Deyo and John Jacobs. Deyo...
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