search results for "children franco"

Letters: Exchange on Catalonia

December 3, 2016
Letters: Exchange on Catalonia

Dear Editor, After 25 years of receiving and enjoying The Volunteer I was saddened by the unbalanced and misleading article by Eric R. Smith entitled How to understand the Catalan Independence Movement published in No. 3 of Vol. XXXIII. Though I’m too far removed from my research to properly comment on the simplistic statements...
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Watt Prizes Awarded

December 3, 2016
Watt Prizes Awarded

Two undergraduates and one graduate student have won the George Watt Memorial Essay Award with outstanding projects on the Cold War, the Franco Regime, and refugee aid.
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Book Review: Carlos Giménez’s Paracuellos

August 25, 2016
<em>Book Review:</em> Carlos Giménez’s <em>Paracuellos</em>

Carlos Giménez, Paracuellos: Children of the Defeated in Franco’s Fascist Spain, with foreword by Will Eisner, edited by Dean Mullaney, and translated by Sonya Jones, San Diego: EuroComics (IDW Publishing), 136 pp.

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“The Earth Endureth Forever”: Hemingway in Spain

June 10, 2016
“The Earth Endureth Forever”: Hemingway in Spain

Diverse opinion abounds with regards to Hemingway’s actions during and after Spain’s Civil War. The Spanish journalist and diplomat Álvarez del Vayo recalled that “I talked with him in Madrid and I realized the Spanish war was fundamentally alien to him. Hemingway’s was the Spain of the running of the bulls at...
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Lydia Cacho: “If the world was bigger, we would be there.”

June 9, 2016
Lydia Cacho: “If the world was bigger, we would be there.”

Acceptance speech by Lydia Cacho on receiving the 2016 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism. May 7, 2016. New York Thank you so much. I also want to dedicate this award to Mike, Jeremy father. You only see fantastic men that are involved in human rights instead of trying to kill others when you...
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Book Review: Live Souls: Citizens & Volunteers

March 16, 2016
<i>Book Review:</i> Live Souls: Citizens & Volunteers

Live Souls: Citizens and Volunteers of Civil War Spain, by Serge Alternês & Alec Wainman. Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2015. 335 pp.
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Book Review: Petals and Bullets

March 13, 2016
<em>Book Review:</em> Petals and Bullets

Mark Derby, Petals and Bullets: Dorothy Morris: New Zealand Nurse in the Spanish Civil War (Brighton/Toronto/Chicago: Sussex Academic Press, 2015).

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Pete and the Feds: Seeger’s FBI file reveals Lincoln connections

January 2, 2016
Pete and the Feds: Seeger’s FBI file reveals Lincoln connections

“Even a superficial reading of an article written by a Communist or a conversation with one will probably reveal the use of some of the following expressions,” warned a 1955 pamphlet published by the U.S. First Army Headquarters that aimed to teach its readers “How to Spot a Communist.” The expressions that were a...
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Max Aub on the Republican Exodus: January without a Name

December 8, 2015
<i>Max Aub on the Republican Exodus:</i> January without a Name

Max Aub (1903-1972) was born in Paris to a German-Jewish family that moved to Spain when he was 11. During the Spanish Civil War, he worked for the Republican government. After Franco’s victory he was arrested in France and spent three years in concentration camps, after which he fled to Mexico. He spent his...
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The Legacy of Spain and the Lincoln Brigade

December 8, 2015
The Legacy of Spain and the Lincoln Brigade

All my life I've known about Spain. I grew up singing Freiheit and Viva la Quince Brigada and Los Cuatro Generales, and knew the names of some of the places in Spain where the big battles were fought. I owe a lot to my parents, and to the culture they helped create. They didn't...
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