Delmer Berg Memorial in Berkeley, CA

June 10, 2016
Delmer Berg Memorial in Berkeley, CA

Del Berg’s son Ernst, comrades and friends celebrated Del Berg’s life at Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library in Berkeley, CA on May 21, 2016. On the wall behind the podium, was a Spanish flag with the International Brigades logo, which was hand-made by Nate and Corine Thorton.  Corine told the story of how she and Nate...
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Letter to the Editor

June 10, 2016
Letter to the Editor

This report let me feel the atmosphere of the reunion, energetic, exciting, and promising for the future. The act to visit Del Berg and interview him, was excellent and timely.
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ALBA’s Tony Geist Awarded Knighthood

June 10, 2016
ALBA’s Tony Geist Awarded Knighthood

Our colleague Tony Geist—the longest serving ALBA Board member, professor of Spanish at the University of Washington, author and translator—has been awarded one of Spain’s highest civil honors, membership into the Order of Isabella the Catholic with the first-class title of Caballeros de la Gran Cruz de Oficial, or Knights of the Officer’s Cross....
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Rejecting the Cold War Alliance with Franco

June 10, 2016
Rejecting the Cold War Alliance with Franco

In 1949 Harold Ickes, the Secretary of the Interior under Franklin Roosevelt, described General Francisco Franco as a “mimic of Hitler” whose regime “chokes the breath out of liberty in a police state.” Four years later, The Christian Century, a liberal Protestant magazine, called Spain “that pathetic remnant of medievalism.” The Spanish Civil War...
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Book Review: International Brigades Comic

June 10, 2016
<em>Book Review: </em>International Brigades Comic

Ángel Luis Arjona Márquez, Las Brigadas Internacionales a través del cómic: 1977-2012 (Albacete: Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses “Don Juan Manuel,” 2014)

Reviewed by Carl-Henrik Bjerstrom

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Book Review: La otra cara del Caudillo

June 10, 2016
<em>Book Review:</em> La otra cara del Caudillo

Ángel Viñas, La otra cara del Caudillo. Mitos y realidades en la biografía de Franco, Barcelona: Crítica, 2015, pp. 439.

Reviewed by Antonio Cazorla-Sánchez

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Julia Tello Landeta, “Tellito” (1920-2016)

June 10, 2016
Julia Tello Landeta, “Tellito” (1920-2016)

Palmira Julia Tello Landeta, immortalized as miliciana on a magazine cover in wartime Spain, passed away in early 2016.
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“The Earth Endureth Forever”: Hemingway in Spain

June 10, 2016
“The Earth Endureth Forever”: Hemingway in Spain

Diverse opinion abounds with regards to Hemingway’s actions during and after Spain’s Civil War. The Spanish journalist and diplomat Álvarez del Vayo recalled that “I talked with him in Madrid and I realized the Spanish war was fundamentally alien to him. Hemingway’s was the Spain of the running of the bulls at...
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Spain and Syria: Beyond Superficial Comparisons

June 10, 2016
Spain and Syria: Beyond Superficial Comparisons

There are numerous comparisons that can be made between the conflict in Syria and the Spanish Civil War. Both conflicts feature a ruthless dictator, appalling loss of life, war crimes and the massive displacement of tens of thousands of refugees. However, such superficial comparisons apply to many other conflicts. Merely in terms of...
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The Man Bill Wheeler Could Not Forget

June 10, 2016
The Man Bill Wheeler Could Not Forget

On May 20, 1938, Dave Lipton tells his parents that he is leaving for the Catskills to work as a waiter. Instead, he sails for Europe to join the Abraham Lincoln. Dave sends letter after letter home detailing his hopes and begging for forgiveness. He never receives a reply. Decades later, his niece Eunice...
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Delmer Berg (1915 –2016)

June 9, 2016
Delmer Berg (1915 –2016)

Del Berg, the last known surviving veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, died peacefully in his California home on Sunday, February 28. He was 100 years old. Berg was born in 1915 outside of Los Angeles to a family of poor farm workers. His mother’s line had long since emigrated from Bavaria while his...
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Michael Ratner (1943-2016)

June 9, 2016
Michael Ratner (1943-2016)

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA, mourns the loss of Michael Ratner, a longtime defender of civil liberties in the United States and abroad.
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Discovering a Local Lincoln Brigade Hero

June 9, 2016
Discovering a Local Lincoln Brigade Hero

While attending an ALBA institute, a veteran Brooklyn teacher discovers that a Lincoln volunteer lived just around the corner. He decides to find out more and unearths a touching story.
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Human Rights Column Justice in El Salvador

June 9, 2016
<i>Human Rights Column</i> Justice in El Salvador

Salvadoran survivors of state terror—crimes for which no one has been held accountable—have created an organization that helps families uncover the truth of what happened to their lost loved ones. This is no small task. But given the intense U.S. involvement in El Salvador, some of the information they seek may be available in...
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Human Rights Journalists Highlight Anniversary Celebration in New York

June 9, 2016
Human Rights Journalists Highlight Anniversary Celebration in New York

The torch has been passed. Eighty years after the Spanish Civil War inspired volunteers from 52 countries to challenge the spread of international fascism, no American veterans of that struggle are alive to bear witness, but their spirit and commitment to social justice, human rights, and anti-fascism lives on in the work of current...
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Legible Legacies: A World without the Lincolns

June 9, 2016
Legible Legacies: A World without the Lincolns

The legacy of the Spanish Civil War played a crucial role in the lives of Lydia Cacho and Jeremy Scahill, the winners of the ALBA/Puffin Award. But how do we ensure its transmission to younger generations, whose life world is so different that they often have trouble even reading the Lincolns’ hand-written letters? ALBA’s...
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San Francisco Monument To Be Restored

June 9, 2016
San Francisco Monument To Be Restored

Efforts are ongoing to address the deterioration of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade monument in San Francisco. After initial problems of deliberate vandalism were dealt with, the elements began to take their toll on the structure. However, we have been involved in extensive conversations with different offices of the city of San Francisco for well...
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ALBA’s Back in School

June 9, 2016
ALBA’s Back in School

ALBA’s Teaching Institutes continue to break new ground across the United States, reaching more teachers in new communities, expanding opportunities, and seeing exciting results.
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Jeremy Scahill: “Fascism, once again, is on the rise.”

June 9, 2016
Jeremy Scahill: “Fascism, once again, is on the rise.”

Acceptance speech by Jeremy Scahill on receiving the 2016 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism. May 7, 2016. New York. Lydia just pushed me to come here first (crowd laughs.) I really, in all candor, I feel like I shouldn’t be here receiving this award, particularly because I think that my co-recipient, Lydia, is one of the...
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Lydia Cacho: “If the world was bigger, we would be there.”

June 9, 2016
Lydia Cacho: “If the world was bigger, we would be there.”

Acceptance speech by Lydia Cacho on receiving the 2016 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism. May 7, 2016. New York Thank you so much. I also want to dedicate this award to Mike, Jeremy father. You only see fantastic men that are involved in human rights instead of trying to kill others when you...
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80th Anniversary Event: Photos and Video

June 9, 2016
80th Anniversary Event: Photos and Video

On May 7, the ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Right Activism—a cash tribute of $100,000—honored two courageous journalists, Lydia Cacho and Jeremy Scahill, for their dedication to exposing corruption, violence, and the abuse of power which are routinely ignored by mainstream media. They do this work under life-threatening conditions of danger and risk. The day’s...
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Book Review: The Faith and the Fury

March 16, 2016
<em>Book Review:</em> The Faith and the Fury

Maria Thomas, The Faith and the Fury: Popular Anticlerical Violence and Iconoclasm in Spain, 1931-1936. Brighton, Portland, and Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, in collaboration with the Cañada Blanche Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies, 2013. xxi + 269 pp.

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Book Review: Live Souls: Citizens & Volunteers

March 16, 2016
<i>Book Review:</i> Live Souls: Citizens & Volunteers

Live Souls: Citizens and Volunteers of Civil War Spain, by Serge Alternês & Alec Wainman. Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2015. 335 pp.
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Brooklyn at War: Spain, 1936-1939

March 13, 2016
Brooklyn at War: Spain, 1936-1939

In the spring of 1937 some twenty students from Brooklyn College volunteered to fight in Spain. This unique exhibit, curated by Prof. Alejandro Alonso, in partnership with ALBA, will cover three aspects: political life on campus in the 30s; the impact of the Spanish Civil War and the debates and confrontations that took place there; and the presence of Spanish Exiles...
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Letter to the Editor: The Almería Bombing

March 13, 2016
Letter to the Editor: The Almería Bombing

I am the youngest veteran of the Spanish Civil War, born in Barcelona on July 18th, 1930. "Veteran"? Yes. Not a combatant, but a child that together with his mother and brothers survived the fascist Italian and Nazi bombings of Barcelona. My Greek father, who was a naturalized U.S. citizen, and working at Lykes...
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Book Review: Petals and Bullets

March 13, 2016
<em>Book Review:</em> Petals and Bullets

Mark Derby, Petals and Bullets: Dorothy Morris: New Zealand Nurse in the Spanish Civil War (Brighton/Toronto/Chicago: Sussex Academic Press, 2015).

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Letter from ALBA: A Busy Year

March 13, 2016
By and
Letter from ALBA: A Busy Year

The New Year has barely started and ALBA is already at work on an exciting number of programs and activities.
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The Death of Major Robert Hale Merriman

March 13, 2016
The Death of Major Robert Hale Merriman

Robert Hale Merriman, Chief of Staff of the XV International Brigade, disappeared behind enemy lines. His body was never recovered. What happened? Two memoirs and an interview give conflicting versions.
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Naming the Lincoln Battalion

March 13, 2016
By and
Naming the Lincoln Battalion

Why did the American volunteers in the Spanish Civil War name themselves after Abraham Lincoln? Who first came up with the idea of the “Lincoln Battalion” and when? New information is complicating the long-accepted account.
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Don’t Try to Catch Me: Adam Hochschild on the First Volunteer

March 13, 2016
<i>Don’t Try to Catch Me:</i> Adam Hochschild on the First Volunteer

In this excerpt from his new book Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, Adam Hochschild tells the story of Swarthmore student Joe Selligman (1916-1937), the first American volunteer to join the battle for Madrid. After he left, his parents in Kentucky received an envelope mailed by a friend: “By...
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Faces of ALBA-VALB: Richard Bermack, Photographer

March 13, 2016
<em>Faces of ALBA-VALB:</em> Richard Bermack, Photographer

Richard Bermack is a documentary photographer and writer who has worked primarily for labor unions, including SEIU, the UAW, and the ILWU. In addition to his work on radical and labor history, he has written about and photographed workers involved in children and family services, welfare reform, aiding people with disabilities, and health care...
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Argentine Judge Orders ALBA-Funded Exhumation in Spain

March 13, 2016
Argentine Judge Orders ALBA-Funded Exhumation in Spain

This January 19th, exhumation procedures began to recover the remains of Timoteo Mendieta, murdered by the Franco regime in 1939. In 2013, his daughter Ascensión testified before María Servini, the Argentine judge who has investigated Franco’s crimes against humanity since 2010. On Servini’s orders, the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory took charge of the exhumation, helped...
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Fearless Journalists Lydia Cacho and Jeremy Scahill Win Human Rights Award

March 13, 2016
Fearless Journalists Lydia Cacho and Jeremy Scahill Win Human Rights Award

The 2016 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism will be shared by journalists Lydia Cacho and Jeremy Scahill, who have dedicated their careers to exposing corruption, violence and abuse of power. Award ceremony: NYC, Saturday, May 7 (tickets)
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ALBA as your Legacy: The Jarama Society

December 8, 2015
ALBA as your Legacy: The Jarama Society

What you leave to friends and loved one--and the causes you champion--are ways of expressing your hopes and dreams for the future and perpetuate your part in the story of the Lincoln Brigade. As you make your plans, please consider including ALBA in your will or living trust, or naming us as a...
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Stretch Your Gift with a Monthly Pledge

December 8, 2015
Stretch Your Gift with a Monthly Pledge

Ensure more of your money goes to our mission by lowering costs and supporting our cause without a big one-time hit to your wallet.
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