
Book Review: International Brigades Comic

June 10, 2016
<em>Book Review: </em>International Brigades Comic

Ángel Luis Arjona Márquez, Las Brigadas Internacionales a través del cómic: 1977-2012 (Albacete: Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses “Don Juan Manuel,” 2014)

Reviewed by Carl-Henrik Bjerstrom

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Book Review: La otra cara del Caudillo

June 10, 2016
<em>Book Review:</em> La otra cara del Caudillo

Ángel Viñas, La otra cara del Caudillo. Mitos y realidades en la biografía de Franco, Barcelona: Crítica, 2015, pp. 439.

Reviewed by Antonio Cazorla-Sánchez

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Book Review: The Faith and the Fury

March 16, 2016
<em>Book Review:</em> The Faith and the Fury

Maria Thomas, The Faith and the Fury: Popular Anticlerical Violence and Iconoclasm in Spain, 1931-1936. Brighton, Portland, and Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, in collaboration with the Cañada Blanche Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies, 2013. xxi + 269 pp.

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Book Review: Live Souls: Citizens & Volunteers

March 16, 2016
<i>Book Review:</i> Live Souls: Citizens & Volunteers

Live Souls: Citizens and Volunteers of Civil War Spain, by Serge Alternês & Alec Wainman. Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2015. 335 pp.
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Book Review: Petals and Bullets

March 13, 2016
<em>Book Review:</em> Petals and Bullets

Mark Derby, Petals and Bullets: Dorothy Morris: New Zealand Nurse in the Spanish Civil War (Brighton/Toronto/Chicago: Sussex Academic Press, 2015).

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Book Review: Prowell’s Letters

March 7, 2016
<i>Book Review:</i> Prowell’s Letters

Shedding Light on a Volunteer for Liberty Alphaeus Danfourth Prowell: Letters from an American Volunteer in the Spanish Civil War Compiled and Self-Published by Dawn Rolland. Sold through Amazon, Apple iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and OverDrive.   Dawn Rolland’s self-published compilation of letters written by Alphaeus Danfourth Prowell is short but fascinating.  This...
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Book Note Spanish Immigrants in the US (1868-1945)

December 8, 2015
<i>Book Note</i> Spanish Immigrants in the US (1868-1945)

Of particular interest are the photos that Fernández and Argeo have rescued from family albums for Chapter V, which documents the intense pro-Republican mobilization of Spanish American communities all over the country.
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Book Note: The IB in Graphic Novels

December 8, 2015
<em>Book Note:</em> The IB in Graphic Novels

Las Brigadas internacionales a través del cómic: 1977-2012, Ángel Luis Arjona Márquez, Albacete, 2014.
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Book Review: Haunted by Hitler

December 8, 2015
<i>Book Review:</i> Haunted by Hitler

Christopher Vials, Haunted by Hitler: Liberals, the Left, and the Fight against Fascism in the United States. University of Massachusetts Press, 2014. 296 pages.

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The Shelters of the Civil War

September 14, 2015
The Shelters of the Civil War

The first thing you see as you approach the Civil War Shelters Museum on Gisbert Street in Cartagena are the trees growing out of the mountainside. Their unusual network of thick, exposed roots pushing out of the ground suggests that these ancient trees might have been around since the Bronze Age, witnessing Hannibal as...
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