
Letter from ALBA: Healthcare is a Human Right

May 11, 2021
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Letter from ALBA: Healthcare is a Human Right

Dear Friends, “Health care is a human right,” Neal Rosenstein, the President of the Puffin Foundation, said at our annual gala on May 2. “And yet in a country as wealthy as the United States, health care isn’t a right, but all too often a condition of privilege.” The urgent need for health care...
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Letter from ALBA: Lessons from the Past Year

February 4, 2021
Letter from ALBA: Lessons from the Past Year

Dear Friends, The two main lessons to draw from the last 12 months are not particularly new—but they are crucial nonetheless. First, healthcare is a public good and should be treated as such. And second, the far right is as dangerous as we feared and should be taken very seriously. In relation to the...
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Letter to the Editors: (De)Politicizing the Spanish Civil War

February 1, 2021
Letter to the Editors: (De)Politicizing the Spanish Civil War

To the Editors: Prof. Helen Graham’s “Why Do So Many Historians Fail to Understand the War in Spain” (December 2020) is a patent attempt to de-politicize the reasons behind and motives for the International Brigades. To use general terms like humanitarian, displacements, migration, ethnicity, and high politics without specifying their context—namely the resistance to...
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Letter from ALBA: They Did Not Pass

November 14, 2020
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Letter from ALBA: They Did Not Pass

Dear Friends, No pasaron. They did not pass. As this issue goes to print, we are emerging from one of the most intense election seasons the United States has ever lived through, following four years that have revealed the best and the worst faces of this country. On the one hand, we saw a...
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Letters to the Editor

August 27, 2020
Letters to the Editor

To the Editors: Thank you for that amazing story about that amazing photo of an amazing woman: Marina Ginestà, whose life is the stuff of legend. As it happened, I recently visited Spain, where I picked up a magazine with that photo on the cover—but it had no description of who she was. I was...
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Letter from ALBA: Our Work Matters More Than Ever

August 27, 2020
Letter from ALBA: Our Work Matters More Than Ever

As the chaos of this pandemic summer seems to foreshadow an even more eventful fall—please be sure you’re registered to vote!—we’re poised to continue our work with more determination than ever. Teaching history, inspiring activism, and upholding human rights: It’s hard to think of a time in recent memory when ALBA’s motto applied more...
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Letter from ALBA: We’re All in This Together

June 2, 2020
Letter from ALBA: We’re All in This Together

“Why should one care about events taking place far away?” This is one of the “essential questions” that drive our work with teachers around the country. Together with the question “When do you stand up for what you believe in?” it captures the spirit of the internationalist commitment that drove the almost 40,000 volunteers...
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Letter from ALBA: Adapting to the Crisis

May 2, 2020
Letter from ALBA: Adapting to the Crisis

Dear Friends, We at ALBA would like to express solidarity with all those affected by the COVID crisis. When the brave men and women of the Lincoln Brigade departed on their odyssey for Spain, they were practicing the solidarity that has always been at the heart of our organization. If we wish to endure...
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Letter from ALBA: For an Anti-Fascist Education

December 15, 2019
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Letter from ALBA: For an Anti-Fascist Education

How can we leverage our educational system into a building block for an anti-fascist front? This has long been the key question behind ALBA’s work.
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Letter from ALBA: Legacies of Activism

August 26, 2019
Letter from ALBA: Legacies of Activism

It’s late summer, a time when news used to be slow. It no longer is. On the Mediterranean, the fearless life-saving professionals of ProActiva Open Arms, led by the visionary Òscar Camps, are battling narrow-minded, xenophobic European governments for the right to help drowning African migrants safely reach the shores of Italy and Spain....
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