
Faces of ALBA: The Junas Family

February 11, 2022
Faces of ALBA: The Junas Family

Like most veterans of the Lincoln Brigade, the experience of fighting in Spain shaped the rest of the lives of Stanley Junas and his family.
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New ALBA Collections Available Online As Tamiment Tackles Difficult Digitization

February 11, 2022
New ALBA Collections Available Online As Tamiment Tackles Difficult Digitization

The ever-expanding ALBA collection, which has been housed at NYU’s Tamiment-Wagner Library since its transfer from Brandeis University in 2000, is now increasingly available online. The slow but steady efforts to digitize materials—archival-quality preservation and transfer is a time-intensive, painstaking process—have focused primarily on graphic and audiovisual objects: not only photographs, posters, and postcards...
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Living Memorials: Reenacting Spanish Civil War in 2021

February 11, 2022
Living Memorials: Reenacting Spanish Civil War in 2021

A growing number of dedicated living historians are choosing to portray the Spanish Civil War at public history events. Although they are as diverse as the Brigadistas they portray, they are united in their passion for history and desire to inspire people to learn more about the conflict.
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In Search of the First Dutch Volunteer

February 5, 2022
In Search of the First Dutch Volunteer

Willy de Lathouder was the first Dutchman to join the defense of the Spanish Republic. He died in 1938 shortly after the birth of his child. More than 80 years later, his granddaughter discovers her family’s history.
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How Two Pacifists Came to Support the International Brigades

November 6, 2021
How Two Pacifists Came to Support the International Brigades

Is it possible to be a pacifist and support—or even join—a war? If our criterion is consistency, the answer is clearly no. Yet consistency, for good or for bad, is not a universal human trait.
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Faces of ALBA: Peter Glazer

November 6, 2021
<em>Faces of ALBA:</em> Peter Glazer

Peter Glazer is a world-renowned director and playwright and a professor of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. He sits on the ALBA board and is an active leader in ALBA’s Bay Area programs. Peter’s father was the folk singer Tom Glazer. You have written several plays and musicals...
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Human Rights Column: Teachers in the Trenches—What’s Behind the Attack on Critical Race Theory?

November 6, 2021
<em>Human Rights Column:</em> Teachers in the Trenches—What’s Behind the Attack on Critical Race Theory?

CRT is a curious target for legislators and school board members, if only because it is not taught at the K-12 level and only rarely to undergraduates. Today, it’s serving as a red herring to silence the discussion of race and racism across classrooms in the U.S. In recent months, Republican legislatures in approximately...
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From Mississippi to Madrid: Models for the World

November 6, 2021
From Mississippi to Madrid: Models for the World

ALBA Honorary Board Member Robin D.G. Kelley spoke in September at ALBA’s Bay Area celebration. Here is the complete text of his address.
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Bruce Barthol and Barbara Dane: “Music has the power to unite.”

November 6, 2021
Bruce Barthol and Barbara Dane: “Music has the power to unite.”

As part of the Bay Area event this fall, Bruce Barthol conversed with Barbara Dane. Here are excerpts from their conversation, which is also included in the video recording of the event. 
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Jan Kurzke’s Spanish Civil War Memoir: A Soldier’s Tale

August 14, 2021
Jan Kurzke’s Spanish Civil War Memoir: A Soldier’s Tale

Kurzke's memoir The Good Comrade was published this past May by the Clapton Press, after having been tucked away for years, known only to a small number of specialist historians. In this new introduction to the book, Richard Baxell explains why it's so valuable.
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