
Coixet documentary available online

May 4, 2011

Manuel Rivas's interview with Garzón, filmed by Isabel Coixet last fall and screened at the Berlin Film Festival earlier this year, is now available for viewing online at for a modest fee (90 min., Spanish, 2.95 euros). See it here.
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Catalan documentary about Garzón

May 4, 2011
Catalan documentary about Garzón

"I have no lack of memory, and many Socialists like me have no lack of memory, either. We know what dirty tricks this gentleman has played on us. And we are not going to forgive him." ("Yo no carezco de memoria y muchos socialistas como yo no carecemos de memoria. Y sabemos las putadas...
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Kailin’s family interviewed

May 4, 2011

Dogstar7 has uploaded a video with an interview of the family of Clarence Kailin, veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, on the 125th Anniversary of Haymarket. See the video here:
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Garzón speaks at U of Minnesota

April 26, 2011

Baltasar Garzón spoke last night at the University of Minnesota. See the whole speech here:
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Manning moved after protests

April 20, 2011
Manning moved after protests

"Bradley Manning, the soldier being held on suspicion of leaking classified material to Wikileaks, is being moved to a different prison after what the Associated Press describes as "international criticism about his treatment," Richard Adams reports in the Guardian. ALBA's Bay...
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Spain: No Guantánamo torture probe

April 20, 2011

Six senior Bush administration officials accused of creating a legal framework for the torture of terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay prison will not, for now, be investigated by a Spanish court, the Associated Press reported last week:

A Spanish judge has thrown out a request that he probe . Judge Eloy Velasco said...
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Rare Capa print to be auctioned

April 20, 2011
Rare Capa print to be auctioned

An extremely rare Capa print is offered for sale next week, The Guardian reports:

A rare photograph by celebrated war photographer Robert Capa is to be sold at auction as part of one of the greatest private collections of historic news images – a treasure trove from the heyday of photojournalism. The Capa photograph...
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Picasso and Delaprée: new discoveries

April 20, 2011
Picasso and Delaprée: new discoveries

I would like to add a note on Picasso's sketch on a copy of Paris-Soir of April 19th, 1937. Since my piece was published in The Volunteer I have come across some new information that links the evidence on Picasso's initial engagement with the Spanish Civil War at the end of 1936 and...
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Spanish commentator confirms ALBA hypothesis

April 17, 2011
Spanish commentator confirms ALBA hypothesis

In yesterday's Público, Ernesto Ekaizer laid out the same hypothesis that we proffered on the ALBA blog last week, in an op-ed appropriately titled "The Judicial Puzzle."  The hypothesis is the following: One of the main reasons the Supreme Court Justice in charge of the Gürtel case is making so much haste...
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Government prosecutors request acquittal for Garzón

April 17, 2011
Government prosecutors request acquittal for Garzón

Julio Lázaro reports in El País today:

Supreme Court prosecutors have requested acquittal for Judge Baltasar Garzón in the conclusion they have sent to the Penal Section of the court, which is to judge him for ordering the jailhouse wiretaps of conversations between the ringleaders of the Gurtel racket and their lawyers.  The...
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