
Mary and I Are Glad Our Son Went To Spain

May 10, 2018
Mary and I Are Glad Our Son Went To Spain

MARY AND I ARE GLAD OUR SON WENT TO SPAIN Southern Father and Mother Tell How the Spanish People’s Fight for Democracy Belongs to Them By Pat Barr Southern Worker, Magazine of the Common People of the South, Vol. V, No. 16, July 1937. It was a happy group that gathered at the railroad...
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Keep ‘Em Rolling by Hy Chesler

April 12, 2018
Keep ‘Em Rolling by Hy Chesler

Keep ‘Em Rolling By Hy Chesler Originally published in The Volunteer for Liberty, Vol. II, No. 5, February 12, 1938. The work of the Transport units of the Republican Army is apt to be taken for granted, especially by volunteers who come from highly mechanized countries. It is hardly necessary, however, to point out...
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Keeping the Vehicles Rolling by Marion Noble

April 12, 2018
Keeping the Vehicles Rolling by Marion Noble

Keeping the Vehicles Rolling By Marion Noble Originally published in The Volunteer, Volume XI, No. 2, December 1989. Dear Ben, Enclosed is my story about Spain while I was there. It seems that all too little has been said about those of us who did the best we could to keep the vehicles rolling....
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ALBA Human Rights Winners Under Assault from Italian Government

March 21, 2018
ALBA Human Rights Winners Under Assault from Italian Government

The London Times reports: Crew members of a Spanish charity ship that rescued 218 migrants from the Mediterranean and brought them to Italy are being investigated for aiding illegal immigration, signalling Rome’s increasing intolerance of migrants. Italian authorities impounded the ship operated by Proactiva Open Arms after it landed in Pozzallo, Sicily. The public prosecutor in Catania argued...
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ALBA Ably Represented in Ireland This January

February 27, 2018
ALBA Ably Represented in Ireland This January

February 27 is the 81st anniversary of the death in action at Jarama of the Irish poet and Lincoln Brigadista Charlie Donnelly. At the 80th anniversary commemoration in Donnelly’s natively village last year, ALBA Board Member Nancy Wallach met with Nora Shovelin of the Clé (Left) Folk Club, which meets each month in Dublin’s Liberty Hall,...
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“Jarama” Film Tribute to Two Irish Lincolns

February 20, 2018
“Jarama” Film Tribute to Two Irish Lincolns

This Saturday, February 17, the annual Jarama commemorative march organised by AABI (Asociación de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales) began at its customary starting point, from the Rivas Vaciamadrid memorial – erected by FIBI (Friends of the International Brigades in Ireland) – in honor of the Irish poet Charlie Donnelly (1914-1937), of the James...
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Brunete the Good and the Bad – by Leo Rosenberg

February 10, 2018
Brunete the Good and the Bad – by Leo Rosenberg

This article was first published in The Volunteer, v. XI, n. 2, December 1989 and is a continuation of Rosenberg‘s The First Day. cb It was the second day of the Brunete Offensive, and the Lincolns, the British, and the Washingtons, supposedly at rest, were busy burying their dead, replenishing their supplies, and doing...
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Prisoners in Franco’s Prisons – by John C. Blair

February 5, 2018
Prisoners in Franco’s Prisons – by John C. Blair

By John C. Blair, The Volunteer, Volume 6, Number 3, October 1984 (Our comrade John Blair, died in 1982. This account of prison life, forwarded to us by his widow, Harriet, was written the year before he died. “He had other stories planned,” said Harriet Blair in her letter to us, “but after typing...
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Saga of an Ambulance – by John Tisa

January 24, 2018
Saga of an Ambulance – by John Tisa

John Tisa, The Volunteer. Volume 4, Number 2, 1982. Dr. Pike and I drove together to Madrid in the early morning of 18 May 1937 – he for medical supplies, and I with a stack of unedited materials for the Volunteer for Liberty, our new front line tabloid. Here is a story he told...
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The Vernon Snow Center

January 13, 2018
The Vernon Snow Center

Vernon Snow was killed in action at Fuentes de Ebro during a Nationalist air raid on October 18, 1937.  Snow was serving in the Lincoln-Washington Transmissions section when he was killed.  Pat Read his section leader recalled Snow as “a comrade with a loveable personality, calm courage and plenty of ability. (“A Life for Every...
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