
Wikileaks, avant la Wiki: FDR on Franco in 1945 (2)

February 11, 2011
Wikileaks, avant la Wiki: FDR on Franco in 1945 (2)

I recently stumbled across a WikiLeaks-like March 1945 letter by FDR to the new US Ambassador in Madrid, saying that the US government will hold its nose and maintain relations with the Franco regime, but that it repudiates the origins and ideology of the regime. Little did I know that this brief archival document...
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Mattson memorial announced

February 11, 2011
Mattson memorial announced

Matti Mattson's daughter Ilona and grandson Mischa inform us that a memorial celebration for Matti Mattson will be held on Friday, March 18, 2011, 5:00pm, King  Juan Carlos I Center, NYU (55 Washington Square South, New York).  No flowers please; contributions in Matti's memory can be sent to ALBA or Veterans for Peace.
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Esteban Vicente exhibition at NYU’s Grey Art Gallery

February 10, 2011
Esteban Vicente exhibition at NYU’s Grey Art Gallery

Today I visited NYU’s Grey Art Gallery, which is hosting (until March 26, 2011) a lovely exhibition titled “Concrete Improvisations:  Collages and Sculpture by Esteban Vicente.”  I was accompanied by Julia Newman, former Executive Director of ALBA, who is also the creator of the film “Into the Fire:  American Women and the Spanish Civil...
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Parallelisms in posters: 1808 / 1936

February 10, 2011
Parallelisms in posters:  1808 / 1936

"Expel the invader!" Posters contextualize events by inserting them into a series, into a narrative. In a subgroup of Republican Spanish Civil War posters, the struggle of the Republic against the forces of Franco, Hitler and Mussolini is likened to the popular resistance against the French invaders of 1808.
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Wikileaks, avant la Wiki: FDR on Franco in 1945

February 8, 2011
Wikileaks, avant la Wiki: FDR on Franco in 1945

The wikileaks affaire has given us a glimpse  into the private language of diplomacy, into the kinds of things that diplomats say to each other and to their bosses when they think their remarks are off the record. Historians have always placed great value on diplomatic communiqués for precisely this reason, though they usually...
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Harvard features Patricio Guzmán documentaries

February 8, 2011
Harvard features Patricio Guzmán documentaries

Under the title History, Memory, Cinema, the Harvard Film Archive is screening a series of documentaries by Chilean filmmaker Patricio Guzmán this month (Feb. 11-21):

Few filmmakers have understood the tremendous potential of cinema to shape historical consciousness as perspicaciously and courageously as Chilean documentarian Patricio Guzmán (b. 1941). In...
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SCW photos to be added to European online digital archive

February 8, 2011

The ArtDaily reports:

Work begins this week to add over 5 million digital objects, ranging from Spanish civil war photographs and handwritten letters from philosopher Immanuel Kant, to Europeana from 19 of Europe’s leading research and university libraries.

More here.
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SCW films at Portland Festival

February 8, 2011

This year's Portland International Film Festival (February 10-26) features several Spanish Civil War-inspired movies, including Alex de la Iglesia's The Last Circus (Balada triste de trompeta), Agustí Villaronga's Black Bread (Pa negre), and Oriol Porta's A War in Hollywood (Hollywood vs. Franco). More details here.
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Press TV covers Spanish exhumations

February 8, 2011
Press TV covers Spanish exhumations

The Iranian Press TV today features an item on the ongoing exhumations of mass graves in Spain. Includes 2:30 minute video.

After nearly four decades ... the Spanish government ratified a law authorizing exhumation of the war's mass graves.  Since that time, however, a mere ten percent of the burials...
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Cercas’ book on the 1981 coup reviewed

February 8, 2011
Cercas’ book on the 1981 coup reviewed

Anne Chisholm, in this Sunday's Telegraph, and Michael Eaude, in the Independent, review Javier Cercas' Anatomy of a Moment, a prize-winning fictionalized history of the failed February 1981 coup:

The Anatomy of a Moment is extensively researched, rigorous with the facts. It is not only history, though, for where...
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