Author Archive for Chris Brooks

Destruction of History

September 3, 2020
Destruction of History

Edward Muscala’s hastily scrawled graffiti on the wall of the Hermitage of San Gregoria de Aguaviva during the battle of Teruel was preserved by the town.  Ann Marti first reported on the inscription in her article In the Footsteps of the Lincoln-Battalion.  This relic of the war was recently spray painted by vandals. Town...
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On the Death of My Comrade Larry Cane (1915-1976) By Manny (Sam Nahman) Harriman

August 27, 2020
On the Death of My Comrade Larry Cane (1915-1976) By Manny (Sam Nahman) Harriman

                            The Volunteer, Volume 1, No. 1, 1978.   I cried when I heard you died, Larry.   The tears flowed while rage racked my insides   How could you die Larry not you not yet we are almost there!  ...
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Black Vets in Spain By James Yates

August 20, 2020
Black Vets in Spain By James Yates

Originally published in The Volunteer, Volume1, No. 1, 1978. In view of the importance of the ‘Yates Project’ – refer to letter, national mailing of March ’78 – we called James Yates with some last minute questions. He very kindly sent us some last minute answers. Without a doubt his is a ‘work’ that...
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Was Herbert Rathman A Veteran?

August 11, 2020
Was Herbert Rathman A Veteran?

A long-time ALBA supporter contacted the office to inquire about a possible volunteer Herbert Rathman. In the mid-1960s, Rathman was the Science Chairman at Rhodes Preparatory School, a private school located at 11 West 54th Street in Manhattan.   Rathman had told his students that he was a veteran of the Spanish Civil War and served...
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Captured By The Fascists by Hy Wallach

April 17, 2020
Captured By The Fascists by Hy Wallach

The Volunteer, Volume 5, No. 3. We were surrounded. We were assembled on a hill. It seemed hopeless – except that the Estado Mayor was with us. “They’ve gotten us out of tough spots before.” That was the general comment. I was particularly aware of Dave Doran (i) who seemed so calm and unperturbed...
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The Flight by Sidney Kaufman

April 10, 2020
The Flight by Sidney Kaufman

The Volunteer, V. 5, N. 3 Editor’s note:  Here are more excerpts from the log which Sid Kaufman kept in the last days of the war. You will remember, from the transcript of his tape which we printed in our last issue, that Sid got out of Spain much later than most of us....
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New Mexico Volunteers – Mildred Rackley

March 25, 2020
New Mexico Volunteers – Mildred Rackley

              The Albuquerque Museum hosted ALBA’s Shouts from the Wall: Posters and Photographs Brought Back from the Spanish Civil War from September 8, 1996 to October 27, 1996. Four biographical sketches were prepared to highlight volunteers from New Mexico.   Mildred Rackley (1906-1992) and the Spanish Civil...
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New Mexico Volunteers – Henry George Rauert

March 24, 2020
New Mexico Volunteers – Henry George Rauert

            The Albuquerque Museum hosted ALBA’s Shouts from the Wall: Posters and Photographs Brought Back from the Spanish Civil War from September 8, 1996 to October 27, 1996. Four biographical sketches were prepared to highlight volunteers from New Mexico.   Henry George Rauert Passport address: 139 Candelaria, Santa...
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New Mexico Volunteers – Ralph Lawrence Neafus

March 23, 2020
New Mexico Volunteers – Ralph Lawrence Neafus

                  The Albuquerque Museum hosted ALBA’s Shouts from the Wall: Posters and Photographs Brought Back from the Spanish Civil War from September 8, 1996 to October 27, 1996. Four biographical sketches were prepared to highlight volunteers from New Mexico. Ralph Lawrence Neafus Passport address: 110...
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New Mexico Volunteers – Virgil Ivan McCasland

March 22, 2020
New Mexico Volunteers – Virgil Ivan McCasland

                  The Albuquerque Museum hosted ALBA’s Shouts from the Wall: Posters and Photographs Brought Back from the Spanish Civil War from September 8, 1996 to October 27, 1996. Four biographical sketches were prepared to highlight volunteers from New Mexico. Virgil Ivan McCasland Passport address: Tucumcari,...
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