Author Archive for Chris Brooks

Jarama Series: Canadians in the Lincoln Battalion

June 15, 2016
Jarama Series: Canadians in the Lincoln Battalion

 In the Jarama Series, The Volunteer Blog will present a series of articles examining the experiences of volunteers in the Abraham Lincoln Battalion from its formation to the Brunete Offensive in July 1937. Articles will focus both on the battalion’s formation as well as on the individuals who served. These articles are intended to...
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Jarama Series: Spanish Battalions

June 4, 2016

In the Jarama Series, The Volunteer Blog will present a series of articles examining the experiences of volunteers in the Abraham Lincoln Battalion from its formation to the Brunete Offensive in July 1937. Articles will focus both on the battalion’s formation as well as on the individuals who served. These articles are intended to...
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Jarama Series: Killing Time

May 12, 2016
Jarama Series: Killing Time

In the Jarama Series, The Volunteer Blog will present a series of articles examining the experiences of volunteers in the Abraham Lincoln Battalion from its formation to the Brunete Offensive in July 1937. Articles will focus both on the battalion’s formation as well as on the individuals who served. These articles are intended to...
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Jarama Series: Garibaldis

April 22, 2016
Jarama Series: Garibaldis

In the Jarama Series, The Volunteer Blog will present a series of articles examining the experiences of volunteers in the Abraham Lincoln Battalion from its formation to the Brunete Offensive in July 1937. Articles will focus both on the battalion’s formation as well as on the individuals who served. These articles are intended to...
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Book Review: Alphaeus Prowell, An Unordinary Life

April 19, 2016
<i>Book Review:</i> Alphaeus Prowell, An Unordinary Life

Dawn Rolland’s newest e-book Alphaeus Prowell An Unordinary Life, A Genealogy Picture Book, is a companion piece to Letters From An American Volunteer in the Spanish Civil War.  She presents a treasure trove of material that provides context around A. D. Prowell’s life. Prowell was part of a small but active group of African...
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Jarama Series: Dead Mule Trench

April 5, 2016
Jarama Series: Dead Mule Trench

In the Jarama Series, The Volunteer Blog will present a series of articles examining the experiences of volunteers in the Abraham Lincoln Battalion from its formation to the Brunete Offensive in July 1937. Articles will focus both on the battalion’s formation as well as on the individuals who served. These articles are intended to...
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Jarama Series: The Deserters

March 16, 2016
Jarama Series: The Deserters

In the Jarama Series, The Volunteer Blog will present a series of articles examining the experiences of volunteers in the Abraham Lincoln Battalion from its formation to the Brunete Offensive in July 1937. Articles will focus both on the battalion’s formation as well as on the individuals who served. These articles are intended to...
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The Death of Major Robert Hale Merriman

March 13, 2016
The Death of Major Robert Hale Merriman

Robert Hale Merriman, Chief of Staff of the XV International Brigade, disappeared behind enemy lines. His body was never recovered. What happened? Two memoirs and an interview give conflicting versions.
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Jarama Series: The Aftermath

March 8, 2016
Jarama Series: The Aftermath

In the Jarama Series, The Volunteer Blog will present a series of articles examining the experiences of volunteers in the Abraham Lincoln Battalion from its formation to the Brunete Offensive in July 1937. Articles will focus both on the battalion’s formation as well as on the individuals who served. These articles are intended to...
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Book Review: Prowell’s Letters

March 7, 2016
<i>Book Review:</i> Prowell’s Letters

Shedding Light on a Volunteer for Liberty Alphaeus Danfourth Prowell: Letters from an American Volunteer in the Spanish Civil War Compiled and Self-Published by Dawn Rolland. Sold through Amazon, Apple iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and OverDrive.   Dawn Rolland’s self-published compilation of letters written by Alphaeus Danfourth Prowell is short but fascinating.  This...
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