Author Archive for Chris Brooks

American Hospital Unit Leaves the Southern Front, Unattributed

September 20, 2019
American Hospital Unit Leaves the Southern Front, Unattributed

The Volunteer for Liberty, V.1, No. 24, November 17, 1937 After six months on the Cordoba front, the American Hospital Unit under Dr. A. I. Friedman (of Hackensack, N. J.) is now at Villa Paz for a short period of reorganization before, leaving for the Fifteenth Brigade. The American Hospital of the South and...
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With the Mac-Paps by Dave Gordon

September 13, 2019
With the Mac-Paps by Dave Gordon

The Volunteer for Liberty, V2, No. 31, August 5, 1938. The Army of the East is coming to the aid of the Levante! Like a bolt of lightning this sweeping thought penetrated every company, every unit, every soldier in the Army. How? Where? Again the smashing lightning idea. Along a front of more than...
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MORA LA NUEVA – MAY-1938 by Barney Baley

September 6, 2019
MORA LA NUEVA – MAY-1938 by Barney Baley

                              That morning when I heard that Manch was killed— Beneath the almond tree our company Was lined up for its bread and jam and coffee. I saw his sergeant, Aaron, passing by. I called to him; he told me...
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What are The Duties of a Cabo? by Roy Watts

August 30, 2019
What are The Duties of a Cabo? by Roy Watts

The Volunteer for Liberty, V. 2, No. 31, September 5, 1938. The cabo in the Spanish people’s army should realize that not only has he many responsibilities in connection with the whole life of the soldiers in his squad, but also that it is necessary to train himself in such a way as to...
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Tasks of a Cabo by Clarence Schuler

August 23, 2019
Tasks of a Cabo by Clarence Schuler

The Volunteer for Liberty, V2, No. 25, July 19, 1938 The cabo in the performance of his tasks plays a very important part in the functioning of a military machine. The squad, being the basic unit, must function properly in every way, if the peloton, section, company, etc. , are in turn to function...
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What are the Duties of a Cabo? By James Lardner

August 16, 2019
What are the Duties of a Cabo? By James Lardner

The Volunteer for Liberty, V2, no. 25, July 19, 1938 The functions of a Cabo is to see that his men execute quickly and efficiently the order of his superior officers. To this end he must have, first, an extensive knowledge of military technique; secondly; the respect of his squad; third, a sense of...
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Typhoid – Poem, (Its poisonous) by Hank

August 9, 2019
Typhoid – Poem, (Its poisonous) by Hank

                            The Volunteer for Liberty, V2, No. 25, July 19, 1938 Ode to the Fly The fly, the fly, oh me, oh my, it gets in my hair, it sits on my chair. In spite of all “Flit” it gets in...
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Iraqi Volunteers in Spain

August 5, 2019
Iraqi Volunteers in Spain

Among the 35,000 volunteers who traveled to Spain to support the Loyalist cause during the Spanish Civil War were two Iraqis. This is what we know about them.
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To Milt Goldstein by Maury Colow

August 2, 2019
To Milt Goldstein by Maury Colow

The Volunteer, February 1974 He was one of my oldest friends. We knew each other long before Spain in the street of Brownsville. If there was one thing that characterized him, it was his zest for life. He would sing on picket lines, while we dragged furniture back for evicted neighbors. On Friday morning,...
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Phil Detro — “Long-Legged” Texan Commander of our Lincoln-Washington Battalion, by B. O.

July 26, 2019
Phil Detro — “Long-Legged” Texan Commander of our Lincoln-Washington Battalion, by B. O.

The Volunteer for Liberty, V. 1, No. 25, December 6, 1937. You asked him why he came to Spain, how he came to hate fascism. You ask because his background is Mississippi and Texas, where reaction is strong in the ruling class. His folks were planters in Mississippi. If you trace the family you...
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