search results for "children franco"

A war for our times: The Spanish conflict in 21st-century perspective

September 14, 2012
A war for our times: The Spanish conflict in 21st-century perspective

The civil war in Spain stands at a crossroads in Europe’s “dark twentieth century”: that is, in the story of how, not so long ago, the mass killing of civilians became the brutal medium through which European societies came to terms with structure-shattering forms of change. The Spanish conflict was all about this. But...
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Honoring my uncle Phil Schachter

July 2, 2012
Honoring my uncle Phil Schachter

I have always known about the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. It was part of my family's proud heritage. My Aunt Toby Jensky was a nurse and administrator in the American Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy and worked at the Villa Paz Hospital and the Teruel front. My Uncle Phil Schachter was in a machine...
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Posted in Memory's Roster | 6 Comments »

In the footsteps of the Lincoln-Washington Battalion

July 1, 2012
In the footsteps of the Lincoln-Washington Battalion

(Versión en castellano aquí.) At the end of 2004 a good friend  of mine found, by chance, a piece of graffiti on a wall in the chapel of San Gregorio in the town of Aguaviva (Teruel). It had been written on Christmas Day 1937 by Edward Muscala, an American member of the International...
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Posted in Features, Essays, Uncategorized | 14 Comments »

London Review covers Spanish stolen babies

April 5, 2012

Lorna Scott Fox writes in the London Review of Books about the first criminal persecution  in the massive scandal of stolen babies that began under Franco and continued into Spanish democracy:

According to lawyers for victim groups, as many as 350,000 babies were stolen from poor, single or left-wing mothers between 1938...
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The truth about Guernica: Picasso and the lying press

March 9, 2012
The truth about Guernica: Picasso and the lying press

What inspired Picasso to paint his Guernica? The great cultural tradition that links Picasso with artists like Goya has always been the High Road towards the masterpiece. But exploring the Low Road of newspapers, pamphlets and street posters can also provide surprisingly rich pickings, allowing us to reconstruct a street view of Picasso...
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The radicalization of a Boston son

December 4, 2011
The radicalization of a Boston son

Young men volunteered to fight in the Spanish Civil War for many reasons, but few American volunteers came from privileged backgrounds. When I saw 1938 and Calaceite, Spain, on a list of Williams College men who died in World War II, I was introduced to Barton Carter. The full story of Carter’s radicalization and...
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Posted in Essays | 4 Comments »

Sneak Preview: Paul Preston on the Spanish Holocaust

September 18, 2011
Sneak Preview: Paul Preston on the Spanish Holocaust

Behind the lines during the Spanish Civil War, nearly two hundred thousand men and women were murdered extra-judicially or executed after flimsy legal process. They were killed as a result of the military coup of 17-18 July 1936 against the Second Republic. For the same reason, at least three hundred thousand men...
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Garzón: “Continue the fight for human rights, for human dignity, and against impunity”

May 15, 2011
Garzón: “Continue the fight for human rights, for human dignity, and against impunity”

Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, members of ALBA, representatives of the Puffin Foundation, authorities, amigas y amigos: Seventy-five years ago in my country, Spain, one of the darkest and saddest chapters in the history of humanity began. It lasted more than forty years and even today, after 34 years of democracy, it has not...
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Documentary screening in New York: Monday, April 18, 2011

April 13, 2011
Documentary screening in New York:  Monday, April 18, 2011

Spain in/and the United States Screening and discussion of two documentaries about Spaniards in the US. NYU’s Department of Spanish and Portuguese and its King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center, together with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives and the Comisión de Archivos de La Nacional, are pleased to present filmmaker Luis Argeo, who...
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Gripping new documentary on stolen Spanish babies

March 18, 2011
Gripping new documentary on stolen Spanish babies

Montse Armengou and Ricard Belis, the pair of Catalan documentary filmmakers that brought us Les fosses del silenci (The Spanish Holocaust, view part 1part 2), Els nens perduts del franquisme (The Lost Children of Francoism, part 1 - part 2), and Memòria per llei (Memory by Law, view) returned last month...
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