Wayne State Hosts ALBA/Susman Lecture

November 19, 2017
Wayne State Hosts ALBA/Susman Lecture

Dr. Mark Bray, controversial author of The Antifa Handbook, delivered the Bill Susman lecture to a lively crowd of 100 at Wayne State University on October 17. His appearance served also as the annual event of the university’s Abraham Lincoln Brigade Scholarship Fund, which was established in 1982 after a benefit concert donated by...
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Poetry Feature: Anonymous

November 19, 2017
<i>Poetry Feature:</i> Anonymous

Anonymous The old Communist behind the bar is decanting rot-gut red into green bottles, pours me a taste. He’d fought in Spain with the Lincoln Brigade and in the big war that followed. He has stories. Oral history we call it: I want his past, he hopes for my future. He pours, I drink....
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Book Review: Uncertain Glory: What Drives Men to War?

November 19, 2017
Book Review: <i>Uncertain Glory</i>: What Drives Men to War?

Joan Sales, Uncertain Glory. Foreword by Juan Goytisolo. Translated by Peter Bush. New York: New York Review Books. 2014. 457 pages.

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Wolf Moon: A Novel about the Anti-Francoist Guerrilla

November 19, 2017
<i>Wolf Moon:</i> A Novel about the Anti-Francoist Guerrilla

In the autumn of 1937, after the Republican front had collapsed in Asturias and with any possibility of retreat being prevented by the sea, hundreds of fugitives took refuge on the steep, leafy slopes of the Cantabrian Mountains, their only objective being to escape the repression inflicted by the winning side and to wait...
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Rescue What We Can: Julio Llamazares and the Fight against Oblivion

November 19, 2017
Rescue What We Can: Julio Llamazares and the Fight against Oblivion

Julio Llamazares was born in 1955 in Vegamián, a small town in the province of León, in the north of Spain, where his father worked as a teacher. In 1968, Vegamián disappeared from the map. Along with five other towns, it was submerged in a huge artificial lake. The Francoist state, allied with the...
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Human Rights Column: Disposable People: Deporting US Veterans

November 19, 2017
<i>Human Rights Column:</i> Disposable People: Deporting US Veterans

The plight of the non-citizen veterans of US military service who have been deported stands as a small but telling example of how our country falls far short of living up to its promises.
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Antifascism in Ohio: Humanities Director Speaks Out

November 19, 2017
Antifascism in Ohio: Humanities Director Speaks Out

Last August, in the wake of violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, Ohio Humanities issued a powerful letter condemning white supremacists who attacked antifascist protestors. We speak with Executive Director Pat Williamsen about the need for public humanists to take a stand. “America has forgotten itself.”
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Understanding the Catalan Crisis: Emilio Silva on Winners and Losers

November 19, 2017
Understanding the Catalan Crisis: Emilio Silva on Winners and Losers

The escalating conflict between Spain and Catalonia led to the country’s deepest constitutional crisis since the transition to democracy. Journalist Emilio Silva reflects on the short- and long-term impact. “For someone on the left, the confusion in terms of priorities and alliances is hard to understand.”
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Faces of ALBA: Dayana Arrue

November 19, 2017
Faces of ALBA: Dayana Arrue

Dayana Arrue is a Geoscience Engineering major at Rutgers University and an intern at an engineering firm. An activist for environmental and migration-related causes, she hopes to remediate groundwater pollution by designing wastewater treatment systems. She is also a passionate speaker on behalf of the Dreamers, the undocumented young activists who received the ALBA/Puffin...
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Watt Prizes Recognize Outstanding Student Writing

November 19, 2017
Watt Prizes Recognize Outstanding Student Writing

The 2017 George Watt Essay Prize for the best writing on the Spanish Civil War received a record number of submissions. Students from Canada, Egypt, and 18 U.S. states submitted essays, poems, and stories for this year’s annual prizes.
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Letter from ALBA: The Legacy Will Endure

November 19, 2017
Letter from ALBA: The Legacy Will Endure

We have all been following the conflict over the status of Catalonia within the Spanish state. This issue of The Volunteer features an insightful interview on the topic with journalist Emilio Silva. The conflict over Catalonia has not only mobilized a sector of the left but also, Silva notes, “improved the image of the...
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I’ll Be There: Film Festival Shows Legacy of the Lincolns

November 19, 2017
<i>I’ll Be There: </i>Film Festival Shows Legacy of the Lincolns

ALBA’s Human Rights Film Festival shines a light on human rights abuses—and on those who try to stop them—wherever they may happen. The geography covered by this year’s Impugning Impunity is vast.
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ALBA Teaching Institutes More Relevant Than Ever

November 19, 2017
ALBA Teaching Institutes More Relevant Than Ever

For the past ten years, ALBA has been conducting professional development workshops for high school educators all over the country, and to date we have reached over 1,200 teachers in more than nine states.
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Bob Smillie and the Memory of the P.O.U.M.

November 19, 2017
Bob Smillie and the Memory of the P.O.U.M.

The fate of the POUM, among the most controversial episodes of the Spanish Civil War, is shrouded in taboo. Founded by Andreu Nin and Joaquín Maurín, the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification) fought alongside the Republic, defending the workers’ revolution as the road to society’s emancipation. After the so-called...
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Saving Spanish Lives on the Volga, Summer 1942

November 11, 2017
Saving Spanish Lives on the Volga, Summer 1942

Alejandra Soler Gilabert, who died in Valencia, Spain last March, was one of the Spanish teachers who worked with the nearly 3,000 children who were evacuated to the Soviet Union during the Spanish Civil War. Soler is credited with saving the lives of 14 children during the battle at Stalingrad—the turning point of the...
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More Ways to Make ALBA Thrive

August 31, 2017
More Ways to Make ALBA Thrive

There are many ways to help support the work ALBA does throughout the country, from planned gifts to monthly donations.
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Tamiment Library Open House: September 9

August 31, 2017
Tamiment Library Open House: September 9

A great way to get to know the ALBA collection! Includes an instructional program for those who are interested in learning how to conduct research in the archive.
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Impugning Impunity: ALBA’s Human Rights Film Festival Returns in September

August 31, 2017
Impugning Impunity: ALBA’s Human Rights Film Festival Returns in September

  ALBA presents three days of groundbreaking human rights documentaries! IIFFDOCS NY September 22-24, 2017 @DCTV 87 Lafayette Street, NY From workers in late capitalism to testimonies of resistance worldwide, Impugning Impunity brings social and political struggles to the forefront through the art of nonfction storytelling For more information visit: www.iiff-docs.com
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Book Review: No Pasarán: Writings from the Spanish Civil War

August 30, 2017
Book Review: <i>No Pasarán: Writings from the Spanish Civil War</i>

No Pasarán: Writings from the Spanish Civil War. Edited by Pete Ayrton. London/New York: Pegasus Books, 2016. 393pp.

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Heroes of the Pen: Alvah Bessie on Murdered Writers, 1943

August 30, 2017
Heroes of the Pen: Alvah Bessie on Murdered Writers, 1943

Gabriel Peri and Lucien Sampaix, two veteran writers of the Parisian pre-war Communist newspaper Humanité, were among the 100 hostages shot in late 1941 at Mont Valerien Fortress just north of Paris as one of the three “punishments” inflicted on the Parisian population by General Otto von Stuelpnagel in reprisal for the repeated bombings....
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HR Column: Identitaries: The New Fascist Menace

August 30, 2017
<em>HR Column</em>: <i>Identitaries:</i> The New Fascist Menace

Europe is seeing a resurgence of hatred and intolerance. While the direct heirs to the Fascist and Nazi legacies have changed their rhetoric, extreme right-wing organizations formed mainly by young people are gaining ground. But they no longer make overt racist or supremacist claims. Instead, they call themselves identitaires.
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Forgotten Fighters: American Anarchist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War

August 30, 2017
Forgotten Fighters: American Anarchist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War

Among the almost 3,000 foreign anarchists who fought in the Spanish Civil War, more than one hundred came from the United States. Their story has been almost entirely overlooked.
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Jewish Volunteers in the International Brigades: What Drove Them?

August 30, 2017
Jewish Volunteers in the International Brigades: What Drove Them?

The tens of thousands of volunteers who joined the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War included a relatively high percentage of men and women of Jewish descent. But can we say that these volunteers were driven by a specifically Jewish motivation to fight fascism in Spain? Or did their presence simply reflect the...
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Kitchen Table History: In Search of Ben Barsky

August 30, 2017
Kitchen Table History: In Search of Ben Barsky

Ben Barsky had volunteered for Spain in 1937 and never returned. Why and how did he go? Why did the family never receive any notice of his death? And—perhaps most importantly and painfully—why has Ben’s life and sacrifice been such a taboo subject in the family for so many years? Daniel Czitrom explores the...
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Family Members Help Expand ALBA Collection at NYU

August 30, 2017
Family Members Help Expand ALBA Collection at NYU

We know where and when the ALB vets were born, their political affiliations, which battles they fought in, and when they died. For too many Abraham Lincoln Brigade vets, this is all the information we have. In Samuel Waitzman’s case, that all changed with an email.
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Faces of ALBA: George Snook, Brooklyn History Teacher

August 30, 2017
Faces of ALBA: George Snook, Brooklyn History Teacher

George Snook is an award-winning history teacher at the Packer Collegiate Institute in Brooklyn, New York. For over 25 years he has inspired his students to engage history by doing their own research. The Spanish Civil War and the experiences of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade play a central role in his classes. An alum...
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Letter from ALBA: The Work Ahead

August 30, 2017
Letter from ALBA: The Work Ahead

Almost 80 years after her father Timoteo’s violent death during the Franco dictatorship, Ascensión Mendieta has finally been able to re-bury his remains. In her 90s now, Mendieta last saw Timoteo when she was 13. A labor leader in the tiny village of Sacedón, east of Madrid, he was picked up from the family...
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ALBA’s Busy Fall: Half a Dozen Workshops in Three States

August 30, 2017
ALBA’s Busy Fall: Half a Dozen Workshops in Three States

“America & World Fascism,” ALBA Teaching Institutes program, launches a statewide series at the Ohio Council for the Social Studies (OCSS) Meeting in September, with professional development workshops following month for teachers in Cleveland and Bowling Green. Besides exploring U.S. and World History topics from the Spanish Civil War and World War II, this...
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Justice in Spain: Court-Ordered Exhumation of Franco Victim Succeeds

August 30, 2017
Justice in Spain: Court-Ordered Exhumation of Franco Victim Succeeds

Almost eighty years after he disappeared, Ascención Mendieta could finally give a proper burial to her father, murdered by the Franco regime.
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Teaching History through Photography: Retracing Centelles’ Steps in Barcelona

August 19, 2017
Teaching History through Photography: Retracing Centelles’ Steps in Barcelona

Photography is a powerful teaching tool. Last April, a group of American students and I met Ricard Martínez in front of a pharmacy on Barcelona’s Carrer de Diputació to follow the steps that Agustí Centelles, one of the most important photographers of the Spanish Civil War, had taken on July 19, 1936, the first...
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Xochitl Gil-Higuchi (1972-2017)

June 14, 2017
Xochitl Gil-Higuchi (1972-2017)

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Book Review: The ‘Fifth Column’ in Madrid

June 14, 2017
<em>Book Review:</em> The ‘Fifth Column’ in Madrid

Julius Ruiz. Paracuellos: The Elimination of the ‘Fifth Column’ in Republican Madrid during the Spanish Civil War Brighton, UK; Chicago; Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, 2017.

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Standing with Spain: Michigan Students and the Spanish Civil War

June 14, 2017
Standing with Spain: Michigan Students and the Spanish Civil War

After the 1936 outbreak of the war in Spain, students at the University of Michigan rallied in support of the Republic. A symposium on March 23-25 featuring Peter Carroll and Robert Cohen commemorated this history of political commitment.
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Hostages of Appeasement: Jay Allen on Refugees

June 14, 2017
Hostages of Appeasement: Jay Allen on Refugees

Do refugees have rights? If so, who is responsible to protect them? These contemporary questions are not new. Indeed, they were raised eloquently by the American journalist Jay Allen in November 1939 in Survey Graphic, a monthly magazine edited by Paul Kellogg, illustrated with images by Ione Robinson (1910-1989), an American photographer and artist....
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Hemingway in the Martyred City: April, 1937

June 14, 2017
Hemingway in the Martyred City: April, 1937

In April 1937, Ernest Hemingway filed a series of dispatches from Madrid on the atrocious Nationalist bombing campaigns. Curiously, he failed to mention the attack on Guernica.  The legion of international observers – journalists, photographers, writers and “celebrities” of all kinds – passing through Spain during the Spanish Civil War undoubtedly shaped how that...
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