search results for "garzon"

Trial against Garzón opens: if suspended, The Hague is out

May 12, 2010

In a remarkably swift reaction to yesterday's news that Investigate Magistrate Baltasar Garzón has requested permission for a seven-month stint as special advisor to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in the Hague, this morning Justice Luciano Varela of the Spanish Supreme Court has opened the trial against Garzón for...
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Breaking news: Garzón to The Hague?

May 11, 2010

The Spanish press reports that Baltasar Garzón, under siege in Spain with three cases pending against him, has accepted an invitation from Luis Moreno Ocampo, the Argentinean chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, to begin working as advisor to the Prosecutor's Office there. Although Garzón has already made his...
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Garzón updates

May 7, 2010

The Supreme court has rejected Garzón's request that Justice Varela recuse himself in the case related to Garzón's attempt to open an investigation of crimes against humanity during the Civil War and the Franco dictatorship, and does not agree with Garzón that Varela's request of the plaintiffs to "revise and resubmit" their...
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The Nation on Garzón

May 1, 2010

From this week's issue:

Garzón is usually assigned a leftist role within Spain's internal disputes, but he has routinely irritated people of all political stripes. He is a postideological idealist, a legal crusader who in his own country tirelessly pursues corrupt socialists and conservatives alike and, beyond his national borders,...
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Varela considers Garzón’s request for recusal

April 29, 2010

Almería's The Reader reports:

Baltasar Garzón had called on Varela to recuse himself after it became known that the Supreme Court judge had advised those placing written allegations against Garzón, the Falange and Manos Limpias, on how to edit those written admissions to make them acceptable.

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Democracy Now! on Garzón rallies

April 27, 2010
Democracy Now! on Garzón rallies

Amy Goodman--recipient of the First ALBA Activist Award this coming Sunday, May 2, in New York (tickets still available!)--reports:

Rallies were held around the world this weekend to support a leading human rights judge facing trial in Spain. Baltasar Garzón is accused of overreaching his authority in a probe...
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Giles Tremlett on Garzón

April 26, 2010

The Guardian correspondent, and author of Ghosts of Spain, pens a long piece on the topic:

Many Spaniards are amazed by the protagonists who have suddenly reappeared into mainstream debate. The supreme court is acting at the behest of the Falange — the minuscule descendant of the party that provided...
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Garzón and MLK

April 25, 2010

Scott Boehm writes on the Garzón case in Counterpunch: If Martin Luther King were alive today, he would undoubtedly support Garzón and those brave enough to publicly challenge the state of impunity that is the glaring stain on the sunny, smiley surface that characterizes Spanish democracy. Long after Franco’s death, Spain is segregated...
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Amnesty International: “Charges against Garzón must be dropped”

April 23, 2010
Amnesty International: “Charges against Garzón must be dropped”

Widney Brown, Senior Director of Amnesty International, states:

This is outrageous. As a matter of principle, Amnesty International does not take a position on the merits of the specific charges made against a person under investigation by a court, but in this case – where investigative Judge Baltasar Garzón is...
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Former anti-corruption DA denounces case against Garzón

April 21, 2010

Carlos Jiménez Villarejo, a former District Attorney who specialized in anti-corruption cases, writes in El Público on the allegations of bribe against Garzón:

It is reasonable and, above all, just, to demand an immediate dropping of these charges, which, like all of the charges still pending , are completely unfounded....
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