
David Graeber dedicates new book to his Lincoln vet father

October 14, 2013
David Graeber dedicates new book to his Lincoln vet father

In 2011, David Graeber’s monumental book "Debt: The First 5,000 Years" was published. In that very same year, he burst into national consciousness with the Occupy Wall Street movement he helped to spark. This year, he has written a daring book “The Democracy Project: A History, A Crisis, A Movement.” Part reflection on Occupy...
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ALBA se une a la Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad

July 8, 2013
ALBA se une a la Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad

alba_logo(Versión en inglés.) Nueva York, 3 de  julio de 2013 - Los Archivos de la Brigada Abraham Lincoln (ALBA) se convierten en la primera organización de Estados Unidos en unirse a la Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad sobre los Crímenes del...
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David Lomon, last British IBer (1918-2012)

March 18, 2013
David Lomon, last British IBer (1918-2012)

David Lomon, who died on 21 December 2012, aged 94, was the last known survivor in Britain of the more than 2,500 volunteers from the British Isles who joined the International Brigades.
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Review: Writers at war

March 17, 2013
Review: Writers at war

David Boyd Haycock. I am Spain: The Spanish Civil War and the Men and Women Who Went to Fight Fascism (Old Street Publishing, Brecon, 2012).
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Mystery sketch: Help wanted

March 16, 2013
Mystery sketch: Help wanted

Can anyone shed any light on the origins of this sketch? It belonged to Arthur West, an ac­tivist in the Aid Spain movement in Notting­ham and a prominent local trade unionist, who died in 1979, aged 67. The portrait is ded­icated at the top to “the Liverpool Local with Red Front Saluds, Jack Coward.”...
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El Ateneo de Madrid dedica su tertulia a la Brigada Lincoln

March 8, 2013
El Ateneo de Madrid dedica su tertulia a la Brigada Lincoln

El pasado mes de febrero recibí una llamada del Ateneo de Madrid pidiéndome que preparara una pequeña exposición sobre algún aspecto de la  II República Española para presentar en la tertulia que todos los lunes reúne a un grupo de republicanos –la mayoría ya muy mayores- deseosos de saber más sobre ese breve periodo...
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Albin Ragner: An Unpublished Memoir

February 27, 2013
By and
Albin Ragner: An Unpublished Memoir

This is the story of my service in the Spanish Civil War during the years 1937 and 1938 as a soldier in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade of the 15th Brigade of the International Brigades.
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Dr. Josep Maria Massons (1913-2012)

January 18, 2013
Dr. Josep Maria Massons (1913-2012)

(English version.) Josep Maria Massons Esplugas falleció el 10 de noviembre de 2012 en Barcelona. Nació en Valls (Tarragona, Cataluña) el 18 de enero de 1913. Se licenció en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Barcelona en 1934. Ganó una plaza de medico-interno de cirugía del Hospital Clínico de Barcelona. Cuando estalló...
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Benét remembered

December 19, 2012

Spanish Civil War veteran Jim Benét, who passed away earlier this week, “drank several times alongside writer Ernest Hemingway,” Brett Wilkison writes for the Press Democrat: He forged his own path as a respected newspaper and TV reporter in the Bay Area, covering the Free Speech movement on the UC Berkeley campus in the...
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Navy officer extradicted for 1973 Chile killings

October 18, 2012

The New York Times reports: The Supreme Court in Chile approved an extradition request on Wednesday against a former American Navy officer indicted in the killings of two United States citizens in the aftermath of the 1973 coup. Retired Capt. Ray E. Davis was commander of the United States Military Group at the embassy...
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