
Tamiment’s New Leadership: The Next Chapter

September 13, 2015
Tamiment’s New Leadership: The Next Chapter

Timothy Johnson takes over this month as Head of Tamiment Library, whose outstanding holdings include the ever-expanding ALBA collection. Johnson will be working with Assistant Curator and Public Services Librarian Kate Donovan. A conversation about plans, challenges, and legacies.
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Join the Jarama Society

June 11, 2015
Join the Jarama Society

What you leave to friends and loved ones–and the causes you champion– are ways of expressing your hopes and dreams for the future. Help perpetuate your part in the story of the Lincoln Brigade. As you make your plans, please consider including ALBA in your will or living trust, or naming us as a...
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New Photos of the Chapaiev Battalion

June 11, 2015
New Photos of the Chapaiev Battalion

An exhibit in Hamburg displays images of the Chapaiev Battalion taken by soldiers and Gerda Taro, from the collection of Alfred Kantorowicz and the ICP.
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Meet ALBA’s New Chair & Officers

June 11, 2015
Meet ALBA’s New Chair & Officers

My formative experiences took place in Italy within a political culture deeply shaped by the values of international solidarity, social justice, and antifascism that motivated the women and men of the International Brigades.
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ALBA Teacher Institute travels to MA and OH

June 11, 2015
ALBA Teacher Institute travels to MA and OH

In March and April, ALBA’s Peter N. Carroll and Sebastiaan Faber worked with more than two dozen high school teachers in Newton, Massachusetts, and Columbus, Ohio to develop human-rights lesson plans based on primary materials from the Spanish Civil War. The March workshop, hosted by Michael Kozuch at South Newton High School, was organized...
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A Letter from the NYC Chancellor of Education

June 11, 2015
A Letter from the NYC Chancellor of Education

This letter, from New York City Chancellor of Education Carmen Fariña, was read at the ALBA/Puffin Award ceremony on May 9 in New York. Presenting it was Alyce Barr, the daughter of Lincoln Brigade veteran Reuben Barr, who currently serves as deputy executive director in the Office of Interschool Collaborative Learning in the city’s Department of...
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Letter from ALBA: Why care about the past?

June 11, 2015
By and
Letter from ALBA: Why care about the past?

Why should we care about the past? This is one of the essential questions we ask when we work with students and teachers. We believe it is a question worth pondering, and worth answering thoughtfully.
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New York Event: Photos and Video

June 11, 2015
New York Event: Photos and Video

Here is a video summary and a photo gallery of our Annual Celebration and Award Ceremony in New York City, May 9, 2015, at the Japan Society.
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Justice for Franco’s Victims: ALBA/Puffin Prize Supports Exhumations

June 11, 2015
Justice for Franco’s Victims: ALBA/Puffin Prize Supports Exhumations

Emilio Silva, founding president of Spain’s Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory, was in New York to receive the fifth ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism. Spain’s transition to democracy, he said, failed to address the country’s moral debt to the thousands of victims of violence during the Spanish Civil War and the...
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Podemos’ Pablo Iglesias visits New York

March 13, 2015
Podemos’ Pablo Iglesias visits New York

Pablo Iglesias, leader of the grass-roots political movement PODEMOS, paid an intense three-day visit to New York in mid-February, where he was interviewed, among others, by Amy Goodman. When asked if he intends for Spain to meet its obligations, under international law, to investigate and prosecute crimes against humanity committed during the Spanish Civil...
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