
SPECIAL REPORT Argentine judge continues fight for victims of Franco

March 15, 2013
<em>SPECIAL REPORT</em> Argentine judge continues fight for victims of Franco

After more than seven decades of impunity, those who committed crimes during Francisco Franco’s dictatorship may finally have to face a judge. Spain has never lifted its 1977 amnesty law, which, unlike similar laws in Chile and Argentina, was passed by a democratically elected government. Claiming that the law was a crucial piece...
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The Lincolns as internationalists: A battalion of immigrant activists

March 15, 2013
The Lincolns as internationalists: A battalion of immigrant activists

A survey of Lincoln veterans in the 1980s showed that 80 percent of the surviving volunteers were immigrants or children of immigrants. Some had participated in the mass migrations before WWI but many were relative newcomers who were "internationalists" rather than nationals.
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A Chinese volunteer in the Lincoln Brigade

January 4, 2013
By and
A Chinese volunteer in the Lincoln Brigade

Among the nearly 3,000 U.S. volunteers who joined the International Brigades in Spain, there were two Chinese: Chi Chang (张纪) from Minnesota and Dong Hong Yick (his Chinese name: 陈文饶, Wen Rao Chen) from New York’s Chinatown. Chang survived the Spanish Civil War, but Yick was killed at Gandesa in 1938. Chi Chang came from...
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Jack Hirschman: The Gernika Arcane

January 4, 2013
Jack Hirschman: The Gernika Arcane

You’re all feet waiting / to do the saranda / tonight / hair-free and shoulders / swaying, laughing / because tomorrow you’ll / have to carry a column / of trays / of sardines on your head
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The Spanish bloodlands: Ángel Viñas, warrior historian

January 4, 2013
The Spanish bloodlands: Ángel Viñas, warrior historian

“There is not a single one among the conservative or neo-Francoist historians who does not manipulate or skew the historical evidence. They sell bold-faced lies. This sounds harsh, I know. But I have proven it time and again. In Spain, the myths propagated by Francoism have survived, conveniently freshened up, and are mobilized in...
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A Spanish Schindler in Budapest

December 22, 2012
A Spanish Schindler in Budapest

The Franco regime let some 10,000 Spanish Republican exiles die in Nazi concentration camps. But one remarkable and little-told episode of Spanish aid to European Jewry is that of the Franco regime’s foreign minister stationed in Hungary, Ángel Sanz Briz, who managed to save 5,000 Hungarian Jews in his capacity as chargé d’affaires of...
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La guerra antes del gran apagón: Una entrevista con Helen Graham

October 1, 2012
By and
La guerra antes del gran apagón: Una entrevista con Helen Graham

(English version.) Publicada el 6 de marzo de 2010 en la edición en línea de The Volunteer, como una versión extendida de la entrevista que apareció en el número de marzo de 2010 de la edición en papel de esa misma publicación. Traducción de Sara Plaza (civalleroyplaza.blogspot.com.es/) “Contar grandes historias a través de las...
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Our American Guernica: The enigma of Motherwell’s Elegies

September 15, 2012
Our American Guernica: The enigma of Motherwell’s <em>Elegies</em>

What prompted the artist Robert Motherwell to devote over 40 years, from 1948 until his death in 1991, to a body of work entitled “Elegies to the Spanish Republic”?   Why did Motherwell, whom the noted critic Clement Greenberg considered “one of the very best of the Abstract Expressionist painters,” return to this theme in...
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War crimes & truth-tellers: Baltasar Garzón and Julian Assange

September 15, 2012
War crimes & truth-tellers: Baltasar Garzón and Julian Assange

In dramatic news last month, Baltasar Garzón--the acclaimed Spanish lawyer and former judge who built his career on doggedly pursuing accountability for human rights crimes--agreed to head the legal defense team for Julian Assange in the Wikileaks publisher’s efforts to avoid extradition to the United States via Sweden. If there is such a thing as...
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A war for our times: The Spanish conflict in 21st-century perspective

September 14, 2012
A war for our times: The Spanish conflict in 21st-century perspective

The civil war in Spain stands at a crossroads in Europe’s “dark twentieth century”: that is, in the story of how, not so long ago, the mass killing of civilians became the brutal medium through which European societies came to terms with structure-shattering forms of change. The Spanish conflict was all about this. But...
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