
Who Fought for Franco?

August 29, 2020
Who Fought for Franco?

Who were the soldiers who served in Franco’s insurgent army? Until recently, few historians or social scientists thought to ask this question. A new book complicates long-held assumptions.
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Racial Justice, Then and Now: Paul Robeson’s Antifascist Legacy

August 27, 2020
Racial Justice, Then and Now: Paul Robeson’s Antifascist Legacy

Paul Robeson’s anti-fascist activism sought full freedom for oppressed people around the world. The singer consistently spoke against segregation and racial violence in the U.S. as well as colonialism in Africa. Anti-fascism impugns white supremacy, then and now.
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Faces of ALBA: Photography Curator Cynthia Young

August 27, 2020
<em>Faces of ALBA:</em> Photography Curator Cynthia Young

Cynthia Young recently joined ALBA’s Board of Governors.  She is the curator of the Robert Capa and Cornell Capa Archive at the International Center of Photography.  Cynthia has also curated exhibits and published several books on Capa and other leading contemporary photographers.
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Gota de Leche: Quakers in the Spanish Civil War

August 27, 2020
<em>Gota de Leche:</em> Quakers in the Spanish Civil War

In the summer of 1937, Esther Farquhar, an Ohio Quaker recruited by American Friends Service Committee, arrived in Murcia to organize the feeding of the starving refugees. A photo diary discovered in the archives inspired the author to join humanitarian relief efforts happening today. “If they were able to do so much with so...
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Pins in Support of Spanish Democracy: A Collector’s Story

August 27, 2020
Pins in Support of Spanish Democracy: A Collector’s Story

I’m a collector of American left-wing protest pins. As a radical lefty lawyer, I’ve found it to be one way to be connected to the great social movements of my lifetime and before.
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“If Spain Became a Republic Once Again, We’d Have Lost the War a Little Less.” Georges Bartolí Remembers His Uncle Josep

August 27, 2020
<em>“If Spain Became a Republic Once Again, We’d Have Lost the War a Little Less.”</em> Georges Bartolí Remembers His Uncle Josep

Among the hundreds of thousands of Spanish refugees who ended up in French concentration camps was the graphic artist Josep Bartolí, who would later become a well-known artist in Mexico and New York. His dramatic drawings of the Civil War and life in the camps are featured in a new book by his nephew,...
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A Mac-Pap Amongst the Lincolns

June 2, 2020
A Mac-Pap Amongst the Lincolns

On returning to Canada from the Spanish Civil War, Jim Higgins was branded a communist, hounded by the RCMP, and welcomed by his Lincoln Battalion comrades when he sought refuge in New York. In his soon-to-be-published book, he writes, “It rained like hell but I was very happy.”
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Faces of ALBA: Jack Mayerhofer

June 2, 2020
Faces of ALBA: Jack Mayerhofer

Jack Mayerhofer is the newest member of the ALBA Board of Governors and its freshest face.  A leading figure in the protection human rights and the development of education programs to prevent mass atrocities across the globe, Jack holds a B.S. in French and Applied Linguistics from Penn State University and an M.S. in...
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Poetry Feature: On the Dry Sea of Sonora

June 2, 2020
<em>Poetry Feature:</em> On the Dry Sea of Sonora

Lollie Butler is a Fellow in Literature, granted by the Arizona Commission for the Arts.
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Dead Labor: What Lincoln Vet Len Olson Taught His Daughter

June 2, 2020
Dead Labor: What Lincoln Vet Len Olson Taught His Daughter

What Lincoln vet Len Olson taught his daughter Hannah. “Think of all the work that was done to this thing by someone’s hands.”
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