
Indignation at Supreme Court’s suspicious handling of Garzón case

April 12, 2011
Indignation at Supreme Court’s suspicious handling of Garzón case

There seems to be no end to the legal and historical ironies associated with Judge Baltasar Garzón, who is currently facing three sets charges in the Spanish Supreme Court. If he loses the first one--for opening an investigation into crimes against humanity committed by the Franco regime--he, the judge, would be the first person...
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Garzón edges closer to Supreme Court hearing on wiretap case

April 11, 2011
Garzón edges closer to Supreme Court hearing on wiretap case

"Judge Baltasar Garzón is soon to appear in the Supreme Court over wiretaps that he ordered to listen in on conversations between lawyers and the heads of the corrupt "Gürtel" business network," the English edition of El País reports:

The judge in charge of the case, Alberto Jorge Barreiro, announced Monday that the...
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Talk on US medical volunteers in SCW

April 8, 2011

Nest Tuesday, April 12th, at 6pm, the Center for Worker Education, City College, CUNY & The Frances S. Patai Fund is hosting a talk by Prof. Isabelle Rohr on American Medical Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War. The lectures is free and open to the public, at the Center for Worker Education, 7th Floor Auditorium...
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More on Garzón’s case in Strasbourg

April 7, 2011
More on Garzón’s case in Strasbourg

Nick Lyne offers an overview and analysis in today's Iberosphere of the case brought on behalf of Judge Garzón to the European Court of Human Rights (see also last week's ALBA editorial on the topic):

Garzón’s supporters claim there is nothing coincidental about the fact that the trial for malfeasance...
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Nueva York (6): Networks and Barbed Wire

April 7, 2011
Nueva York (6):  Networks and Barbed Wire

More heart-wrenching clippings from New York’s Spanish-language press, this time from the Brooklyn-based paper, Frente Popular.  The war is over, and the international network of Spanish Republican immigrants and exiles is abuzz with desperate attempts to locate loved ones.  Spaniards fleeing from Franco  have been corralled into horrific concentration camps in southern France, and...
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Libya and the SCW (cont’d)

April 7, 2011

Can the lessons of the Spanish Civil War be applied to the situation in Libya? The debate has been ongoing. George Will contributed to the discussion yesterday in his Washington Post column:

Now the administration must decide how to characterize those on whose behalf we have gone to war. They are...
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Hem and Martha recreate SCW in California

April 7, 2011
Hem and Martha recreate SCW in California

Shooting continues apace for Philip Kaufman's new film on Ernest Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn, starring Clive Owen and Nicole Kidman. Yesterday Caught on Set published a series of images taken in the hills of Livermore, California.
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Spain & the “dictatorship of relativism”

April 7, 2011

The progressive policies of Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero, who this week announced that he will not be running for a third term, have been alarming conservatives and Catholics beyond Spain. When the Pope visited earlier this past fall--an event which brought thousands of Spaniards to the streets in protest--he stunned...
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China and Spain, 1936-39: Capa and the Global Popular Front

April 4, 2011
China and Spain, 1936-39: Capa and the Global Popular Front

On Saturday, April 23, Columbia University and the International Center of Photography will present a day-long symposium titled “China and Spain, 1936-39: Robert Capa and the Global Popular Front.” Bringing together eleven scholars from the U.S. and China, the symposium will explore the interconnections between the Spanish Civil War and the concurrent Chinese...
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Franco’s lingering legacy

April 1, 2011
Franco’s lingering legacy

Jonathan Freedland writes in the Guardian on the Valle de los Caídos, Franco's monstrous monument, which continues to attract controversy:

Spain's socialist government understands the potency of Valle de los Caídos, or Valley of the Fallen. Indeed, much energy has been devoted to taming it. Since 2009, the site has been closed to general...
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