
In a Time of Crisis, Soccer Remains a Constant in Spain

June 14, 2012
In a Time of Crisis, Soccer Remains a Constant in Spain

While Spain continues to struggle economically, the country has one constant with which its citizens can be proud to identify: soccer. This was not always the case, however. In his new book, entitled La Roja: How Soccer Conquered Spain and How Spanish Soccer Conquered the World, writer Jimmy Burns explores the history of soccer...
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Remembering the People’s Olympiad 76 years later

June 14, 2012
Remembering the People’s Olympiad 76 years later

Documents from the planned 1936 'Spanish Olympiad' have now been digitized and published by the University of Warwick.
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“Waiting for Robert Capa” to be new film

June 13, 2012
“Waiting for Robert Capa” to be new film

A new film based on the novel Waiting for Robert Capa by Susana Fortes will be directed by Michael Mann, who has directed other films such as Public Enemies, and Heat.
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German Stuka dive-bomber found in Baltic

June 13, 2012
German Stuka dive-bomber found in Baltic

Wreckage from a Ju-87 'Stuka' has recently been found in the Baltic Sea.
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Robert Capa, Spain, and D-Day

June 13, 2012
Robert Capa, Spain, and D-Day

Robert Capa's start as a war photographer in the Spanish Civil War and his later career are discussed in the "Photographers on Photography" series on the Imaging Resources website.
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Café Gijón, favorite haunt of Hemingway, Dali, to be sold

June 13, 2012
Café Gijón, favorite haunt of Hemingway, Dali, to be sold

Café Gijón, the famed salon in Madrid now faces closure in the wake of financial difficulties.
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The Life of a Lost Child to be Turned into a Film

June 12, 2012
The Life of a Lost Child to be Turned into a Film

This coming fall, the life of one of the Spanish Civil War's 4,000 “lost children” will be adapted for the big screen. María Luisa Toole, the film’s inspiration and central focus, fled her home in San Sebastian, Spain at the age of 11 in 1937 and did not see her mother for 15 years...
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Hemingway’s Muse Dies in Spain

June 11, 2012
Hemingway’s Muse Dies in Spain

Last week, Maria Sans, who inspired Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls, died in Mataro, Spain at the age of 91. Set during the Spanish Civil War, For Whom the Bell Tolls tells the story of Robert Jordan, an American in the International Brigades, and his relationship with a volunteer nurse named...
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Spain’s Labor Laws Hinder the Unemployed

June 11, 2012

Despite an economic bailout, the future may still not be bright for Spain's economy. Financial experts say that while the country's banks have lost substantial amounts of money in the real estate crash, "Spain's job woes are due largely to labor laws that protect older workers at the expense of younger ones," writes...
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Homage to Pinochet Causes Outrage

June 10, 2012
Homage to Pinochet Causes Outrage

Next Sunday, the right-wing Chilean group La Corporación 11 de Septiembre will hold an event in honor of Augusto Pinochet, one of the most violent dictators of all time. The event will take place in Santiago's Caupolicán Theater, and according to the Unión de Oficiales en Retiro de la Defensa Nacional, 1,500 out of...
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