
Conservatory Students Explore the Spanish Civil War Through Music

August 23, 2012

Earlier this year, a group of musicians from the Conservatory of Navarra and CTL School of Image and Sound set out to make a unique piece of music. At 24 minutes long, the piece (written for voice, alto saxophone, and percussion) is a sprawling exploration of, as the group puts it, "composition, performance /...
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Chilean judge charges former army officers with kidnapping of US professor

August 22, 2012

"A judge ordered the arrest on Tuesday of eight retired police and military officers in connection with the kidnapping and disappearance of Boris Weisfeiler, an American university professor who disappeared while hiking in Chile in 1985," Pascale Bonnefoy reports in the New York Times,

Mr. Weisfeiler, then 43, was the only United...
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A New, Fuller Perspective on George Orwell

August 22, 2012
A New, Fuller Perspective on George Orwell

In a glowing review in the New York Times, writer Dwight Garner praises the newly published 'Diaries,' by George Orwell for exposing a more personal side of the legendary essayist, novelist, and social commentator. As Garner writes:

Among the vivifying things about his “Diaries,” issued now in one volume for the first time,...
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Chilean Documentary Gives Insight into Education and Family During the War

August 21, 2012
Chilean Documentary Gives Insight into Education and Family During the War

Yesterday director Macarena Aguiló's documentary, entitled "The Chilean Building," premiered in New York City. The documentary focuses on an educational program called Project Home, which was created in the 1970s by members Chile's Revolutionary Left Movement and others who opposed the Pinochet regime. According to the New York Times, "these boys and girls...
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Remembering the battles of Quinto and Belchite

August 21, 2012

Alan Warren writes: An event at Quinto will be held over the weekend of August 31/ September 1, 2012 to commemorate the 75th anniversaries of the Battles of Quinto and Belchite. We look forward to meeting those keen to explore Purburrel Hill and the various locations of the Battle of Quinto aswell as the locations of...
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Moore and Stone stand behind Assange

August 20, 2012

In a powerful op-ed in the New York Times today, filmmakers Michael Moore and Oliver Stone defend Julian Assange and warn against the consequences of a US attempt to prosecute the founder of Wikileaks:

If Mr. Assange is extradited to the United States, the consequences will reverberate for years around the world....
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Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Continues Her Anti-Immigrant Tirade

August 17, 2012
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Continues Her Anti-Immigrant Tirade

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer staunchly defended her position as a stalwart of racism and bigotry in the United States' government this past week, signing into effect an "executive order instructing state officials to deny driver’s licenses and other benefits to young undocumented immigrants who are granted temporary legal status under a new federal program...
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Assange Asylum Controversy Continues

August 16, 2012
Assange Asylum Controversy Continues

The controversy regarding Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa's decision to grant asylum to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange this morning is growing at a rapid pace. According to The Guardian, Assange "took refuge in the embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning over allegations of sexual misconduct." Ecuadorian officials are...
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Young Undocumented Immigrants Wait for Reprieve

August 16, 2012
Young Undocumented Immigrants Wait for Reprieve

Yesterday young undocumented immigrants lined up across the country to wait for the opportunity to defer deportation. This event marks the official initiation of President Barack Obama's plan to allow some young undocumented immigrants to apply for reprieve, and could affect as many as 1.7 million people, reports the New York Times....
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Hunger Strike Grows in Colombia

August 15, 2012
Hunger Strike Grows in Colombia

In Colombia, former workers for GM with various work-related injuries and disabilities have gone on a hunger strike, literally sewing their lips shut until their demands for the company are met. The strike has seen growth and received significant media coverage over recent days, beginning with four strikers on August 1st, and expanding to...
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