
Picasso at the Met

April 21, 2010

From the New York Observer:

Pablo Picasso liked to work fast. When no new canvases were handy, he painted over what he already had. He reportedly completed his masterpiece of the Spanish Civil War, Guernica, in six weeks.

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Interview with the Chilean judge who took on Pinochet

April 21, 2010
Interview with the Chilean judge who took on Pinochet

His views on the Garzón case at Radio Netherlands Worldwide:

Have conservative forces in Spain influenced this decision? Yes, this also happened in Chile. The most conservative forces had an interest in repression, as they were on the ideological side of Pinochet in Chile and on that of Franco...
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Former anti-corruption DA denounces case against Garzón

April 21, 2010

Carlos Jiménez Villarejo, a former District Attorney who specialized in anti-corruption cases, writes in El Público on the allegations of bribe against Garzón:

It is reasonable and, above all, just, to demand an immediate dropping of these charges, which, like all of the charges still pending , are completely unfounded....
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Colombian Association of Jurists in support of Garzón

April 21, 2010

El País reports that the Comisión Colombiana de Juristas has issued a press release in which it expresses great worry about the decision of the Spanish Supreme Court to move ahead with the case against the investigative magistrate.
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Financial Times editorial on Garzón

April 21, 2010

The Financial Times writes that the case against Garzón

has the hallmarks of a politically motivated attempt to smear and disbar a courageous public official who has fought terrorists and state-sanctioned death squads, corruption and tyranny. It is without merit and reflects poorly on Spain’s increasingly politicised judicial system. ...
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Julián Casanova on the quality of Spanish democracy

April 21, 2010

Julián Casanova in El País on Spain's political corruption and the recent attempts to thwart investigations into Francoist crimes:

Paradoxically, just when our democracy seemed firmly established, after leaving behind the worst aspects of the authoritarian legacy of Francoism, new pressures and threats make us doubt our political model....
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Spain’s Socialist syndicalism: a book presentation

April 21, 2010

El Sindicalismo socialista español: a book presentation, Madrid, 26 April. ‘El Sindicalismo socialista español. Aproximación oral a la Historia de UGT (1931-1975)’ Dirigido por Alicia Alted, Manuela Aroca y Juan Carlos Collado. En la Escuela Julián Besterio (C/ Azcona, 53 de Madrid) El acto contará con la intervención de: Jesús Pérez (Presidente de la...
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Esther “Hon” Brown (1917-2010)

April 20, 2010

Esther Brown, longtime executive officer of the Bay Area Post of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, died on Friday, April 16.  She was the widow of Archie Brown, a Lincoln vet and well-known radical labor activist, who died November 23, 1990. Esther’s parents were Jewish immigrants, escaping the harsh conditions of czarist...
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The Spanish Civil War as computer game?

April 19, 2010
The Spanish Civil War as computer game?

Yes, it does exist--in fact, a new version has come out.
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Hitchens re-reads Animal Farm

April 17, 2010

The Hitch on Orwell in the Guardian:

There is a Stalin pig and a Trotsky pig, but no Lenin pig. Similarly, in Nineteen Eighty-Four we find only a Big Brother Stalin and an Emmanuel Goldstein Trotsky. Nobody appears to have pointed this out at the time (and if I may say so, nobody...
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