
Family of Miguel Hernández requests annulment of sentence

July 13, 2010
Family of Miguel Hernández requests annulment of sentence

As reported earlier, the Spain's 2007  Law of Historical Memory did not annul Francoist sentences, although it did, ambiguously, declare the tribunals that issued them to be “illegitimate.” As a result, it is now up to individual victim's families to request actual legal annulments. After Andulucía's request for an annulment in the...
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Spain and the World Cup

July 13, 2010

José Ignacio Torreblanca, writing for the Financial Times, assesses Spain's victory at the FIFA World Cup in light of the state of the country:

Rarely can sporting triumph have come as such a welcome distraction as World Cup victory has...
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The scandal of Francoist impunity

July 10, 2010

An hour-long radio debate on the impunity of Francoist repression and the possibilities of seeking of legal recourse, broadcast last month by Contratiempo. Featuring Emilio Silva, founding president of the Association for the Recuperation of Historical Memory, as well as three magistrates: Ramón Saéz Valcarcel, Ignacio Ubaldo González de la Vega, and José Miguel García...
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HRW: Fix immigration system now

July 10, 2010

Human Rights Watch has issued a report proposing "a framework for improving US immigration law that would give immigrant crime victims a chance to seek justice, protect workers, respect the private and family life of longtime residents, and provide fair treatment for immigrants who come before the courts." More here.
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Documentary on Canadians in SCW online

July 10, 2010
Documentary on Canadians in SCW online

Los Canadienses: Canadians in the Spanish Civil War, Albert Kish's hour-long documentary from 1975 on Canadian volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, is now viewable in six parts on YouTube.
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Belchite: 1937-2010

July 10, 2010
Belchite: 1937-2010

A photography project by Alex Burgaz at United Photo Press.
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Franco and Hitler

July 10, 2010
Franco and Hitler

Historian and novelist C.J. Sansom, author of the best-selling Winter in Madrid, reflects on the relationship between Adolf Hitler and Francisco Franco:

The issue of the relationship between Spain’s General Franco and Hitler has been a controversial one for many years.  The “conservative” view is that Franco’s dealings with the...
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Opera about the life of Miguel Hernández

July 10, 2010
Opera about the life of Miguel Hernández

At the University of Colorado this summer: The Autumn Orchard, an opera by J. Michael Martínez and Daniel Kellogg based on the life of the Spanish poet Miguel Hernández (1910-1942), who supported the Spanish Republic and died in a Francoist prison shortly after the end of the Civil War. Miguel Hernández's centenary is...
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Peruvian evidence in Garzón case

July 10, 2010
Peruvian evidence in Garzón case

Few people have done more than investigative magistrate Baltasar Garzón to connect issues of human rights and historical memory in Latin America with those in Spain. IPS reports that a Peruvian attorney, Ronald Gamarra, has  been called as a defense witness to present evidence supporting the claim that amnesty laws do not cover...
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Argentine Dirty War officers sent to prison

July 10, 2010
Argentine Dirty War officers sent to prison

A victory against impunity in Argentina. Almudena Calatrava reports for the AP:

Some of the most notorious figures of Argentina's “dirty war” were convicted Thursday of kidnapping, torturing and murdering 22 people at the beginning of the 1976-1983 military dictatorship when the country cracked down on leftist dissent. Family members of...
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