
Bernard Knox, SCW vet (1914-2010)

August 21, 2010
Bernard Knox, SCW vet (1914-2010)

Bernard Knox, renowned classicist and Spanish Civil War veteran, died this week, age 95. From the New York  Times obit:

An American born and raised in Britain, Bernard Knox led a life as richly textured as the classics he interpreted for modern readers. After studying classics at Cambridge, he fought with...
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Spanish writer calls for Oliver Law Street

August 21, 2010
Spanish writer calls for Oliver Law Street

In an op-ed for today's issue of Público, the writer Félix Población, inspired by a resolution adopted in June by the Friends and Family of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (FFALB), argues it is high time that Madrid names a street after Oliver Law, the Brigade's African American commander, who died in the summer...
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Franco’s 30,000 stolen babies

July 27, 2010

Read British journalist David Eade's article on recent revelations about illicit adoptions of babies by Francoist families:

In wider Spain during the Franco era it has been established that children were indeed taken from their parents without their knowledge and passed on to an adoptive family. It is reported Judge Baltasar...
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My Grandfather was in the International Brigades

July 27, 2010

An anonymous short story just posted on the Experience Project: He was from London and unemployed in the mid 1930’s and feeling ever more bolshevik by the day – so, he signed up to go to Spain and fight Franco and Hitler  – and that Mussolini person. … My grandfather worked in an engineering...
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Killing Franco, 1963

July 27, 2010

Ronan Bennett, writing in the Guardian to lament the demise of the UK Film Council, fondly recalls a recent documentary project based on the memoirs of Stuart Christie, the legendary Anarchist bookseller (with the world's best SCW film website), who in 1963 helped conspire to kill the victor of the...
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Museum honors Gilberto Bosques, Mexican diplomat

July 26, 2010
Museum honors Gilberto Bosques, Mexican diplomat

Gilberto Bosques (1892-1995), the Mexican diplomat who saved thousands of lives of anti-fascist European refugees in the wake of the Spanish Civil War and the outbreak of World War II, has been honored with the opening of his own museum in Puebla, La Jornada reports. Mexican president Lázaro Cárdenas appointed Bosques consul to...
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Granada commemorative plaques taken down

July 26, 2010

The Spanish labor party (PSOE) has denounced the removal of plaques commemorating the victims of executions from the walls of the cemetery of Granada, Europa Press reports. The plaques have been removed by the Granada city government, run by the conservative Partido Popular (PP),  The plaques had been put up a couple of days earlier, at...
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Pretender to French throne defends Franco

July 26, 2010

In an interview with a Spanish gossip magazine, Louis de Bourbon, the pretender to the French throne, defends the legacy of Francisco Franco, who also happens to be his great-grandfather, Expatica reports. More here (in Spanish).
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Tampa ALBA teachers institute concludes successfully

July 24, 2010

Yesterday marked the successful conclusion of ALBA’s second week-long high-school teachers institute in Tampa, Florida, led by Professors Fraser Ottanelli, Peter Carroll, and Roberto Alicea. (Brochure here.) Sherman Dorn, who has lent his expertise on state standards to help out with the institute,  reflects on his experience in his blog: We’ve had some wonderful...
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Maclean’s covers Garzón case

July 23, 2010
Maclean’s covers Garzón case

Maclean's, Canada's only weekly current affairs magazine, has a piece on Garzón this week, by Katie Engelhart:

But while he is now “opening wounds in his own country,” says Reed Brody of Human Rights Watch, Garzón has long been at the vanguard of international criminal prosecutions. “He’s a reference point...
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