
Rare Spanish art resurfaces in NYC adult movie house

October 27, 2010
Rare Spanish art resurfaces in NYC adult movie house

The Spanish Civil War and the defeat of the Republic, immediately followed by the outbreak of World War II, pushed hundreds of thousands of Republicans into exile. But the diaspora was not limited to people: archives, too, were dispersed (hence the "Mexican Suitcase")--and so were works of art. Picasso's monumental painting Guernica, the...
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Garzón: I’m already being convicted

October 26, 2010
Garzón: I’m already being convicted

In response to the brief presented last week outlining the third case against Judge Baltasar Garzón, this one related to alleged irregularities in Garzón's order for a wiretap of Valencian politicians involved in a corruption scandal (the subject of a recent editorial in El País), Garzón declared through his defense attorney that...
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Emilio Silva: Spain in violation of international law

October 26, 2010
Emilio Silva: Spain in violation of international law

"The State fails to comply with international law in order to protect privileges that generated during the dictatorship of which some Spanish social elites still take advantage," said Emilio Silva, the founder of the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH), in a chat session with readers of Público today. "The financial support for...
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Planeta Award goes to Civil War Novel

October 25, 2010
Planeta Award goes to Civil War Novel

The most prestigious literary award in Spain, the Planeta, went to Eduardo Mendoza’s latest novel, Riña de gatos. Madrid 1936 (Cat Fight; Madrid, 1936) on Oct. 15th, according to El País. Eduardo Mendoza competed against 508 other novelists, mostly from Spain and Latin America, to win the 601,000 euro prize. In his acceptance speech,...
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Silva on 10 years of exhumations

October 23, 2010
Silva on 10 years of exhumations

Today's El País Emilio Silva writes a combative op-ed to mark the 10-year anniversary of the day that volunteers began digging in Priaranza del Bierzo to look for the remains of his grandfather, executed during the Spanish Civil War. Soon after, Silva founded the Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica:

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Scots in Spain

October 23, 2010

The Edinburgh Anarchists have been kind enough to post a review essay on Scots volunteers in Spain, published last year by Stuart Christie (of Christie Books, which this blog has featured before) in the Scottish Review of Books:

A new and fascinating contribution to Scotland’s role in...
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Gail Dolgin, “Forever Activists” producer (1945-2010)

October 23, 2010
Gail Dolgin, “Forever Activists” producer (1945-2010)

Gail Dolgin, the associate producer of the Oscar-nominated documentary Forever Activists: Stories of Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, directed by ALBA board member Judy Montell, has died, the Oakland Tribune reports:

Dolgin was a longtime board member of the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival, a proposal reviewer for...
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IB commemorative plaque in Liverpool

October 23, 2010
IB commemorative plaque in Liverpool

The BBC reports:

A plaque with the names of those from Merseyside who lost their lives fighting in the Spanish Civil War has found a permanent home in Liverpool. The memorial, with the names of 27 local people, has been unveiled at the Unite building in Islington. The city's office block has...
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Fascism alive and well in Spain

October 23, 2010
Fascism alive and well in Spain

Alberto Bullrich, in the Comment Factory, writes that Spanish fascism is alive and well:

Falange Española de las J.O.N.S. ... is the euphemism used before, during and after the Spanish Civil war for the blueshirt Fascist party of Spain. It still exists as a group, organization or political ‘party’, whichever...
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Two ALBA board members on Spanish radio

October 23, 2010
Two ALBA board members on Spanish radio

James D. Fernández was interviewed on Spanish national radio about his exhibit on Spanish immigrants in New York, which has already attracted a lot of media attention. (October 13; listen here.) Sebastiaan Faber was interviewed on Radio Círculo Bellas Artes (Madrid) about Spanish historians' role in the debates about historical memory. (October 18;...
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