
Highlights from the ALBA site (2): Jewish volunteers

January 28, 2011
Highlights from the ALBA site (2): Jewish volunteers

The ALBA website features several full-fledged thematic introductions and lesson plans, such as this unit on Jewish volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, prepared by Peter N. Carroll, Fraser M. Ottanelli and Rajel Ibañes Sperber:

Jewish men and women accounted for over one fourth of all international volunteers and played a prominent...
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More on Franco’s “stolen children”

January 28, 2011

The AP's Daniel Woolls reports:

A Spanish association of people searching for lost children or parents filed a petition Thursday with the attorney general to investigate allegations that newborns were stolen from their mothers and sold to other families for decades, including as recently as the mid-1990s. The petition was signed by around...
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Allende’s death investigated

January 28, 2011
Allende’s death investigated

Pascale Bonnefoy reports for the NY Times:

A Chilean judge has opened the first official investigation into the death of former President Salvador Allende, the democratically elected Socialist who died during the 1973 military coup led by Gen. Augusto Pinochet. Mr. Allende, 65,...
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Highlights from the ALBA site (1): World War II Letters

January 27, 2011
Highlights from the ALBA site (1): World War II Letters

About a third of the 2,800 volunteers who left from the United States to help defend the Spanish Republic died in Spain. Of the survivors, many went on to fight fascism during World War II in the U.S. Armed Forces. An extensive selection of their letters home was published in 2006 as The...
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IB monuments worldwide

January 27, 2011
IB monuments worldwide

The Asociación de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales (AABI) has been gathering photographs of International Brigade monuments worldwide, from London, Amsterdam, and San Francisco to Belfast, Seattle, and Stockholm. Click here for an overview; send information on any missing monuments to the AABI at
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Statue of Liberty, Spanish Republic

January 27, 2011
Statue of Liberty, Spanish Republic

Spanish postage stamp from 1937 celebrating Spain/US relations.
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Strife in the Colonia: Pro-Franco Spaniards in Wartime New York (2)

January 26, 2011
Strife in the Colonia:  Pro-Franco Spaniards in Wartime New York (2)

Two images of political strife in Little Spain (West 14th St) during the Spanish Civil War.
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ALBA’s Peter Carroll to present Cartier-Bresson/SCW screening at SFMOMA

January 26, 2011

Tomorrow, Thursday Jan. 27th, ALBA's Peter N. Carroll will present the second set of Spanish Civil War screenings at the San Franciso Museum of Modern Art, including Le Retour (Cartier-Bresson, 1944-45, 33 min), The Spanish Earth (Ivens, 1937, 52 min), and Guernica (Resnais/Hessens, 1950, 13 min). Phyllis Wattis Theater, 7:00 p.m.  Made at the end of...
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Jack Edwards (1914-2011)

January 26, 2011
Jack Edwards (1914-2011)

Jim Jump writes with sad news:

I’m sorry to have to report that Jack Edwards, veteran of the battles of Jarama, Teruel and the Ebro and a cheerful and loyal friend to many people in the IBMT, died this morning (26 January 2011) in hospital in Telford at the age of...
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Strife in the Colonia: Pro-Franco Spaniards in Wartime New York (1)

January 25, 2011
Strife in the Colonia:  Pro-Franco Spaniards in Wartime New York (1)

As the war in Spain dragged on, divisions among the Spaniards in New York became more and more pronounced.  The pro-Republican paper “Frente Popular” regularly “outed” the city’s Spaniards who were pro-Franco or insufficiently pro-Republic. “Figures of the Spanish Colony of NY, who, because they are fascists are in part responsible for the horrible...
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