Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Garzón loses appeal

September 8, 2010
Garzón loses appeal

The Spanish Supreme Court announced yesterday that, at a session held in late July, it voted to reject the appeal filed by Judge Baltasar Garzón in his trial for prevaricación, or knowingly overstepping his judicial boundaries, and not to allow Garzón's defense to call on other judges as expert witnesses on crimes without statute...
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Bachelet: Historical memory is essential

September 6, 2010
Bachelet: Historical memory is essential

EFE reports that former Chilean president Michele Bachelet, visiting in Spain last week, defended the need for historical memory and, in particular, the way in which Chile has dealt with its repressive past through judicial means--notably different from Spain. In response to a question about the controversy surrounding Judge Garzón's attempt to open...
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El País covers “La Colonia” exhibit

September 5, 2010
El País covers “La Colonia” exhibit

This morning's issue of El País highlights the exhibit "La Colonia, Spanish Immigrants in New York, 1898-1945," curated by ALBA's  James D. Fernández and co-sponsored by ALBA and the K Juan Carlos I of Spain Center at NYU, opening September 17th at 6:15pm. Through some sixty family photographs and other objects, the show...
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TNR remembers SCW vet Bernard Knox

September 4, 2010
TNR remembers SCW vet Bernard Knox

A lengthy obituary by G.W. Bowersock in The New Republic:

Not far from Madrid he received a serious wound to his neck and right shoulder that brought him close to death. He later recalled that as the blood drained out of him he had felt full of rage that he was...
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Argentine court investigates Francoist killings

September 4, 2010

EITB reports:

A court in Argentina has reopened an investigation into killings committed during the Spanish Civil War and the early years of the Franco dictatorship, such as human rights groups and families of victims requested, court officials reported this week. The court overturned a previous...
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Garzón to appear in Segovia

September 4, 2010

On September 25th, as part of the Hay Festival in Segovia, judge Baltasar Garzón will be interviewed about developments in Universal Justice by Eduardo Martín de Pozuelos, who covers terrorism for La Vanguardia. More information here.
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Gabriel Jackson Interview Video

September 2, 2010

Gabriel Jackson spoke with Sebastiaan Faber in April 2010. See here for the written interview.
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Spanish Anarchism and historical memory

September 2, 2010
Spanish Anarchism and historical memory

At the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair, Kevin Doyle interviewed the young Spanish Anarchist Manuel García:

We are very involved with the movement to recover historical memory.  But not only in the sense of identifying the victims and what happened in this and that situation.  As anarchists we are also involved in order...
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Legendary journalist George Seldes on his career, SCW

September 2, 2010

The Film Archive(d) has posted the full 1983 TV debut of George Selden, in which the legendary journalist recounts his decades-long career, including his coverage of the Spanish Civil War:

Although George Seldes was one of the giants in the history of American journalism, particularly in the field of press...
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100 bodies recovered from SCW mass grave

August 31, 2010
100 bodies recovered from SCW mass grave

In one their largest projects so far, the Spanish anthropolist Francisco Etxeberria and the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory have concluded the exhumation of a mass grave at La Pedraja (province of Burgos) holding the bodies of more than 100 individuals executed by the rebel forces in the first month of the...
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