Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Teen comedy on Trotsky and SCW

November 11, 2010
Teen comedy on Trotsky and SCW

Waiting for Lefty reviews The Trotsky, a Canadian "teen comedy filled with references to the Spanish Civil War";

Leon Bronstein is not your average Montreal West high school student. For one thing, none of his peers can claim to be the reincarnation of early 20th century Soviet iconoclast and Red...
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Sting and Garzón at the Plaza de Mayo

November 11, 2010
Sting and Garzón at the Plaza de Mayo

This December, rock star Sting will perform a free concert at the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina, Momento 24 reports, accompanied by other luminaries including Judge Baltasar Garzón, to celebrate the International Day of Human Rights. More here.
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British HR group pays tribute to Robeson

November 11, 2010

RAPAR, a Manchester Human Rights organization, celebrated the life and activism of Paul Robeson yesterday.
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Clarence Kailin returns to Spain

November 9, 2010
Clarence Kailin returns to Spain

Clarence Kailin has returned to Spain. At a ceremony in Marça, near Tarragona,  his son John scattered the Vet's ashes near the monument to the International Brigades. Amy Goodman, anchor of Democracy Now! and recipient of ALBA's activist award, covered the news in her show yesterday (listen here).  See also an article by Jordi...
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Garzón: I did my duty

November 8, 2010
Garzón: I did my duty

In an interview with the Portuguese newspaper Público, Judge Baltasar Garzón, who last week spoke at the Estoril Film Festival, lamented the gradual abandonment of the principle of universal justice on the part of national governments (including Spain and the UK), and defended his 2008 decision to go ahead with the investigation of Francoist...
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Chris Brooks is indefatigable

November 7, 2010

ALBA Board Member Chris Brooks, whose work made possible the online database of Spanish Civil War volunteers who left from the U.S., continues to expand, correct, and fine-tune his massive amounts of  information. Follow him on his blog.
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Jarama Battle: Poem and clip

November 7, 2010
Jarama Battle: Poem and clip

Just posted to YouTube: A poem by the young IBer John Lepper; music by John Webster with Brindaband featuring flamenco guitarist Steve Homes. Watch and listen here.
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Tribute to Garzón at Estoril Film Festival

November 7, 2010
Tribute to Garzón at Estoril Film Festival

Judge Baltasar Garzón spoke at the Estoril Film Festival this week on of images and collective memory. In his honor, Chilean filmmaker Patricio Guzmán will be screening his documentaries El Caso Pinochet (The Pinochet Case) and his legendary, three-part epic La batalla de Chile (The Battle of Chile).
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Leonard Lopate on Mexican Suitcase Show

November 7, 2010
Leonard Lopate on Mexican Suitcase Show

Tune in to WNYC tomorrow, Monday November 8, at 12 noon (93.9FM and AM 820), for interviews with ICP curators Cynthia Young and Brian Wallis about the Spanish Civil War photography exhibit. More here. See also Mark Feeney's coverage of the show in the Boston Globe.
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Pope in Spain: It’s just like the 1930s

November 7, 2010

On a visit to Spain, Pope Benedict XVI issues surprisingly harsh criticism of the country's political direction, the AP reports:

On his way to Santiago, Benedict told reporters that the anticlericalism seen now in Spain was reminiscent of the 1930s, when the church suffered a wave of violence and persecution...
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