Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Moving tribute to Maynard Goldstein

March 10, 2011
Moving tribute to Maynard Goldstein

Anna Grau, New York correspondent to the Spanish newspaper ABC, has just published a moving tribute to Maynard Goldstein, the last surviving Lincoln veteran to fight in the battle of Jarama, who passed away in January:

It was inhumanely cold in New York some weeks ago when I went out into the...
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Paul Preston’s “The Spanish Holocaust”

March 8, 2011
Paul Preston’s “The Spanish Holocaust”

After a decade of research, Prof. Paul Preston at the London School of Economics has just finished writing The Spanish Holocaust, which tallies, narrates, and explains the tremendous cost in human lives and suffering of the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath. The book, which has already won a prize, will be out...
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Musical homage to the IB

March 7, 2011
Musical homage to the IB

Goodbye Barcelona, a musical by Karl Lewkowicz and Judith Johnson about the International Brigades,  is scheduled to open for a four-week run in London in November. A fund-raising reading of songs from the show was held in London on Friday 4 March;  speakers included historian Paul Preston, novelist Victoria Hislop and Lola Ruiz...
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SF Chronicle covers Spanish WikiLeaks angle

March 6, 2011

Today in the Chronicle, Bob Egelko reviews the ramifications of the WikiLeaks revelations regarding US pressure on foreign governments and judiciaries to block legal investigation of US officials, including the Guantánamo torture case opened by Baltasar Garzón:

The documents also quoted U.S. diplomats as urging Spain to transfer the case from Judge...
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Casanova on Spain vs. Chile

March 5, 2011
Casanova on Spain vs. Chile

ChristieBooks has just posted an English translation of Julián Casanova's op-ed in El País from last month, comparing Chile to Spain:

Pinochet learned a lot from Franco. ... The legacy of the crimes of the two dictatorships was tackled very differently in the two countries. In Spain, in the wake...
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Hitchens, Wisconsin & the Lincoln Brigade

March 4, 2011
Hitchens, Wisconsin & the Lincoln Brigade

"Don't mess with Wisconsin," Christopher Hitchens tells his Vanity Fair readers this week, recalling the state's solid progressive tradition:

To make a stop in Madison, either as author or speaker or both, used to be no ordinary part of a radical tour. You bumped up against a tradition that went back a...
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Garzón advises on ICC action against Qaddafi

March 3, 2011
Garzón advises on ICC action against Qaddafi

As the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, has announced an investigation of Qaddafi and his circle for possible crimes against humanity, El País reports that judge Baltasar Garzón, who has been working at the ICC since his suspension from Spain's criminal court last May, will serve as advisor...
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Australian Foreign Minister invokes Guernica over Libya

March 2, 2011
Australian Foreign Minister invokes Guernica over Libya

Calling for a no-fly zone over Libya, Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd said in a speech to the Human Rights Council in Geneva that "we should never forget Guernica," The Australian reports. "Guernica is known throughout the world for the bombing of the civilian population. We have seen evidence of that in Libya....
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Lori Berenson, free after 15 years in Peruvian prison

March 2, 2011
Lori Berenson, free after 15 years in Peruvian prison

This week's New York Times Magazine features an 8.300-word piece by Jennifer Egan on Lori Berenson, the US woman who served 15 years in a Peruvian prison for abetting a left-wing terrorist plot in Perú:

In 1980, when Lori was 11, three American nuns were murdered in El Salvador. “That stayed...
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BBC Radio: “The Last of the International Brigaders”

March 2, 2011
BBC Radio: “The Last of the International Brigaders”

An hour-long BBC radio program broadcast this past Sunday--with several new and many archival interviews, and the participation of Richard Baxell and Paul Preston-- can now be listened to online, here.
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