Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Franco’s lingering legacy

April 1, 2011
Franco’s lingering legacy

Jonathan Freedland writes in the Guardian on the Valle de los Caídos, Franco's monstrous monument, which continues to attract controversy:

Spain's socialist government understands the potency of Valle de los Caídos, or Valley of the Fallen. Indeed, much energy has been devoted to taming it. Since 2009, the site has been closed to general...
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Leica & Magnum: past, present, future

April 1, 2011
Leica & Magnum: past, present, future

The legendary camera factory and photography agency are teaming up for a series of multimedia essays, the first one of which

examines the legacy of Magnum photographers and Leica users from the Spanish Civil War to the present including Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Bruce Davidson, Elliot Erwitt, Constantine Manos, Susan Meiselas, Alex...
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Tremlett podcast on SCW literature

April 1, 2011

The Guardian's Giles Tremlett, author of Ghosts of Spain, asks Barcelona publishers, among other things,  why Spanish writers are still so obsessed with the legacy of the Spanish civil war. Listen to the podcast here.
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Former Argentine general gets life

April 1, 2011

The BBC reports:

Former Argentine Gen Eduardo Cabanillas has been sentenced to life in prison for running a notorious detention centre during military rule in 1976-83. Three former intelligence officers were also convicted of murder, torture and illegal imprisonment. Around 200 left-wing activists were kidnapped and taken to the Automotores Orletti secret prison...
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El País on Preston’s “Spanish Holocaust”

March 27, 2011
El País on Preston’s “Spanish Holocaust”

Tereixa Constenla has a lengthy piece in today's El Pais on Prof. Paul Preston's new bookThe Spanish Holocaust, which tallies, narrates, and explains the tremendous cost in human lives and suffering of the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath:

Lo averiguado hoy nada tiene que ver con la verdad oficial asentada...
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Garzón to work for OAS in Colombia

March 26, 2011

From Colombia Reports:

Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon will travel to Colombia to work as an advisor to the Organization of American States (OAS) on human rights issues in the country and to monitor the paramilitary demobilization process, El Tiempo reported Thursday. No date has been set for his arrival though his...
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Hemingway, Gellhorn, Ivens

March 26, 2011
Hemingway, Gellhorn, Ivens

Images have begun to appear in the media of the set of Philip Kaufman's new film on Ernest Hemingway and Martha Gellhorn. Rolling Stone published this photo taken earlier this week, showing Nicole Kidman (Gellhorn), Clive Owens (Hem), and Lars Ulrich, the drummer of Metallica, as the Dutch filmmaker Joris Ivens.
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More on Garzón in Strasbourg

March 26, 2011

The Associated Press covers the story:

In its suit filed with the European court, Interights reiterates the judge’s argument that these were crimes against humanity and that a case body of international law says such crimes have no statute of limitations and cannot be covered by amnesty, according to a spokeswoman for...
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Garzón challenges Spanish Supremes in European Court of Human Rights

March 25, 2011
Garzón challenges Spanish Supremes in European Court of Human Rights

Yesterday the Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzón brought a case to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg challenging the lawfulness of his criminal prosecution in Spain for having opened an investigation into serious crimes committed during the Franco era, following a request by families and representatives of victims of the regime,. The...
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Marjorie Cohn: Stop bombing Libya

March 23, 2011

Marjorie Cohn, who gave ALBA's annual Susman lecture last month, calls for the US to stop bombing Libya:

There is no doubt that Muammar Qaddafi has been brutally repressing Libyans in order to maintain his power. But the purpose of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security. The...
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