Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Max Aub’s Civil War in English

March 6, 2010
Max Aub’s Civil War in English

Max Aub was a novelist and playwright of remarkable originality who spent his live chronicling the conflict that had torn his country apart and catapulted him into exile. Almost forty years after his death, Verso has published Field of Honour, the first of Aub's 6-volume Civil War cycle.
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Mystery Photo: 
Gift to Obama Puts ALBA in the Spotlight

March 6, 2010
By and
Mystery Photo: 
Gift to Obama Puts ALBA in the Spotlight

Who is the young black International Brigadier in doughboy gear whose portrait the Spanish government hopes to give to Barack Obama? In November the Spanish press put out a worldwide call for help in identifying the man on this stunning photo by Agustí Centelles. It was a challenge we could not pass up....
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Posted in Features, Essays | 5 Comments »

The War Before the Lights Went Out: An Interview with Helen Graham

March 6, 2010
By and
The War Before the Lights Went Out: An Interview with Helen Graham

On a Sunday evening in January Helen Graham, one of the most prominent English-speaking historians of twentieth-century Spain today, sat down to discuss her life-long fascination with the war, Spain’s attempts at “recovering” its historical memory, and the skewed way in which the war is still viewed by many U.S. scholars and intellectuals.
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Posted in Features, Video, Interviews | 5 Comments »