search results for "watt award"

Letter from ALBA: Building Anti-Fascist Alliances Then and Now

February 17, 2023
By and
<em>Letter from ALBA:</em> Building Anti-Fascist Alliances Then and Now

The fight against fascism, in all its guises, has always required broad alliances: networks of people and organizations who realize that the threat to democracy is dangerous enough to warrant collective action, even if not everyone sees eye to eye on everything. This is why, two years after Hitler’s rise to power, the Popular...
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Peter Carroll: Tributes

May 20, 2022
Peter Carroll: Tributes

Tributes by Daniel Czitrom, Gladys and Neal Rosenstein, Helen Graham, Paul Preston, James D. Fernández, Ellyn Polshek, and Anthony Geist.
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Letter from ALBA: The Relevance of a Legacy

May 19, 2022
Letter from ALBA: The Relevance of a Legacy

Dear friends, As this issue goes to press, ALBA is wrapping up a busy, program-filled spring. A highlight, no doubt, was our online gala on April 30, which included the ALBA/Puffin Award for Life After Hate, along with stirring music and thought-provoking conversations about the relevance today of the legacy embodied by the International...
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Veterans Day

November 10, 2021

Many American veterans went on to serve in WWII and Korea.  This list is a work in progress. Those marked with an “*” were killed during the war. Office of Strategic Services Aalto, William Oliver WWII US Army, joined December 1941 served as 1st SGT transfer to OSS April 12, 1942; Dismissed after he...
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Letter from ALBA: Dispatch From the Trenches

November 6, 2021
By and
Letter from ALBA: Dispatch From the Trenches

Given the source of our inspiration, it’s perhaps no surprise that we’ve become used to war-based metaphors when speaking about our work.
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Letter from ALBA: About Anger, Hope–and Commitment

December 29, 2018
Letter from ALBA: About Anger, Hope–and Commitment

For those of us who think a lot about the 1930s, it’s hard to follow current events and not be reminded of the time when fascism began its rapid expansion.
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Minnesota volunteers in the Spanish Civil War

December 17, 2014
Minnesota volunteers in the Spanish Civil War

Snow flurries whipped through the freezing air as 22-year-old Clarence Forrester crunched his way through the snow from the Minneapolis Auditorium, thoughts of a much warmer land an ocean away crowding his mind. An hour earlier, he’d heard students from the University of Madrid plead the cause of the Spanish Republic in its war...
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Archaeology and memory in Spain

December 17, 2014
Archaeology and memory in Spain

Following the Spanish Civil War, the victorious dictator Francisco Franco used archaeology to legitimate his power as well as the official history of the war. Today, many Spanish people are working to change the official history to include those who the Franco regime erased or demonized. In modern times there has been a movement...
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Radical liberation: A road to the Spanish Civil War

December 4, 2011
Radical liberation: A road to the Spanish Civil War

The story of Thane Summers, a student at the University of Washington, provides a case study of one man’s road to the Spanish Civil War. Because he came from a middle class, white, native born, Christian family, Thane did not experience the social discrimination and political disenfranchisement common to many other Lincoln volunteers. He...
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Masculinity, sexuality & anti-clerical violence

December 4, 2011
Masculinity, sexuality & anti-clerical violence

This essay examines a crucial facet of violence against the clergy: the processes by which male identities, and popular ideas regarding priests’ sexuality and masculinity, influenced the forms and intensity of anticlerical violence. During the conflict, acts of violent anticlerical collective action were committed primarily by male workers. Although women did take part in...
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