search results for "children franco"

Untreated Memories: Franco’s Disappeared

March 13, 2015
Untreated Memories: Franco’s Disappeared

Some 114,000 Spaniards lay in unmarked mass graves strewn all over the Iberian Peninsula. Only Cambodia has more densely populated killing fields. These are not men and women killed at the front during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39); they are victims of systematic extrajudicial assassinations carried out by Francoist forces during and after that...
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Book Review: Teenagers fighting Franco

December 19, 2013
<em>Book Review:</em> Teenagers fighting Franco

Paso a la juventud. Movilización democrática, estalinismo y revolución en la República Española. By Sandra Souto Kustrín. (Valencia: PUV, Universitat de Valencia, 2013.)
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U.N. Urges Spain to Tell Truth about Franco’s Enforced Disappearances

November 22, 2013
U.N. Urges Spain to Tell Truth about Franco’s Enforced Disappearances

On November 6, the Spanish delegation to the United Nations said that it would not review the 1977 law which gave amnesty for political crimes committed during the civil war and General Francisco Franco's dictatorship.  According to Baltasar Garzon, at least 152,000 civilians living in territory controlled by Franco's Nationalist forces disappeared between...
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SPECIAL REPORT Argentine judge continues fight for victims of Franco

March 15, 2013
<em>SPECIAL REPORT</em> Argentine judge continues fight for victims of Franco

After more than seven decades of impunity, those who committed crimes during Francisco Franco’s dictatorship may finally have to face a judge. Spain has never lifted its 1977 amnesty law, which, unlike similar laws in Chile and Argentina, was passed by a democratically elected government. Claiming that the law was a crucial piece...
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Argentine judge investigates Franco crimes

January 5, 2012

IPS news reports:

This month, federal judge María Servini asked Spain for information on Spanish military officials, as part of a new investigation based on a lawsuit filed in April 2010 by human rights lawyers in Argentina in the name of relatives of victims of the...
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New Digital Archive of SCW and Francoism

March 4, 2011
New Digital Archive of SCW and Francoism

The Spanish Civil War Memory Project, an initiative of the University of California at San Diego in collaboration with several Spanish civic associations, seeks to build a digital Archive of the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist repression. Since the summer of 2007 several teams of graduate students have been recording audiovisual testimonies of...
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Argentine judge invokes universal justice to probe Spain’s Franco-era crimes

October 31, 2010

Giles Tremlett reports for the Guardian:

In a stark reversal of roles, an Argentine judge has taken a step towards opening the first comprehensive investigation into the human rights abuses of General Franco's dictatorship in Spain. Judge María Servini has asked Spain to declare whether its...
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Franco’s 30,000 stolen babies

July 27, 2010

Read British journalist David Eade's article on recent revelations about illicit adoptions of babies by Francoist families:

In wider Spain during the Franco era it has been established that children were indeed taken from their parents without their knowledge and passed on to an adoptive family. It is reported Judge Baltasar...
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Book Review: Ten Biographies by Richard Baxell

May 24, 2024
<em>Book Review:</em> Ten Biographies by Richard Baxell

Forged in Spain, by Richard Baxell. London: The Clapton Press, 2023. 412pp.
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Staging Death in Southern Spain: The 1936 Córdoba Miner Strike

May 24, 2024
Staging Death in Southern Spain: The 1936 Córdoba Miner Strike

As Patricia Schechter dug into her family’s history, she uncovered one of the untold stories of the Spanish labor movement: an Andalusian strike in early 1936 grounded in a rich legacy of disciplined pacifism and sturdy worker cooperatives. After the July 1936 military uprising that unleashed the Spanish Civil War, hundreds of men from...
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