search results for "garzon"

NY Times cover Franco’s victims case in Argentina

October 2, 2013
NY Times cover Franco’s victims case in Argentina

Raphael Minder, writing for the New York Times, highlights the recent indictments of former Francoist officials by the Argentine judge who, invoking universal jurisdiction, has taken up the case brought by victims of the Franco regime:

When the Argentine judge in the case, María Romilda Servini de Cubría, issued arrest...
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UN Working Group on Disappearances in Spain this week

September 22, 2013
UN Working Group on Disappearances in Spain this week

“The United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances will visit Spain from 23 to 30 September 2013,” according to a press release from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: During the official visit, the UN experts will examine the measures taken by Spain on issues related to the prevention and eradication...
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Truth Commission campaign releases new video

September 22, 2013
Truth Commission campaign releases new video

The Spanish Truth Commission Platform, a broad coalition of organizations that include the International Garzón Foundation and ALBA, has released a compelling new video to increase awareness about the lack of judicial support for the victims of Francoism.
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ALBA needs your commitment

September 14, 2013
By and
ALBA needs your commitment

Milton Wolff, last commander of the Abraham Lincoln battalion, marveled that it took him more years to write his memoir of the Spanish Civil War (Another Hill) than it took him to fight in it. For a “little war” (both in duration and scope) that war has had immense consequences and attracted immeasurable interest.
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Spaniards want truth on Franco’s crimes

September 14, 2013
Spaniards want truth on Franco’s crimes

A broad coalition of organizations, including both ALBA and Baltasar Garzón's new foundation, is calling for a commission to establish, once and for all, the truth about the crimes of Francoism. Will they be successful? And if they are, what can a truth commission actually accomplish?
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Review: War Comes to Andalusia

June 20, 2013
Review: War Comes to Andalusia

Skeletons in the Closet, Skeletons in the Ground: Repression, Victimization and Humiliation in a Small Andalusian Town. By Richard Barker. (London: Sussex Academic Press, 2012).
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Poetry and moral imagination: Luis García Montero

June 20, 2013
Poetry and moral imagination: Luis García Montero

Luis García Montero is one of Spain’s most prominent public intellectuals. A successful poet and frequent political columnist for the progressive online paper Público, he is also a leading figure in the United Left coalition (Izquierda Unida) and has been among the most vocal supporters of Judge Baltasar Garzón. Last year, he helped found...
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Franco, Nazi Collaborator

Franco, Nazi Collaborator

Francisco Franco, who ruled Spain until 1975, was obsessed with the notion of a powerful international conspiracy—led by Jews, Masons, Communists, and other “reds”— against the “new” Spain that emerged from his victory in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39. He referred to this plot in the very last speech he gave on October...
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SPECIAL REPORT Argentine judge continues fight for victims of Franco

March 15, 2013
<em>SPECIAL REPORT</em> Argentine judge continues fight for victims of Franco

After more than seven decades of impunity, those who committed crimes during Francisco Franco’s dictatorship may finally have to face a judge. Spain has never lifted its 1977 amnesty law, which, unlike similar laws in Chile and Argentina, was passed by a democratically elected government. Claiming that the law was a crucial piece...
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Undocumented and Unafraid: DREAMers tapped for Human Rights Award

March 15, 2013
Undocumented and Unafraid: DREAMers tapped for Human Rights Award

United We Dream, the national network of youth-led immigrant activist organizations that fight for the rights of millions of undocumented immigrants in the United States, has been selected as winner of the 2013 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism. The United We Dream Network (UWD) will receive the award at ALBA’s annual event...
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